Starting ConnectionPool:
dbDriver = org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver
dbServer = jdbc:mysql://localhost/jspbb
dbLogin = root
log file = c:\jspHome\logs\DefaultConnectionProvider.log
minconnections = 10
maxconnections = 100
Total refresh interval = 0.5 days
--->Attempt (1 of 5) failed to create new connections set at startup:
java.sql.SQLException: General error: Base 'jspbb' inconnue
Will try again in 10 seconds...
--->Attempt (2 of 5) failed to create new connections set at startup:
java.sql.SQLException: General error: Base 'jspbb' inconnue
Will try again in 10 seconds...
--->Attempt (3 of 5) failed to create new connections set at startup:
java.sql.SQLException: General error: Base 'jspbb' inconnue
Will try again in 10 seconds...
--->Attempt (4 of 5) failed to create new connections set at startup:
java.sql.SQLException: General error: Base 'jspbb' inconnue
Will try again in 10 seconds...
All attempts at connecting to Database exhausted
Starting ConnectionPool:
dbDriver = org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver
dbServer = jdbc:mysql://localhost/jspbb
dbLogin = root
log file = c:\jspHome\logs\DefaultConnectionProvider.log
minconnections = 10
maxconnections = 100
Total refresh interval = 0.5 days
--->Attempt (1 of 5) failed to create new connections set at startup:
java.sql.SQLException: General error: Base 'jspbb' inconnue
Will try again in 10 seconds...
--->Attempt (2 of 5) failed to create new connections set at startup:
java.sql.SQLException: General error: Base 'jspbb' inconnue
Will try again in 10 seconds...
--->Attempt (3 of 5) failed to create new connections set at startup:
java.sql.SQLException: General error: Base 'jspbb' inconnue
Will try again in 10 seconds...
--->Attempt (4 of 5) failed to create new connections set at startup:
java.sql.SQLException: General error: Base 'jspbb' inconnue
Will try again in 10 seconds...
All attempts at connecting to Database exhausted
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