AIX5.3安裝 ORACLE 10.2 RAC 執行root.sh出現lsdb: Cannot allocate memory of size 0 錯誤的解決方法
在aix 5.3作業系統上安裝Oracle 10.2 RAC的時候,安裝到CRS最後,執行root.sh的時候,出現如下錯誤:
# ./ WARNING: directory '/oracle/crs' is not owned by root WARNING: directory '/oracle' is not owned by root Checking to see if Oracle CRS stack is already configured Checking to see if any 9i GSD is up /oracle/crs/bin/lsdb: Cannot allocate memory of size 0 9i GSD is running on node ''. Stop the GSD and rerun |
[@more@]Applies to: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to IBM AIX Based Systems (64-bit) IBM RS 6000 AIX 5L HACMP 5.4 and above. Symptoms was run. Output of shows below message: Checking if group services should be configured.... ODMDIR=/etc/objrepos, isSP= 0, isHACMP= 0 Nothing to configure. No /opt/ORCLcluster/ directory created as part of Later on when we run, It throws below errors: # ./ WARNING: directory '/oracle/product' is not owned by root WARNING: directory '/oracle' is not owned by root Checking to see if Oracle CRS stack is already configured Checking to see if any 9i GSD is up /oracle/product/crs/bin/lsdb: Cannot allocate memory of size 0 9i GSD is running on node ''. Stop the GSD and rerun Cause In HACMP 5.4 one the system libraries being used by Oracle to determine if it is HACMP or not is moved to another location. New version of requires to be run. Solution - To resolve this problem, please Apply Patch 6718715 |
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