
作者簡介:William G. Smillie系IBM公司業務諮詢服務部門學習與知識集團的合夥人。IBM業務諮詢服務部門的總部座落於美國紐約州阿蒙克市,是一家全球範圍的諮詢機構,它擁有超過40000名專業諮詢人員。Smillie的職責主要包括思想領導和最優方法的創新工作,用以改善工程與專案管理的績效。



首先,我們必須管理專案干係人的承諾。回報越高,需要改變的現狀就越多,或者幾乎是要重新定義從the status quo。人和組織具有一種抗拒變革的天性,所以,根據專案的總體管理策略來幫助設計並執行變革的計劃就成了我們的工作,然而,這些管理層的支持者卻依靠我們來建議如何開展變革的計劃並且有效反饋進展。在很多情況下,如果我們不把管理者變成變革執行團隊的組成部分的話,我們同樣無法完成這項工作。






      IBM Combines Technology With Best Practices


William G. Smillie is a partner in the Learning & Knowledge group of IBM’s Business Consulting Services, a worldwide consultancy of more than 40,000 professionals based in Armonk, N.Y., USA. Smillie’s responsibilities include thought leadership and best practice initiatives to enhance performance in program and project management.

The stakes are getting higher in program and project management. It is becoming increasingly common for companies to initiate programs or large projects designed to drive business transformation. Executives and share holder boards are realizing the combination of technology and best practice processes can generate huge competitive benefits. In fact, in IBM’s Business Consulting Services practice, we find that our clients won’t invest in projects unless there is clear and compelling business case to do so.

In the past, more traditional projects typically focused on implementations within existing circumstances and operations. However, this newer trend toward business transformation challenges project managers in new ways. We now must shepherd significant organizational change processes and deliver on the value proposition. To live up to this challenge, project managers must increase competencies in at least three significant areas.

First, we must manage stakeholder commitment. The bigger the payback, the more things need to change – almost by definition – from the status quo. People and organizations tend to resist change, so it is our job, than, to help design and execute this program of change according to the overall management strategies of our projects. We cannot do it without the leader ship of executive sponsors, but those same sponsors count on us to advise them on how to proceed and to provide feedback on progress against these plans, In many cases, we cannot do it without change management professionals as an integral part of our team.

Next, we must realize business benefits. The more things need to change, the greater our challenge to achieve the desired business performance. The business benefit often is less about technology features and more about new ways of working and managing business outcomes. In resolving issues and recommending actions, we must be consultants to the business leaders. We must keep the project’s eyes and mind on the business case that drove the project launch in the first place and manage project results that support the business objectives.

Last, We must communicate effectively at the executive and board levels. The degree of project sponsorship must accord with the extent of the payback. Status reports for today’s business transformation projects often can be the stuff of boardroom agendas. At the very least, our monthly progress meetings are likely to be held on the executive floor. Our ability to communicate at the executive level will affect the timeliness and quality of the decisions our projects need to stay on track. And it’s not always happy news that we bring to our sponsors. Our job is to tell them what they need to know, not necessarily what they want to hear, and get them to make or endorse the tough decisions.

How, then, should one go about building competencies in these areas? One important action IBM Business Consulting Services has taken is to adopt a simple but powerful language to discuss these critical issues. Called the “Seven Keys to Success,” it provides a universal framework for understanding critical program or project health issues and for taking the necessary corrective actions.

The Seven Keys gets right to the heart of these three challenges. The first two of the Seven Keys, “Stakeholders Are Committed” and “Business Benefits Will Be Realized,” immediately focus attention on these issues. For senior-level communication, this language is highly effective with business executives across a variety of companies and geographies.

Business transformation is happening to our companies, and therefore, it’s “happening” to us as professionals. This trend demands that we sharpen our skills and re-equip our personal toolkit. Those who master these skills will become leaders in their companies and leaders in their professions.[@more@]

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