Enterprise Structure Configuration
1 Edit, Copy, Delete, Check Company Code(公司程式碼)(T001)
The company code is an organizational unit used in accounting. It is used to structure the business organization from a financial accounting perspective.
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Financial Accounting -> Define, copy, delete, check Company Code
2 Define Credit Control Area(信貸控制範圍)(T014)
The credit control area is an organizational unit that specifies and checks a credit limit for customers.A credit control area can include one or more company codes. It is not possible to assign a company code to more than one control control area. Within a credit control area, the credit limits must be specified in the same currency.
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Financial Accounting-> Define Credit Control Area
3 Maintaining Sales Organization(銷售組織)(TVKO)
Sales Organization is an organizational unit responsible for the sale of certain products or services.
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Sales and Distribution -> Define, copy, delete, check Sales organization
4 Assigning Sales Organization to Company Code(給銷售組織分配公司程式碼n->1)(TVKO~BUKRS)
This assignment ensures all the sales made through this Sales Organization are accounted for in the assigned Company Code (Company Code is created by FI Consultant).
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Assign Sales Organization to Company Code
5 Maintaining Distribution Channel(銷售渠道)(TVTW)
Distribution Channel is the way, in which Products or Services reach Customers.
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Sales and Distribution -> Define, copy, delete, check distribution channel
6 Assigning Distribution Channel to Sales Organization(銷售渠道分配給銷售組織 1->n)(TVKOV)
This assignment ensures, a Sales Organization can supply Materials to Customers through this Distribution Channel.
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution > Assign distribution channel to sales organization
7 Maintaining Division(部門/產品線)(TSPA)
Division is a way of grouping materials, products, or services.
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistics - General -> Define, copy, delete, check division
8 Assigning Division to Sales Organization(部門/產品線分配給銷售組織 1->n)(TVKOS)
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Assign division to sales organization
9 Setting up Sales Area(銷售範圍)(TVTA)
All the sales are made from a particular sales Area. For creating a Sales Order Sales Area is compulsory.
IMG ->Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Set up sales area
10 Assign sales area to credit control area(為銷售範圍指定信貸控制範圍 n->1)(TVTA~KKBER)
IMG ->Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Assign sales area to credit control area
11 Maintain sales office(銷售辦公室)(TVBUR)
you define the sales offices in your company. The definition of sales offices is optional.
You assign a sales office to one or more sales areas.
A sales office can be divided into several vendor groups.
You can assign colleagues to a sales office.
A sales office has an address.
All items in a sales document belong to a sales office.
The items in a delivery or an invoice can belong to different sales offices.
The sales office acts as a selection criterion for lists of sales documents.
For each sales office, you can determine the printer for output based on the sales documents in different ways
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Sales and Distribution -> Maintain Sales Office
12 Assign sales office to sales area(銷售辦公室分配給銷售範圍 n -> n)(TVKBZ)
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Assign sales Office to Sales Area
13 Maintain sales Group(銷售組)(TVKGR)
company. The definition of sales groups is optional. You can use the SD system without creating sales groups.
14 Assign sales group to sales office(銷售組分配給銷售辦公室 n -> n)(TVBVK)
you can assign as many sales groups as desired to the sales offices. Any one sales group can belong to several sales offices.
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Assign sales group to sales office
15 Define, copy, delete, check plant(工廠)(T001W)
Plant is created by MM Consultant.
The plant plays an important role in the following areas:
material valuation
inventory management
plant maintenance
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistics - General -> Define, copy, delete, check plant
15 Assign plant to company code (工廠)(T001K n->1)
Plant is created by MM Consultant.
The plant plays an important role in the following areas:
material valuation
inventory management
plant maintenance
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Logistics - General -> Assign plant to company code
17 Assigning Sales Organization- Distribution Channel- Plant(給銷售組織渠道分配工廠)(TVKWZ n->n)
Plant is created by MM Consultant.
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Sales and Distribution -> Assign sales organization - distribution channel - plant
18 Define Shipping Points(起運點)(TVST)
Shipping Point is the Organizational element, which is responsible for shipping the Materials to the Customers. you can allocate as many shipping points as desired to the plants. Any one shipping point can belong to several plants.
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistics Execution -> Define, copy, delete, check shipping point
19 Assigning Shipping Point to Plant(給工廠分配起運點 n->n)(TVSWZ)(OVXC)
This assignment ensures that goods from different Plant can be dispatched from different Shipping Points.
IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Logistics Execution -> Assign shipping point to plant
Note: Ensure to do the under mentioned configuration also though it is not in Customizing node of Enterprise Structure.
20 Maintain storage location(倉儲地點)(T001L)
Plant is created by MM Consultant.
A storage location is the place where stock is physically kept within a plant.Storage locations are always created for a plant.
IMG -> Enterprise Structure ->Definition -> Material Management -> Maintain Storage location.
21 Define Shipping Conditions(運送條件)(TVSB)
Plant is created by MM Consultant.
A storage location is the place where stock is physically kept within a plant.Storage locations are always created for a plant.
IMG -> Logistics Execution ->Shipping -> Shipping Point and Goods Receiving Point Determination ->Define Shipping Conditions.
22 Shipping point determine(確定發運點OVL2)(V_TVSTZ)
Plant is created by MM Consultant.
A storage location is the place where stock is physically kept within a plant.Storage locations are always created for a plant.
IMG -> Logistics Execution ->Shipping -> Shipping Point and Goods Receiving Point Determination ->Assign SHipping Points.
23 Storage Location determine(揀配地點確認OVL3)(V_TVKOL)
Plant is created by MM Consultant.
A storage location is the place where stock is physically kept within a plant.Storage locations are always created for a plant.
IMG -> Logistics Execution ->Shipping -> Picking ->Determine Picking Location->Assign Picking Locations.
24 Defining Common Distribution Channels for Master Data Use(按分銷組織渠道定義共用資料)(TVKOV-VKWKO TVKOV~VTWKU)
The purpose of this activity is to define distribution channels which have common master data..
Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu -> Sales and Distribution -> Master Data -> Define Common Distribution Channels
Transaction Code: VOR1
25 Defining Common Divisions for Master DataUse(按組織分銷產品組定義共用資料)(TVKOS-SPAKO TVKOS~SPAKU)
The purpose of this activity is to define distribution channels which have common master data..
Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
IMG Menu -> Sales and Distribution -> Master Data -> Define Common Division
Transaction Code: VOR2
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