Oracle 預設埠列表
下表包含了Oracle不同產品的預設埠,例如Oracle Database,Oracle Application Server的預設埠。
Service | Port | Product | How to change |
Oracle HTTP Server listen port / Oracle HTTP Server port | 80 | Oracle Application Server | Edit httpd.conf and restart OHS |
Oracle Internet Directory(non-SSL) | 389 | Oracle Application Server | |
Oracle HTTP Server SSL port | 443 | Oracle Application Server | Edit httpd.conf and restart OHS |
Oracle Internet Directory(SSL) | 636 | Oracle Application Server | |
Oracle Net Listener / Enterprise Manager Repository port | 1521 | Oracle Application Server / Oracle Database | Edit listener.ora and restart listener |
Oracle Net Listener | 1526 | Oracle Database | Edit listener.ora and restart listener |
Oracle Names | 1575 | Oracle Database | Edit names.ora and restart names server |
Oracle Connection Manager (CMAN) | 1630 | Oracle Connection Manager | Edit cman.ora and restart Connection Manager |
Oracle JDBC for Rdb Thin Server | 1701 | Oracle Rdb | |
Oracle Intelligent Agent | 1748 | Oracle Application Server | snmp_rw.ora |
Oracle Intelligent Agent | 1754 | Oracle Application Server | snmp_rw.ora |
Oracle Intelligent Agent | 1808 | Oracle Application Server | snmp_rw.ora |
Oracle Intelligent Agent | 1809 | Oracle Application Server | snmp_rw.ora |
Enterprise Manager Servlet port SSL | 1810 | Oracle Enterprise Manager | |
Oracle Connection Manager Admin (CMAN) | 1830 | Oracle Connection Manager (CMAN) | Edit cman.ora and restart Connection Manager |
Enterprise ManagerAgent port | 1831 | Oracle Enterprise Manager | |
Enterprise Manager RMI port | 1850 | Oracle Enterprise Manager | |
Oracle XMLDB FTP Port | 2100 | Oracle Database | change dbms_xdb.cfg_update |
Oracle GIOP IIOP | 2481 | Oracle Database | Edit listener.ora/init.ora and restart listener/database |
Oracle GIOP IIOP for SSL | 2482 | Oracle Database | Edit listener.ora/init.ora and restart listener/database |
Oracle OC4J RMI | 3201 | Oracle Application Server | |
Oracle OC4J AJP | 3301 | Oracle Application Server | |
Enterprise Manager Reporting port | 3339 | Oracle Application Server | Edit oem_webstage/oem.conf and restart OHS |
Oracle OC4J IIOP | 3401 | Oracle Application Server | |
Oracle OC4J IIOPS1 | 3501 | Oracle Application Server | |
Oracle OC4J IIOPS2 | 3601 | Oracle Application Server | |
Oracle OC4J JMS | 3701 | Oracle Application Server | |
Oracle9iAS Web Cache Admin port | 4000 | Oracle Application Server | Webcache Admin GUI or webcache.xml |
Oracle9iAS Web Cache Invalidation port | 4001 | Oracle Application Server | Webcache Admin GUI or webcache.xml |
Oracle9iAS Web Cache Statistics port | 4002 | Oracle Application Server | Webcache Admin GUI or webcache.xml |
Oracle Internet Directory(SSL) | 4031 | Oracle Application Server | |
Oracle Internet Directory(non-SSL) | 4032 | Oracle Application Server | |
OracleAS Certificate Authority (OCA) - Server Authentication | 4400 | Oracle Application Server | |
OracleAS Certificate Authority (OCA) - Mutual Authentication | 4401 | Oracle Application Server | |
Oracle HTTP Server SSL port | 4443 | Oracle Application Server | Edit httpd.conf and restart OHS |
Oracle9iAS Web Cache HTTP Listen(SSL) port | 4444 | Oracle Application Server | Webcache Admin GUI or webcache.xml |
Oracle TimesTen | 4662 | Oracle TimesTen | |
Oracle TimesTen | 4758 | Oracle TimesTen | |
Oracle TimesTen | 4759 | Oracle TimesTen | |
Oracle TimesTen | 4761 | Oracle TimesTen | |
Oracle TimesTen | 4764 | Oracle TimesTen | |
Oracle TimesTen | 4766 | Oracle TimesTen | |
Oracle TimesTen | 4767 | Oracle TimesTen | |
Oracle Enterprise Manager Web Console | 5500 | Oracle Enterprise Manager Web | |
iSQLPlus 10g | 5560 | Oracle i*SQLPlus | |
iSQLPlus 10g | 5580 | Oracle i*SQLPlus RMI Port | |
Oracle Notification Service request port | 6003 | Oracle Application Server | |
Oracle Notification Service local port | 6100 | Oracle Application Server | |
Oracle Notification Service remote port | 6200 | Oracle Application Server | |
Oracle9iAS Clickstream Collector Agent | 6668 | Oracle Application Server | |
Java Object Cache port | 7000 | Oracle Application Server | |
DCM Java Object Cache port | 7100 | Oracle Application Server | |
Oracle HTTP Server Diagnostic Port | 7200 | Oracle Application Server | |
Oracle HTTP Server Port Tunneling | 7501 | Oracle Application Server | |
Oracle HTTP Server listen port / Oracle HTTP Server port | 7777 | Oracle Application Server | Edit httpd.conf and restart OHS |
Oracle9iAS Web Cache HTTP Listen(non-SSL) port | 7779 | Oracle Application Server | Webcache Admin GUI or webcache.xml |
Oracle HTTP Server Jserv port | 8007 | Oracle Application Server | |
Oracle XMLDB HTTP port | 8080 | Oracle Database | change dbms_xdb.cfg_update |
OC4J Forms / Reports Instance | 8888 | Oracle Developer Suite | |
OC4J Forms / Reports Instance | 8889 | Oracle Developer Suite | |
Oracle Forms Server 6 / 6i | 9000 | Oracle Application Server | |
Oracle SOAP Server | 9998 | Oracle Application Server | |
OS Agent | 14000 | Oracle Application Server | |
Oracle Times Ten | 15000 | Oracle Times Ten | |
Oracle Times Ten | 15002 | Oracle Times Ten | |
Oracle Times Ten | 15004 | Oracle Times Ten | |
Log Loader | 44000 | Oracle Enterprise Manager |
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