

鎖是防止在兩個事務操作同一個資料來源(表或行)時互動破壞資料的一種機制。Oracle採用封鎖技術保證併發操作的可序列性。Oracle的鎖分為兩大類:資料鎖(也稱DML鎖)和字典鎖。字典鎖是Oracle DBMS內部用於對字典表的封鎖。字典鎖包括語法分析鎖和DDL鎖,由DBMS在必要的時候自動加鎖和釋放鎖,使用者無機控制。

Oracle主要提供了5種資料鎖:共享鎖(Share Table Lock,簡稱S鎖)、排它鎖(Exclusive Table Lock,簡稱X鎖)、行級鎖(Row Share Table Lock,簡稱RS鎖)、行級排它鎖(Row Exclusive Table Lock,簡稱RX鎖)和共享行級排它鎖(Share Row Exclusive Table Lock,簡稱SRX鎖)。其封鎖粒度包括行級和表級。



1.1. 更新丟失

1)   建立測試表

SYS@ORA11GR2>create table t_lock as select rownum as id,0 as type from dual connect by rownum <=3;


Table created.


SYS@ORA11GR2>select * from t_lock;


        ID       TYPE

---------- ----------

         1          0

         2          0

         3          0


2)   會話1:查詢type0的最小id

SYS@ORA11GR2>set time on;

18:58:22 SYS@ORA11GR2>

18:58:23 SYS@ORA11GR2>select min(id) from t_lock where type=0;






3)   會話2:查詢type0的最小id

SYS@ORA11GR2>set time on

18:59:31 SYS@ORA11GR2>select min(id) from t_lock where type=0;






4)   會話1:將ID1的這條記錄的type置為1

19:00:53 SYS@ORA11GR2>update t_lock set type=1 where id=1;

1 row updated.


19:01:21 SYS@ORA11GR2>commit;


Commit complete.


19:01:37 SYS@ORA11GR2>select * from t_lock;


        ID       TYPE

---------- ----------

         1          1

         2          0

         3          0


5)   會話2:將ID1的這條記錄的type置為2

19:02:47 SYS@ORA11GR2>update t_lock set type=2 where id=1;


1 row updated.


19:03:11 SYS@ORA11GR2>commit;


Commit complete.


19:03:17 SYS@ORA11GR2>select * from t_lock;


        ID       TYPE

---------- ----------

         1          2

         2          0

         3          0


19:03:32 SYS@ORA11GR2>

6)   小結:


1.2. 悲觀鎖

1)   會話1查詢id2的記錄並進行鎖定

19:05:43 SYS@ORA11GR2>select * from t_lock where id=2 and type =0 for update nowait;


        ID       TYPE

---------- ----------

         2          0


2)   會話2:查詢id2的記錄,此時查詢報錯

19:07:43 SYS@ORA11GR2>select * from t_lock where id=2 and type=0 for update nowait;

select * from t_lock where id=2 and type=0 for update nowait


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired


3)   會話1:對id2的記錄進行更新。

19:19:08 SYS@ORA11GR2>update t_lock set type=1 where id=2 and type=0;


1 row updated.


19:19:30 SYS@ORA11GR2>commit;


Commit complete.


19:19:39 SYS@ORA11GR2>select * from t_lock where id=2;


        ID       TYPE

---------- ----------

         2          1


4)   會話2查詢id2的記錄,由於已經將id2type已經變為1,所以查不到資料了。

19:19:15 SYS@ORA11GR2>select * from t_lock where id=2 and type=0 for update nowait;


no rows selected



1)   會話1:查詢id3的偽列ora_rowscn的值

19:22:00 SYS@ORA11GR2>select id,type,ora_rowscn from t_lock where id = 3;


        ID       TYPE ORA_ROWSCN

---------- ---------- ----------

         3          0    1246809


2)   會話2:查詢id3的偽列ora_rowscn的值

19:23:01 SYS@ORA11GR2>select id,type,ora_rowscn from t_lock where id = 3;


        ID       TYPE ORA_ROWSCN

---------- ---------- ----------

         3          0    1246809


3)   會話1:更新id3type1

19:24:22 SYS@ORA11GR2>update t_lock set type=1 where ora_rowscn=1246809 and id = 3;


1 row updated.


19:25:29 SYS@ORA11GR2>commit;


Commit complete.



19:28:22 SYS@ORA11GR2>select id,type,ora_rowscn from t_lock where id = 3;


        ID       TYPE ORA_ROWSCN

---------- ---------- ----------

         3          1    1247164


4)   會話2:更新id3type1

19:26:05 SYS@ORA11GR2>update t_lock set type=1 where ora_rowscn=1246809 and id =3;


0 rows updated.



19:29:37 SYS@ORA11GR2>select id,type,ora_rowscn from t_lock where id = 3;


        ID       TYPE ORA_ROWSCN

---------- ---------- ----------

         3          1    1247164



1)   建立測試表

19:35:46 SYS@ORA11GR2>create table t_lock_1 (id number(2),name varchar2(15));


Table created.


19:35:57 SYS@ORA11GR2>create table t_lock_2 as select * from t_lock_1;


Table created.


19:36:24 SYS@ORA11GR2>insert into t_lock_1 values(1,'liubei');


1 row created.


19:37:11 SYS@ORA11GR2>insert into t_lock_2 values (1,'guanyu');


1 row created.


19:37:38 SYS@ORA11GR2>commit;


Commit complete.


19:37:43 SYS@ORA11GR2>select * from t_lock_1;


        ID NAME

---------- ---------------

         1 liubei


19:38:01 SYS@ORA11GR2>select * from t_lock_2;


        ID NAME

---------- ---------------

         1 guanyu


2)   會話1:更新表t_lock_1id欄位為1name為“liuxuande,不提交

19:39:55 SYS@ORA11GR2>update t_lock_1 set name='liuxuande' where id =1;


1 row updated.

3)   會話2:更新表t_lock_2id欄位為1name為“關雲長”,不提交

19:39:47 SYS@ORA11GR2>update t_lock_2 set name='guanyunchang' where id = 1;


1 row updated.


4)   會話1:更新表t_lock_2id欄位為1name為“guanyunchang”,此時掛起狀態

19:40:30 SYS@ORA11GR2>update t_lock_2 set name='guanyunchang' where id =1;


5)   會話2:更新表t_lock_1id欄位為1name為“liuxuande”,此時掛起狀態

19:44:14 SYS@ORA11GR2>update t_lock_1 set name='liuxuande' where id =1;


6)   會話1:此時回到會話1,出現死鎖錯誤

19:40:30 SYS@ORA11GR2>update t_lock_2 set name='guanyunchang' where id =1;

update t_lock_2 set name='guanyunchang' where id =1


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource



總結:悲觀鎖(Pessimistic Lock), 顧名思義,就是很悲觀,每次去拿資料的時候都認為別人會修改,所以每次在拿資料的時候都會上鎖,這樣別人想拿這個資料就會block直到它拿到鎖。
     樂觀鎖(Optimistic Lock), 顧名思義,就是很樂觀,每次去拿資料的時候都認為別人不會修改,所以不會上鎖。

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