SP2-00027: Input is too long (> 2499 characters) - line ignored
參考Metalink: Doc ID: Note:115005.1 [@more@]SP2-00027: Input is too long (> 2499 characters) - line ignored
Problem Description
You are trying to run a SQL query or script from an output file from a vendor
package called SQLBacktrack. The file has a SQL statement that is extremely
long (in this case thousands of lines long and each row has thousands of
characters) and you get the following error:
SP2-0027: input is too long (> 2499 characters) - line ignored
This fails with the same error from either SQL*Plus or Server Manager.
Solution Description
Open the file in a text editor and then resave the file as a different file
type. In Microsoft Word, you click on File, Save As, then select file type
'text only with line breaks' and save the file. Once this is done, you can
successfully run the script from SQL*Plus or Server Manager.
The output file that comes directly from SQLBacktrack doesnot have the proper
type of carriage returns that SQL*Plus or Server Manager recognizes. As a
result, the SQL statement is read by SQL*Plus or Server Manager as being all on
one line and you get the above error message. Once you save the file as 'text
only with line breaks' it reformats the carriage returns in the file so that
SQL*Plus or Server Manager can recognize it and run the statement successfully.
Additional Search Words
SQLBackTrack sp2-27
Problem Description
You are trying to run a SQL query or script from an output file from a vendor
package called SQLBacktrack. The file has a SQL statement that is extremely
long (in this case thousands of lines long and each row has thousands of
characters) and you get the following error:
SP2-0027: input is too long (> 2499 characters) - line ignored
This fails with the same error from either SQL*Plus or Server Manager.
Solution Description
Open the file in a text editor and then resave the file as a different file
type. In Microsoft Word, you click on File, Save As, then select file type
'text only with line breaks' and save the file. Once this is done, you can
successfully run the script from SQL*Plus or Server Manager.
The output file that comes directly from SQLBacktrack doesnot have the proper
type of carriage returns that SQL*Plus or Server Manager recognizes. As a
result, the SQL statement is read by SQL*Plus or Server Manager as being all on
one line and you get the above error message. Once you save the file as 'text
only with line breaks' it reformats the carriage returns in the file so that
SQL*Plus or Server Manager can recognize it and run the statement successfully.
Additional Search Words
SQLBackTrack sp2-27
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/7318139/viewspace-926753/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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