Tasks of a Database Administrator : Plan the Database (9)


As the database administrator, you must plan:
■ The logical storage structure of the database
■ The overall database design
■ A backup strategy for the database
It is important to plan how the logical storage structure of the database will affect
system performance and various database management operations. For example,
before creating any tablespaces for your database, you should know how many
datafiles will make up the tablespace, what type of information will be stored in each
tablespace, and on which disk drives the datafiles will be physically stored. When
planning the overall logical storage of the database structure, take into account the
effects that this structure will have when the database is actually created and running.
Consider how the logical storage structure of the database will affect:
■ The performance of the computer executing running Oracle Database
■ The performance of the database during data access operations
■ The efficiency of backup and recovery procedures for the database
Plan the relational design of the database objects and the storage characteristics for
each of these objects. By planning the relationship between each object and its physical
storage before creating it, you can directly affect the performance of the database as a
unit. Be sure to plan for the growth of the database.
In distributed database environments, this planning stage is extremely important. The
physical location of frequently accessed data dramatically affects application
During the planning stage, develop a backup strategy for the database. You can alter
the logical storage structure or design of the database to improve backup efficiency.
It is beyond the scope of this book to discuss relational and distributed database
design. If you are not familiar with such design issues, please refer to accepted
industry-standard documentation.

資料庫管理員職責之 : 計劃資料庫
1. 資料庫的邏輯儲存結構 : 影響資料庫的系統效能和資料庫管理操作
2. 全面的資料庫設計
3. 資料庫的備份策略

1. 執行Oracle資料庫主機的效能
2. 資料操作時的效能
3. 備份與恢復資料庫程式的效率


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