使用150行SQL建立PostgreSQL通用審計解決方案 - supabase
資料審計是一個跟蹤表內容隨時間變化的系統。PostgreSQL 具有一組強大的功能,我們可以利用這些功能在 150 行 SQL 中建立通用審計解決方案。
- 低維護
- 易於使用
- 快速查詢
-- create a table create table public.members( id int primary key, name text not null ); -- Enable auditing on the new table select audit.enable_tracking('public.members'); |
-- create a new record insert into public.members(id, name) values (1, 'foo'); -- edit the record update public.members set name = 'bar' where id = 1; -- delete the record delete from public.members; |
select * from audit.record_history |
id | record_id | old_record_id | op | ts | table_oid | table_schema | table_name | record | old_record ----+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------+-------------------------------------+-----------+--------------+------------+--------------------------+-------------------------- 2 | 1ecd5ff0-1b6b-5bc2-ad80-1cb19769c081 | | INSERT | Mon Feb 28 18:13:52.698511 2022 PST | 16452 | public | members | {"id": 1, "name": "foo"} | 3 | 1ecd5ff0-1b6b-5bc2-ad80-1cb19769c081 | 1ecd5ff0-1b6b-5bc2-ad80-1cb19769c081 | UPDATE | Mon Feb 28 18:13:52.698511 2022 PST | 16452 | public | members | {"id": 1, "name": "bar"} | {"id": 1, "name": "foo"} 4 | | 1ecd5ff0-1b6b-5bc2-ad80-1cb19769c081 | DELETE | Mon Feb 28 18:13:52.698511 2022 PST | 16452 | public | members | | {"id": 1, "name": "bar"} (3 rows) |
- 名稱空間
create schema if not exists audit;
- 資料表
- 對錶啟用審計需要資料庫遷移
- 當源表的模式改變時,審計表的模式也必須改變
因此,我們將依靠 PostgreSQL 的無模式JSONB資料型別將每條記錄的資料儲存在單個列中。這種方法的另一個好處是允許我們將多個表的審計歷史儲存在一個審計表中。
create table audit.record_version( id bigserial primary key, -- auditing metadata record_id uuid, -- identifies a new record by it's table + primary key old_record_id uuid, -- ^ op varchar(8) not null, -- INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/TRUNCATE ts timestamptz not null default now(), -- table identifiers table_oid oid not null, -- pg internal id for a table table_schema name not null, -- audited table's schema name e.g. 'public' table_name name not null, -- audited table's table name e.g. 'account' -- record data record jsonb, -- contents of the new record old_record jsonb -- previous record contents (for UPDATE/DELETE) ); |
- 查詢模式
如果查詢太慢,審計日誌對我們沒有多大幫助!我們認為有 2 種查詢模式是審計系統的賭注:
PostgreSQL 的內建BRIN 索引可以利用值和物理位置之間的相關性來生成一個索引,該索引在規模上比預設值(BTREE 索引)小數百倍,並且查詢時間更快。
-- index ts for time range filtering create index record_version_ts on audit.record_version using brin(ts); |
對於表過濾,我們包含了一個table_oid跟蹤 PostgreSQL 內部數字表識別符號的列。我們可以向該列新增索引而不是table_schemaandtable_name列,從而最小化索引大小並提供更好的效能。
-- index table_oid for table filtering create index record_version_table_oid on audit.record_version using btree(table_oid); |
[table_oid, primary_key_value_1, primary_key_value_2, ...]
並將該陣列雜湊為 UUID v5 以獲得有效的可索引 UUID 型別,以識別對資料更改具有魯棒性的行。
create or replace function audit.primary_key_columns(entity_oid oid) returns text[] stable security definer language sql as $$ -- Looks up the names of a table's primary key columns select coalesce( array_agg(pa.attname::text order by pa.attnum), array[]::text[] ) column_names from pg_index pi join pg_attribute pa on pi.indrelid = pa.attrelid and pa.attnum = any(pi.indkey) where indrelid = $1 and indisprimary $$; |
另一個使用table_oid和主鍵,將結果轉換為記錄的 UUID。
create or replace function audit.to_record_id( entity_oid oid, pkey_cols text[], rec jsonb ) returns uuid stable language sql as $$ select case when rec is null then null -- if no primary key exists, use a random uuid when pkey_cols = array[]::text[] then uuid_generate_v4() else ( select uuid_generate_v5( 'fd62bc3d-8d6e-43c2-919c-802ba3762271', ( jsonb_build_array(to_jsonb($1)) || jsonb_agg($3 ->> key_) )::text ) from unnest($2) x(key_) ) end $$; |
-- index record_id for fast searching create index record_version_record_id on audit.record_version(record_id) where record_id is not null; -- index old_record_id for fast searching create index record_version_old_record_id on audit.record_version(record_id) where old_record_id is not null; |
- 觸發器註冊
create or replace function audit.insert_update_delete_trigger() returns trigger security definer language plpgsql as $$ declare pkey_cols text[] = audit.primary_key_columns(TG_RELID); record_jsonb jsonb = to_jsonb(new); record_id uuid = audit.to_record_id(TG_RELID, pkey_cols, record_jsonb); old_record_jsonb jsonb = to_jsonb(old); old_record_id uuid = audit.to_record_id(TG_RELID, pkey_cols, old_record_jsonb); begin insert into audit.record_version( record_id, old_record_id, op, table_oid, table_schema, table_name, record, old_record ) select record_id, old_record_id, TG_OP, TG_RELID, TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, TG_TABLE_NAME, record_jsonb, old_record_jsonb; return coalesce(new, old); end; $$; |
- 公共 API
最後,我們將在一個乾淨的、冪等的、面向使用者的 API 後面結束觸發器的建立和刪除過程。
我們將公開的用於對錶啟用審計的 API 是
select audit.enable_tracking('<schema>.<table>'::regclass);
select audit.disable_tracking('<schema>.<table>'::regclass);
create or replace function audit.enable_tracking(regclass) returns void volatile security definer language plpgsql as $$ declare statement_row text = format(' create trigger audit_i_u_d before insert or update or delete on %I for each row execute procedure audit.insert_update_delete_trigger();', $1 ); pkey_cols text[] = audit.primary_key_columns($1); begin if pkey_cols = array[]::text[] then raise exception 'Table % can not be audited because it has no primary key', $1; end if; if not exists(select 1 from pg_trigger where tgrelid = $1 and tgname = 'audit_i_u_d') then execute statement_row; end if; end; $$; create or replace function audit.disable_tracking(regclass) returns void volatile security definer language plpgsql as $$ declare statement_row text = format( 'drop trigger if exists audit_i_u_d on %I;', $1 ); begin execute statement_row; end; $$; |
審計表總是會降低插入、更新和刪除的吞吐量。在吞吐量低於每秒 1000 次寫入的情況下,開銷通常可以忽略不計。對於寫入頻率較高的表,請考慮使用pgAudit之類的工具記錄 SQL 之外的更改。
對於在 PostgreSQL 中進行審計的交鑰匙解決方案,我們已經將此指令碼打包到一個擴充套件中,並帶有一些額外的好處,比如TRUNCATE支援。在https://github.com/supabase/supa_audit檢視。
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