SAP UI5載入時的library-preload.json檔案
library-preload.json檔案的作用,在Jerry的部落格 How I do self-study on a given Fiori control – part 1裡有介紹:
In productive use, for performance reasons, all controls of a library are also available in the library-preload.json file, which is loaded initially (and can be loaded asynchronously). It contains each control/module as a string, which is then parsed into JavaScript on demand. So this avoids many HTTP requests and thus improves performance.
以上文字來自SAP UI5開發人員:Kunz Andreas:
在productive使用場景下,處於效能考慮,一個SAP UI5應用的單個library裡包含的所有控制元件實現會被打包成單個的檔案library-preload.json中去,可以在SAP UI5應用bootstrap階段載入或者按需進行非同步載入。Library-preload.json以字串的格式包含了每個control/module的實現,可以被解析成JavaScript物件在SAP UI5框架裡使用。這種打包成單個庫檔案然後載入的方式,減少了HTTP請求的數量,提高了效能。
上圖是按照Jerry文章 一個用於SAP UI5學習的腳手架應用,沒有任何後臺API的依賴裡介紹的方法,開發了一個只包含button控制元件的最簡單的SAP UI5應用,載入之後在Chrome開發者工具裡觀察到的網路請求,其中包含四個library-preload.js的載入:
- https:// /resources/sap/ui/core/library-preload.js
- https:// /resources/sap/ui/commons/library-preload.js
- https:// /resources/sap/ui/layout/library-preload.js
- https:// /resources/sap/ui/unified/library-preload.js
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