Local Connections and Secure Remote Connections (36)
You can connect to Oracle Database as a privileged user over a local connection or a
secure remote connection in two ways:
■ If the database has a password file and you have been granted the SYSDBA or
SYSOPER system privilege, then you can connect and be authenticated by a
password file.
■ If the server is not using a password file, or if you have not been granted SYSDBA
or SYSOPER privileges and are therefore not in the password file, you can use
operating system authentication. On most operating systems, authentication for
database administrators involves placing the operating system username of the
database administrator in a special group, generically referred to as OSDBA. Users
in that group are granted SYSDBA privileges. A similar group, OSOPER, is used to
grant SYSOPER privileges to users.
1. 如果資料庫使用密碼檔案且使用者被賦予sysdba許可權或者sysoper許可權 , 那麼就能以密碼認證
2. 如果伺服器沒有使用密碼檔案或者沒有被賦予sysdba或sysoper的許可權 , 可使用作業系統認證
在大多的作業系統中 , 都是將作業系統使用者加入一個特殊的組 : osdba
3. windows中該兩組分別為ora_dba , ora_oper
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/10599713/viewspace-995027/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- does not support SSL connections
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