AIX: 'GGS ERROR 190 ... : Received Signal: OMVS Shutdown (33).' [ID 969596.1]
AIX: 'GGS ERROR 190 ... : Received Signal: OMVS Shutdown (33).' [ID 969596.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
GoldenGate process on AIX stops with the following message:
GGS ERROR 190 GoldenGate Collector: Received signal: OMVS Shutdown (33).
Solution Overview:
This message means that AIX had a system-wide paging problem, which it reported to the GoldenGate component, in this case the Collector process. The AIX system sent an unexpected UNIX SIGDANGER signal to the Collector process. Solution Details:Current GoldenGate versions are aware of this UNIX signal only at shutdown of a z/OS UNIX System Services (OMVS) environment. However, AIX sends SIGDANGER before an imminent system failure that is caused by a shortage of free paging-space pages.
GoldenGate components will terminate on receiving the signal (Number 33). This action may or may not resolve the paging problem temporarily. It depends upon the amount of memory that the GoldenGate component and other AIX programs were using at the time.
The AIX vmtune command parameter, w (npswarn), specifies the number of free paging-space pages at which AIX begins sending the SIGDANGER signal to processes. The default value is 512. So you may have had less than 512 free pages left in your paging-space. The root user can execute vmtune with /usr/samples/kernel/vmtune.
Analyze and increase the size of the paging space for your current AIX workload.
When running GoldenGate Extract under AIX, you should ensure that the AIX paging space always contains at least 'npwarn' more pages than the sum of all of the GoldenGate TRANSMEMORY RAM parameters (plus the size of the program).
AIX 5L Version 5.x Performance Management Guide
Applies to:
Oracle GoldenGate - Version: 4.0.0 - Release: 4.0.0Information in this document applies to any platform.
Issue:GoldenGate process on AIX stops with the following message:
GGS ERROR 190 GoldenGate Collector: Received signal: OMVS Shutdown (33).
Solution Overview:
This message means that AIX had a system-wide paging problem, which it reported to the GoldenGate component, in this case the Collector process. The AIX system sent an unexpected UNIX SIGDANGER signal to the Collector process. Solution Details:Current GoldenGate versions are aware of this UNIX signal only at shutdown of a z/OS UNIX System Services (OMVS) environment. However, AIX sends SIGDANGER before an imminent system failure that is caused by a shortage of free paging-space pages.
GoldenGate components will terminate on receiving the signal (Number 33). This action may or may not resolve the paging problem temporarily. It depends upon the amount of memory that the GoldenGate component and other AIX programs were using at the time.
The AIX vmtune command parameter, w (npswarn), specifies the number of free paging-space pages at which AIX begins sending the SIGDANGER signal to processes. The default value is 512. So you may have had less than 512 free pages left in your paging-space. The root user can execute vmtune with /usr/samples/kernel/vmtune.
Analyze and increase the size of the paging space for your current AIX workload.
When running GoldenGate Extract under AIX, you should ensure that the AIX paging space always contains at least 'npwarn' more pages than the sum of all of the GoldenGate TRANSMEMORY RAM parameters (plus the size of the program).
AIX 5L Version 5.x Performance Management Guide
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