NestedScrollView+RecyclerView 滑動卡頓簡單解決方案
在給RecyclerView設定layoutManager 的時候設定幾個引數,我附上原始碼的解釋,引數的意思我也大概的翻譯一下,意思差不多,方便大家理解
LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this);
* When smooth scrollbar is enabled, the position and size of the scrollbar thumb is computed
* based on the number of visible pixels in the visible items. This however assumes that all
* list items have similar or equal widths or heights (depending on list orientation).
* If you use a list in which items have different dimensions, the scrollbar will change
* appearance as the user scrolls through the list. To avoid this issue, you need to disable
* this property.
/**Defines whether the layout should be measured by the RecyclerView or the LayoutManager
* wants to handle the layout measurements itself.
//@param hasFixedSize true if adapter changes cannot affect the size of the RecyclerView.
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