SAP Errors described – from 61-21 to 61-227
Error: 61-21
: 61-210
- Desc: Planning calendar is blocked. Display only
- Internal: 27242
SAP Error: 61-211
- Desc: Sales order is blocked for single-item planning
- Internal: 27243
SAP Error: 61-212
- Desc: An order quantity of 0 is not allowed
- Internal: 27244
SAP Error: 61-213
- Desc: Material is blocked from planning with scenario
- Internal: 27245
SAP Error: 61-214
- Desc: Planning run for scenario is plant has already started
- Internal: 27246
SAP Error: 61-215
- Desc: Contract uses storage location
- Internal: 27247
SAP Error: 61-216
- Desc: Stge loc. does not correspond to the stge loc. of the scheduling agmt
- Internal: 27248
SAP Error: 61-217
- Desc: No documents exist
- Internal: 27249
SAP Error: 61-218
- Desc: Materials to be parallel and follow-up mat.are deactivated
- Internal: 27250
SAP Error: 61-219
- Desc: Inserting is not possible in the discontinue/follow-up procedure
- Internal: 27251
SAP Error: 61-22
- Desc: Documents exist (indicator cannot be set)
- Internal: 27252
SAP Error: 61-220
- Desc: The sum of the usage probabilitites is
- Internal: 27253
SAP Error: 61-221
- Desc: Material’s assembly scrap is
- Internal: 27254
SAP Error: 61-222
- Desc: Time interpr.only poss.when using period lot size with planning calendar
- Internal: 27255
SAP Error: 61-223
- Desc: Do not maintain time interpretation and scheduling together
- Internal: 27256
SAP Error: 61-224
- Desc: Multi-level discontinuation not supported
- Internal: 27257
SAP Error: 61-225
- Desc: Conversion between units of measure / for material not possible
- Internal: 27258
SAP Error: 61-226
- Desc: Quantity overflow for componentin BOM explosion
- Internal: 27259
SAP Error: 61-227
- Desc: Error: non-stock component with in-house production is recursive
- Internal: 27260
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