Question: 我認為對待社會生活環境的正確態度是:
Imply when facing Non-Beneficial or Neutral Social Environment:
* 生活環境如何, 都要努力奮鬥,無愧一生
* 儘量利用生活環境的有利因素髮展自己
* 遇到不良社會生活環境,下決心脫離, 主動選擇去更好的
* 主動的 改造生活環境的不良因素,使生活環境變好
Any changes imply :
- Time, Uncertainty, Efforts,
- Risks, Investment, Costs.
* 被迫的或被動的 使自己適應周圍的社會生活環境
What's Social Environment?
- 人為部分: 由幕後的"社會", "組織", "人" 的思想、行為與關係組成。
- 非人為部分:歷史、文化、政治體制和階段、...。
A Number of dimensions
- Subjective dimensions:
- Objective dimensions:
- Wether you can make a design or a change:
- Irrational Aspects:
Ideal, Beliefs, Faith, Religious, - Rational Aspects :
- Materialism
- Science Principles
- Science Theories
- Long-term: Relationship
- Short-term: Transaction
- History
- Culture
- IR: International Relationship
- Policy + Guidance
- Organizational Relationship
- Interest Relationship
How to interact with those Social Environment ?
Lifetime Excellence:
If you aimming better life & better society & better world ?
Occasional Choices:
If you can choose one better kind of Social Environment ?
Active Attitude:
if you can and are going to chang the outside Social Environment ?
Passive Attitude:
if you are willing to change yourself ?