Migrating to a Server Parameter File
If you are currently using a text initialization parameter file, use the following steps to
migrate to a server parameter file.
1. If the initialization parameter file is located on a client machine, transfer the file
(for example, FTP) from the client machine to the server machine.
2. Create a server parameter file using the CREATE SPFILE statement. This
statement reads the initialization parameter file to create a server parameter file.
The database does not have to be started to issue a CREATE SPFILE statement.
3. Start up the instance using the newly created server parameter file.[@more@]
migrate to a server parameter file.
1. If the initialization parameter file is located on a client machine, transfer the file
(for example, FTP) from the client machine to the server machine.
2. Create a server parameter file using the CREATE SPFILE statement. This
statement reads the initialization parameter file to create a server parameter file.
The database does not have to be started to issue a CREATE SPFILE statement.
3. Start up the instance using the newly created server parameter file.[@more@]
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/10599713/viewspace-1002554/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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