Types of Processes (108)


The processes in an Oracle system can be categorized into two major groups:

User processes run the application or Oracle tool code.

Oracle processes run the Oracle database server code. They include server

processes and background processes.

The process structure varies for different Oracle configurations, depending on the

operating system and the choice of Oracle options. The code for connected users can

be configured as a dedicated server or a shared server.

With dedicated server, for each user, the database application is run by a different

process (a user process) than the one that runs the Oracle database server code (a

dedicated server process).

With shared server, the database application is run by a different process (a user

process) than the one that runs the Oracle database server code. Each server process

that runs Oracle database server code (a shared server process) can serve multiple

user processes.


1. 使用者程式執行應用程式或者Oracle工具程式碼

2. 執行資料庫服務程式碼的程式 , 包括伺服器程式和後臺程式

3. 專有模式下 , Oracle為每一個連線分配一個服務程式 , 共享模式下 , 則可共享[@more@]

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