parameter hj8828vip installed Oracle h518vip on


After adding this parameter,  At present, 123013 is installed on the source side of SQL Server2008_ ggs_ Windows_ X64_ MSSQL_ 64bit_ CDC. After zip, the extraction process seems unable to support

After adding this parameter, the extraction process cannot be started, and the prompt is unrecognized:


2019-12-15T16:08:43.594+0800 ERROR OGG-10151 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for SQL Server, EXTA. prm: (EXTA.prm) line 6: Parsing error, parameter [tranlogoptions] has unrecognized keyword or extra value "managesecondarytruncationpoint".2019-12-15T16:08:43.594+0800 ERROR OGG-01668 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for SQL Server, EXTA. prm: PROCESS ABENDING.

How to solve this problem? If this parameter is not supported, what other parameters can be selected?

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