Sybase資料庫日誌過大導致不能啟動(轉)[@more@] 問:有個問題問一下,關於SYBASE的:我開啟資料庫總是提醒:cannot open transaction log file-----cannot use log file "hms2000.log" since it is shorter than experted。我直接刪除了日誌,也不能正常啟動,說找不到檔案。
I. 10/09 09:58:38. Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere Network Server Version
I. 10/09 09:58:38. This software contains confidential and trade secret information of I. 10/09 09:58:38. Sybase, Inc. Use, duplication or disclosure of the software and I. 10/09 09:58:38. documentation by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions set forth I. 10/09 09:58:38. in a license agreement between the Government and Sybase, Inc. or other I. 10/09 09:58:38. written agreement specifying the Government's rights to use the software I. 10/09 09:58:38. and any applicable FAR provisions, for example, FAR 52.227-19. I. 10/09 09:58:38. I. 10/09 09:58:38. Copyright 1989-2000 Sybase, Inc. All rights reserved. I. 10/09 09:58:38. All unpublished rights reserved. I. 10/09 09:58:38. I. 10/09 09:58:38. Sybase, Inc. 6475 Christie Avenue, Emeryville, CA 94608, USA I. 10/09 09:58:38. Networked Seat (per-seat) model. Access to the server is limited to 99 seat(s). I. 10/09 09:58:38. This server is licensed to: I. 10/09 09:58:38. lb I. 10/09 09:58:38. I. 10/09 09:58:38. 10240K of memory used for caching I. 10/09 09:58:38. Minimum cache size: 10240K, maximum cache size: 230848K I. 10/09 09:58:38. Using a maximum page size of 1024 bytes I. 10/09 09:58:38. Starting database "XXXXXXX" (C:Program Filessybase資料伺服器XXXXXXX.db) at Sun Oct 09 2005 09:58 I. 10/09 09:58:38. Database recovery in progress I. 10/09 09:58:38. Last checkpoint at Sat Oct 08 2005 19:15 I. 10/09 09:58:38. Checkpoint log... I. 10/09 09:59:03. Transaction log: XXXXXXX.LOG... E. 10/09 09:59:03. Error: Cannot open transaction log file -- Can't use log file "XXXXXXX.LOG" since it is shorter than expected I. 10/09 09:59:03. Error: Cannot open transaction log file -- Can't use log file "XXXXXXX.LOG" since it is shorter than expected E. 10/09 09:59:03. Cannot open transaction log file -- Can't use log file "XXXXXXX.LOG" since it is shorter than expected I. 10/09 09:59:04. Database server stopped at Sun Oct 09 2005 09:59 I. 10/09 10:58:33. Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere Network Server Version I. 10/09 10:58:33. This software contains confidential and trade secret information of I. 10/09 10:58:33. Sybase, Inc. Use, duplication or disclosure of the software and I. 10/09 10:58:33. documentation by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions set forth I. 10/09 10:58:33. in a license agreement between the Government and Sybase, Inc. or other I. 10/09 10:58:33. written agreement specifying the Government's rights to use the software I. 10/09 10:58:33. and any applicable FAR provisions, for example, FAR 52.227-19. I. 10/09 10:58:33. I. 10/09 10:58:33. Copyright 1989-2000 Sybase, Inc. All rights reserved. I. 10/09 10:58:33. All unpublished rights reserved. I. 10/09 10:58:33. I. 10/09 10:58:33. Sybase, Inc. 6475 Christie Avenue, Emeryville, CA 94608, USA I. 10/09 10:58:33. Networked Seat (per-seat) model. Access to the server is limited to 99 seat(s). I. 10/09 10:58:33. This server is licensed to: I. 10/09 10:58:33. lb I. 10/09 10:58:33. I. 10/09 10:58:33. 10240K of memory used for caching I. 10/09 10:58:33. Minimum cache size: 10240K, maximum cache size: 230848K I. 10/09 10:58:33. Using a maximum page size of 1024 bytes I. 10/09 10:58:33. Starting database "XXXXXXX" (C:Program Filessybase資料伺服器XXXXXXX.db) at Sun Oct 09 2005 10:58 I. 10/09 10:58:33. Database recovery in progress I. 10/09 10:58:33. Last checkpoint at Sat Oct 08 2005 19:15 I. 10/09 10:58:33. Checkpoint log... I. 10/09 10:58:55. Transaction log: XXXXXXX.LOG... E. 10/09 10:58:55. Error: Cannot open transaction log file -- Can't use log file "XXXXXXX.LOG" since it is shorter than expected I. 10/09 10:58:55. Error: Cannot open transaction log file -- Can't use log file "XXXXXXX.LOG" since it is shorter than expected E. 10/09 10:58:55. Cannot open transaction log file -- Can't use log file "XXXXXXX.LOG" since it is shorter than expected I. 10/09 10:58:57. Database server stopped at Sun Oct 09 2005 10:58 來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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