1. What it takes to be true “Consultant” ?
- Appearance
Proper attrite / Clean / Professional
- Passionate / Energetic
- Self confidence
ü Know what you are talking
ü Make a stand and not sit on the fence.
ü 知之為知之,不知為不知,是知也
- Empathy
ü I put myself in your shoes / 換位思維
ü I am on your side / 如果我是你
- Accept / Adapt culture difference
- Communication
ü Use simple language, use common Sense
ü Speak the same language
- Understand key/basic business / industry
- Ice breaker.
ü Listen, ask, listen, ask and summarize to confirmation
- 用心聆聽,不要太早下結論,更不要太快找方案
- Difference requirements from solution
- Clear about cause/effect and identify dependencies.
2. What is the expected from you --- from a customer perspective.
- Experience sharing
- Scope management
- Managing user’s expectation
- Working as a team
- Packaging
- Solution must be Operability
- “Post implementation” Consideration
3. What is expected as customer internal ---CIO Team
- Services mind set / maintain intimate user’s relationship at all time.
- Business oriented prioritization
- Scope management
- Vender management ---- win-win
- Ensure solution “Operability” considering the actual environment and practice.
- Works as a team (with users, vendors, IT colleagues)
- Application continuation and be agile for business changes
- Budget consciousness.
From speach of 餘瑞雄 CIO Of Alcatel