SAP全球研發服務中心 招聘 Solution Development Consultant – PP Module:
工作地點: 成都
招聘人數: 1
崗位要求: 優秀的英語能力和溝通能力. 三年以上ERP PP 模組開發或實施經驗.
有興趣的候選人請將簡歷直接發到 請註明您要申請的崗位名稱.
詳細JD 如下:
- To build customer specified business content, such as UI, Analytics Report, Form, Business Scenario, Business Configuration, Authentication and etc. through analyzing business content complexity;
- To provide remote service to partners/customer for content enhancement this continuous improves their business through flexible SAP solutions;
- To enable customers to implement and operate their SAP solutions at their maximum potential;
- University degree or above
- 3 years SAP or other ERP software experience, concerning about production management, as consultant or business end user
- Ability to comprehend the underlying technical architecture and methodology
- Ability to comprehend, analyze, research and design complex concepts
- Solid programming experience as a plus
- Excellent communication and presentation skills in both English and Chinese, Other language skill such as Japanese/Korean will be a plus
Work location: Chengdu, China
招聘人數: 1
崗位要求: 優秀的英語能力和溝通能力. 三年以上ERP PP 模組開發或實施經驗.
有興趣的候選人請將簡歷直接發到 請註明您要申請的崗位名稱.
詳細JD 如下:
- To build customer specified business content, such as UI, Analytics Report, Form, Business Scenario, Business Configuration, Authentication and etc. through analyzing business content complexity;
- To provide remote service to partners/customer for content enhancement this continuous improves their business through flexible SAP solutions;
- To enable customers to implement and operate their SAP solutions at their maximum potential;
- University degree or above
- 3 years SAP or other ERP software experience, concerning about production management, as consultant or business end user
- Ability to comprehend the underlying technical architecture and methodology
- Ability to comprehend, analyze, research and design complex concepts
- Solid programming experience as a plus
- Excellent communication and presentation skills in both English and Chinese, Other language skill such as Japanese/Korean will be a plus
Work location: Chengdu, China
- 招聘貼:螞蟻金服招Java研發Java
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