Table of content
- Microsoft software
- Standalone OLAP Clients
- Excel Add-Ins
- Thin clients
- Office
- Processing
- Metadata scripters
- Local Cubes
- Management
- Documentation
- Collections
- Applications which use MS OLAP
- Other
Microsoft software
- Microsoft Analysis Services
- Microsoft Excel PivotTables
- Microsoft Office Web Components (OWC)
- Microsoft Office Excel Add-in for SQL Server Analysis Services
- Microsoft Data Analyzer
- Microsoft Office Business Scorecard Manager
- Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
- SQL Server Accelerator for Business Intelligence
- Microsoft Business Intelligence Portal by Tomer Ben-Moshe
- Visual Studio .NET Web Control for Business Intelligence
- Microsoft XML for Analysis SDK
- Business Scorecards Accelerator
- OLAP Manager Add-In Kit
- DSO/XML conversion utility
- OLAPScribe - A utility for documenting Analysis Services database
- Analysis Services Parallel Processing Utility (PPU) v3 by Dave Wickert.
Code Samples
- ASP.NET CellSetGrid control using ADOMD.NET by Richard Tkachuk
- OLAP Services: Web Browser Sample
- SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence Metadata Samples Toolkit
- Updated Samples for SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3
- Reporting Services 2000 - OLAP Sample Report
- Demos and Templates for SQL Server Accelerator for BI (manufacturing vertical kit, financial services vertical kit)
Whitepapers & Reviews
- Designing Reports with the Microsoft® Excel Add-in for SQL Server Analysis Services
- Office Business Scorecards Accelerator – the ultimate marriage of business and intellgence.
Standalone OLAP Clients
Analysis Tools- Panorama NovaView BI Platform
- Proclarity
- TemTec Executive Viewer
- Cognos PowerPlay -
- BusinessObjects -
- Crystal Analysis and Reports -
- MIS onVision -
- Arcplan inSight and dynaSight
- SoftPro Manager -
- SPSS Olap Hub Information Intelligence Platform -
- Targit Analysis -
- Databeacon -
- Visual Spreadsheet -
- Q4bis -
- Hummingbird -
- Vista -
- DeltaMaster -
- Strategy Analyzer -
- USoft -
BPM applications
- Geac MPC (former Comshare)
- CIP Executive Suite
- OutlookSoft EAP
- SysPro Business Analytics
- CALUMO - Performance Management
Query, Reporting
- WebAnalyst -
- DWExplorer -
- DataJungle Matrix -
- WebFOCUS - http://www.informationbuilders.com/products/webfocus/
- Intelligencia -
- ZAP.BI Suite -
- DS Panel -
- Cubularity Knowledge Platform - http://www.cubularity.com
- IQub Browser -
- PolyVista -
- Analyzer Project -
- XMLABrowser and Report Portal
- OLAP Insider -
- IntelliBrowser -
- OLAP X -
- UniViz Analytics -
- REX -
- Sapience -
- Pivot-View -
- SwiftView -
- EBlocks -
- ChartFX -
- SnowflakeNET -
- CellSetGrid (Beta) -
- Dundas -
- Omnsys Power Gauge -
Excel Add-Ins
- Microsoft Office Excel Add-in for SQL Server Analysis Services
- XLCubed http://www.xlcubed.com
- IntelligentApps
- MIS Plain
- Visual OLAP
- OLAP NaviGo
- Panorama NovaView Excel
- CALUMO - For Excel
Code Samples
- Extending Excel OLAP Functionality
- Excel XP Add-ins - Sample code for add-ins in Excel XP by Tom Conlon as shown in TechEd presentations
- Excel VBA driven applet that executes MDX queries and places results on a worksheet - By Tom Chester
- Nigel Pendse's review in OLAP Report
- Microsoft Analysis Services + Full Function Excel Add-Ins. The Perfect Combination - whitepaper by Nigel Pendse
- John Keeley's reviews
Thin Clients
- OLAP Services: Web Browser Sample
- - Analysis Services Thin Web Client Browser by Richard Tkachuk
- by Mosaic Interactive
- ThinSlicer and ThinSlicer.NET - by Richard Lees
- IntraSight
- Visual Studio .NET Web Control for Business Intelligence
- XMLA Browser by XMLA Consulting Inc
- ASP.NET controls
- Using Microsoft Office XP as a BI Client
- Code Walkthrough: Data Drillthrough from the OWC PivotTable Component
- Distributing Enterprise Data via XML with SQL Server 2000 and Excel 2002
- Exploring Microsoft Data Analyzer Programmability
- Using the Microsoft Data Analyzer ActiveX Control in Web Pages
- Max3API Library VBA Code Sample Reference for Microsoft Data Analyzer
- MdhInterfacesLib Library VBA Code Sample Reference for Microsoft Data Analyzer
- MapPoint 2002 OLAP Wizard Add-in - This MapPoint 2002 COM add-in allows you to perform queries on OLAP cube files and create data maps from the query results
- Portfolio Analyzer OLAP Extensions
- Conditional Cell Coloring
- Drillthrough sample
- Actions sample
- Analysis Services Parallel Processing Utility (PPU) v3 by Dave Wickert. This utility allows you to process Analysis Services objects (cubes, partitions and dimensions) in parallel. Complete source (VB6) is included. This updates the version that was shipped with the SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit.
- by Darren Green - This is small ActiveX DLL which Darren Green has written to help with processing OLAP Cubes & Dimensions. This can be used from VB, ActiveX Script, T-SQL or ASP. by Greg Steinkuhler - This program is yet another tool to process OLAP Dimensions and Cubes. Is is the one that is used here at Microsoft ITG. This utility can be used with the AT command as well.
- by Michael Yocca - This is a simple utility for processing an OLAP database. The advantage to using this utility is the fact that it can be launched anywhere including a SQL Job, task scheduler, AT command, DOS batch file etc. -->
Metadata scripters
- OLAPWebhouse XMLBuilder
- - Meta Data Scripter
- The DSO/XML Conversion Utility is designed to convert Decision Support Objects (DSO) metadata and objects to/from XML. The DSO object model is an API for creating/modifying Analysis Services objects and this tool is a mechanism for building XML-based “scripts” based on Analysis Services objects. These scripts form a robust data definition language (DDL) for Analysis Services.
- XML Builder - - XML Builder is a fully packaged product that comes with the following features:
- An MS Analysis Services Wizard to script MS OLAP Structure or create structure from saved scripts
- A DTS Custom Task to easily deploy and automate the creation or edition of MS OLAP Structures from XML scripts
- A standalone dll, that you can extend or simply put in your custom developments
- A command line utility
- A Retro-documentation utility
Local cubes
- Rubik
- www.localcubetask.com - The Local Cube Task automates the creation of local cube files. You can create local cubes with different subsets of server cube data. You can create different local cubes for different users. Because it is integrated with DTS, the process of creating up-to-date local cube files becomes a regular part of loading the data mart. You can schedule the creation of local cubes with the Local Cube Task while working with the OLAP Client Manager inside of the Analysis Manager.
- Gestio AppManager for AS -
- OLAPScribe - A utility for documenting Analysis Services database
- Cube Documentation Tool - By . Works with Excel 2000 and Excel XP, must enable macros, requires DSO (126k)
Migration from Essbase
- CubePort -
- Analysis Services Thin Web Client Browser
- Catalog Explorer
- Meta Data Scripter
- Distinct Count UDF
- UDF Library
- XML OLAP meta-data import/export utility
- Automated generation of *.XLS, *.GIF, *.HTM or *.TXT files based on the results of an MDX query.
- Web site
- - Utility to disable levels of dimensions in a virtual cube
- - Sets up table-driven cell level security
- - Converts a hierarchy file in a tree format to a parent-child format
- Internet Traffic Analyzing System
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