Oracle 12.2之後補丁RU RUR概要
從 2017 年 7 月開始,Oracle 對資料庫和 GI(Grid Infrastructure) 12.2 及之後版本的主動修補程式進行了更改。Oracle 從 12.2 版本開始補丁不在使用 PSU、SPU 的稱呼了, 取而代之的為 RU (Release Updates) 和 RUR (Release Update Revisions)
Example 1:
source - 18.2.2 <<<<< sum of second and third fields is "4"
destination - 18.5.0 <<<<< sum of second and third fields is "5"
conclusion: destination "5" is greater than or equal to source "4" so it is OK to move
Example 2:
source - 18.2.2 <<<<< sum of second and third fields is "4"
destination - 18.3.0 <<<<< sum of second and third fields is "3"
conclusion: destination "3" is less than source "4" so a patch application error is issued
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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