XJ/SF flotation machine
XJ/SF flotation machine instructions:
XJ/SF flotation machine is used to separate non-ferrous metals, ferrous metals, precious metals, non-metallic minerals and chemical raw materials, recycle the useful minerals. The device has the following characteristics: the giant inspiratory volume, low power consumption. Each slot has three features, that’s inhale, absorb the pulp and flotation. It’s automatic flotation circuit, there is no need of any auxiliary equipment. The configuration is horizontal, which can ease the changes of process. Slurry circulation is reasonable, it can reduce the coarse sand deposits to the greatest degree. With pulp surface-controlled device, it’s convenient to adjust.
Structural features:
1, An impeller is equipped with a backward-type double-sided blade, thus the double-loop of the pulp in tank can be realized
2, There is a larger space between the impeller and the cover plate, and so the inspiratory is giant.
3, The impeller circumferential velocity is low, so the wearing parts’ life span is long.
4, The tank is forward-style, the dead angles are small, and the bubble velocity is fast.
Function al Features:
Raise the exquisite article by 4-6%
Raise the recovery rate by 8%
Raise a yield by 12%
Company Name: Henan Zhengzhou Mining Machinery Co., Ltd.
Official Website:
24-hour Free Sales Consulting Phone : 861-0371 -5590 2866 .
Company Address: Qiaolou caizhai industrial estate, Xingyang city, Henan Province
Please pay attention to the company's other products:
Rotary Kiln:
Preheater: /products/992.html
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