idou老師教你學Istio 27:解讀Mixer Report流程
1.1 核心功能
1.2 示例圖
2.1 Report程式碼分析
本節主要介紹Report的詳細流程(基於Istio release1.0.0版本,commit id為3a136c90)。Report是mixer server的一個接
口,供Envoy透過grpc呼叫。首先,我們從mixer server的啟動入口main函式看起:
func main() { rootCmd := cmd.GetRootCmd(os.Args[1:], supportedTemplates(), supportedAdapters(), shared.Printf, shared. Fatalf) if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil { os.Exit(-1) } }
在rootCmd中,mixs透過server命令啟動了mixer server,從而觸發了runserver函式,在runserver中初始化(New)了一
rootCmd.AddCommand(serverCmd(info, adapters, printf, fatalf)) func serverCmd(info map[string]template.Info, adapters []adapter.InfoFn, printf, fatalf shared.FormatFn) * cobra. Command { sa := server.DefaultArgs() sa.Templates = info sa.Adapters = adapters serverCmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "server", Short: "Starts Mixer as a server", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { runServer(sa, printf, fatalf) }, }… … } func newServer(a *Args, p *patchTable) (*Server, error) { grpc.EnableTracing = a.EnableGRPCTracing s.server = grpc.NewServer(grpcOptions...) mixerpb.RegisterMixerServer(s.server, api.NewGRPCServer(s.dispatcher,, s.checkCache)) }
func (s *grpcServer) Report(ctx context.Context, req *mixerpb.ReportRequest) (*mixerpb.ReportResponse, error) { lg.Debugf("Report (Count: %d)", len(req.Attributes)) // 校驗attribute是否為空,空則直接return if len(req.Attributes) == 0 { return reportResp, nil } // 若屬性word為空,賦為預設值 for i := 0; i < len(req.Attributes); i++ { iflen(req.Attributes[i].Words) == 0 { req.Attributes[i].Words = req.DefaultWords } } // 根據第一條attribute,生成proto包,proto包能跟蹤一組attributes protoBag := attribute.NewProtoBag(&req.Attributes[0], s.globalDict, s.globalWordList) // 初始化,開始跟蹤attributes各個條目中屬性 accumBag := attribute.GetMutableBag(protoBag) // 儲存accumBag的增量狀態 reportBag := attribute.GetMutableBag(accumBag) reportSpan, reportCtx := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "Report") reporter := s.dispatcher.GetReporter(reportCtx) var errors *multierror.Error for i := 0; i < len(req.Attributes); i++ { span, newctx := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(reportCtx, fmt.Sprintf("attribute bag %d", i)) // 第一個屬性已經在建立proto包時建立,在此追蹤所有attributes if i > 0 { if err := accumBag.UpdateBagFromProto(&req.Attributes[i], s.globalWordList); err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("request could not be processed due to invalid attributes: %v", err) span.LogFields(otlog.String("error", err.Error())) span.Finish() errors = multierror.Append(errors, err) break } } lg.Debug("Dispatching Preprocess") // 真正開始分發,預處理階段 if err := s.dispatcher.Preprocess(newctx, accumBag, reportBag); err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("preprocessing attributes failed: %v", err) span.LogFields(otlog.String("error", err.Error())) span.Finish() errors = multierror.Append(errors, err) continue } lg.Debug("Dispatching to main adapters after running preprocessors") lg.Debuga("Attribute Bag: \n", reportBag) lg.Debugf("Dispatching Report %d out of %d", i+1, len(req.Attributes)) // 真正開始分發,將資料逐步加入到快取中 if err := reporter.Report(reportBag); err != nil { span.LogFields(otlog.String("error", err.Error())) span.Finish() errors = multierror.Append(errors, err) continue } span.Finish() // purge the effect of the Preprocess call so that the next time through everything is clean reportBag.Reset() } reportBag.Done() accumBag.Done() protoBag.Done() // 真正的傳送函式,從快取中取出併傳送到adaptor if err := reporter.Flush(); err != nil { errors = multierror.Append(errors, err) } reporter.Done() if errors != nil { reportSpan.LogFields(otlog.String("error", errors.Error())) } reportSpan.Finish() if errors != nil { lg.Errora("Report failed:", errors.Error()) return nil, grpc.Errorf(codes.Unknown, errors.Error()) } // 過程結束 return reportResp, nil }
func (d *Impl) Preprocess(ctx context.Context, bag attribute.Bag, responseBag *attribute.MutableBag) error { s := d.getSession(ctx, tpb.TEMPLATE_VARIETY_ATTRIBUTE_GENERATOR, bag) s.responseBag = responseBag err := s.dispatch() if err == nil { err = s.err } … … } func (r *reporter) Report(bag attribute.Bag) error { s := r.impl.getSession(r.ctx, tpb.TEMPLATE_VARIETY_REPORT, bag) s.reportStates = r.states err := s.dispatch() if err == nil { err = s.err } … … }
var instance interface{} if instance, err = input.Builder(s.bag); err != nil { log.Errorf("error creating instance: destination='%v', error='%v'", destination.FriendlyName, err) s.err = multierror.Append(s.err, err) continue } type NamedBuilder struct { InstanceShortName string Builder template.InstanceBuilderFn } InstanceBuilderFn func(attrs attribute.Bag) (interface{}, error) CreateInstanceBuilder: func(instanceName string, param proto.Message, expb *compiled.ExpressionBuilder) (template.InstanceBuilderFn, error) // For report templates, accumulate instances as much as possible before commencing dispatch. if s.variety == tpb.TEMPLATE_VARIETY_REPORT { state.instances = append(state.instances, instance) continue }
func (r *reporter) Flush() error { s := r.impl.getSession(r.ctx, tpb.TEMPLATE_VARIETY_REPORT, nil) s.reportStates = r.states s.dispatchBufferedReports() err := s.err … … } func (s *session) dispatchBufferedReports() { // Ensure that we can run dispatches to all destinations in parallel. s.ensureParallelism(len(s.reportStates)) // dispatch the buffered dispatchStates we've got for k, v := range s.reportStates { s.dispatchToHandler(v) delete(s.reportStates, k) } s.waitForDispatched() } func (s *session) dispatchToHandler(ds *dispatchState) { s.activeDispatches++ ds.session = s, nil) } case tpb.TEMPLATE_VARIETY_REPORT: ds.err = ds.destination.Template.DispatchReport( ctx, ds.destination.Handler, ds.instances) type TemplateInfo struct { Name string Variety tpb.TemplateVariety DispatchReport template.DispatchReportFn DispatchCheck template.DispatchCheckFn DispatchQuota template.DispatchQuotaFn DispatchGenAttrs template.DispatchGenerateAttributesFn } DispatchReport: func(ctx context.Context, handler adapter.Handler, inst []interface{}) error { // Convert the instances from the generic []interface{}, to their specialized type. instances := make([]*metric.Instance, len(inst)) for i, instance := range inst { instances[i] = instance.(*metric.Instance) } // Invoke the handler. if err := handler.(metric.Handler).HandleMetric(ctx, instances); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to report all values: %v", err) } return nil }
2.2 相關結構體定義
// Used to report telemetry after performing one or more actions. type ReportRequest struct { // 代表一個請求中的屬性 // 每個attribute代表一個請求動作,多個動作可彙總在一條message中以提高效率 //雖然每個“屬性”訊息在語義上被視為與訊息中的其他屬性無關的獨立獨立實體,但此訊息格式利用屬性訊息之間 的增量編碼,以便大幅減少請求大小並改進端到端 效率。 每組單獨的屬性用於修改前一組。 這消除了在單個請求中 多次冗餘地傳送相同屬性的需要。 // 如果客戶端上報時不想使用增量編碼,可全量的傳送所有屬性. Attributes []CompressedAttributes `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=attributes" json:"attributes"` // 所有屬性的預設訊息級字典. // 這使得可以為該請求中的所有屬性共享相同的字典,這可以大大減少整體請求大小 DefaultWords []string `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=default_words,json=defaultWords" json:"default_words, omitempty"` // 全域性字典的詞條數,可檢測客戶端與服務端之間的全域性字典是否同步 GlobalWordCount uint32 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=global_word_count,json=globalWordCount,proto3" json: "global_word_count,omitempty"` }
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