1 背景
2 索引的優化步驟
2.1 高效索引的原則
- 正確理解和計算索引欄位的區分度,下面是計算規則,區分度高的索引,可以快速得定位資料,區分度太低,無法有效的利用索引,可能需要掃描大量資料頁,和不使用索引沒什麼差別。我們建立索引的時候,儘量選擇區分度高的列作為索引。
selecttivity = count(distinct c_name)/count(*)
- 正確理解和計算字首索引的欄位長度,下面是判斷規則,合適的長度要保證高的區分度和最恰當的索引儲存容量,只有達到最佳狀態,才是保證高效率的索引。下買呢長度為6的時候是最佳狀態。
select count(distinct left(c_name , calcul_len)) / count(*) from t_name;
mysql> SELECT
count(DISTINCT LEFT(empname, 3)) / count(*) AS sel3,
count(DISTINCT LEFT(empname, 4)) / count(*) AS sel4,
count(DISTINCT LEFT(empname, 5)) / count(*) AS sel5,
count(DISTINCT LEFT(empname, 6)) / count(*) AS sel6,
count(DISTINCT LEFT(empname, 7)) / count(*) AS sel7
| sel3 | sel4 | sel5 | sel6 | sel7 |
| 0.0012 | 0.0076 | 0.0400 | 0.1713 | 0.1713 |
1 row in set
- 聯合索引注意最左匹配原則:按照從左到右的順序匹配,MySQL會一直向右匹配索引直到遇到範圍查詢(>、<、between、like)然後停止匹配。如 depno=1 and empname>'' and job=1 ,如果建立(depno,empname,job)順序的索引,empname 和 job是用不到索引的。
- 應需而取策略,查詢記錄的時候,不要一上來就使用*,只取需要的資料,可能的話儘量只利用索引覆蓋,可以減少回表操作,提升效率。
- 正確判斷是否使用聯合索引( 策略篇 聯合索引的使用那一小節有說明判斷規則),也可以進一步分析到索引下推(IPC),減少回表操作,提升效率。
- 避免索引失效的原則:禁止對索引欄位使用函式、運算子操作,會使索引失效。這是實際上就是需要保證索引所對應欄位的”乾淨度“。
- 避免非必要的型別轉換,字串欄位使用數值進行比較的時候會導致索引無效。
- 模糊查詢'%value%'會使索引無效,變為全表掃描,因為無法判斷掃描的區間,但是'value%'是可以有效利用索引。
- 索引覆蓋排序欄位,這樣可以減少排序步驟,提升查詢效率
- 儘量的擴充套件索引,非必要不新建索引。比如表中已經有a的索引,現在要加(a,b)的索引,那麼只需要修改原來的索引即可。
- 無需強制索引順序,比如 建立(depno,empno,jobno)順序的索引,你可以是 empno = 1 and jobno = 2 and depno = 8。因為MySQL的查詢優化器會根據實際索引情況進行順序優化,所以這邊不強制順序一致性。但是同等條件下還是按照順序進行排列,比較清晰,並且節省查詢優化器的處理。
2.2 查詢優化分析器 - explain
2.2.1 Explain輸出的欄位
Column | JSON Name | Meaning |
id select_id | The SELECT | identifier |
select_type | None | The SELECT type |
table table_name | The table for the output row | |
partitions | partitions | The matching partitions |
type | access_type | The join type |
possible_keys | possible_keys | The possible indexes to choose |
key | key | The index actually chosen |
key_len | key_length | The length of the chosen key |
ref | ref | The columns compared to the index |
rows | rows | Estimate of rows to be examined |
filtered | filtered | Percentage of rows filtered by table condition |
Extra | None | Additional information |
2.2.2 select_type 列舉
- select_type:表示查詢中每個select子句的型別(Simple、Primary、Depend SubQuery)
- possible_keys :指出MySQL能使用哪個索引在表中找到記錄,查詢涉及到的欄位上若存在索引,則該索引將被列出,但不一定被查詢使用
- key:key列顯示MySQL實際決定使用的鍵(索引),未走索引是null
- rows:表示MySQL根據表統計資訊及索引選用情況,估算所需要掃描的行數
- 先執行檢視實際耗時,判斷是否真的很慢(注意設定SQL_NO_CACHE)。
- 高區分度優先策略:where條件單表查,鎖定最小返回記錄表的條件。
就是查詢語句的where都應用到表中返回的記錄數最小的表開始查起,單表每個欄位分別查詢,看哪個欄位的區分度最高。區分度高的欄位往前排。 - explain檢視執行計劃,是否與1預期一致(從鎖定記錄較少的表開始查詢)
- order by limit 形式的sql語句讓排序的表優先查
- 瞭解業務方的使用場景,根據使用場景適時調整。
- 加索引時參照建上面索引的十大原則
- 觀察結果,不符合預期繼續從第一步開始分析
2.3 查詢案例分析
一般來說我們編寫SQL的方式是為了 是實現功能,在實現功能的基礎上保證MySQL的執行效率也是非常重要的,這要求我們對MySQL的執行計劃和索引規則有非常清晰的理解,分析下面的案例:
1 mysql> select a.*,b.depname,b.memo from emp a left join
2 dep b on a.depno = b.depno where sal>100 and a.empname like 'ab%' and a.depno=106 order by a.hiredate desc ;
3 +---------+---------+---------+---------+-----+---------------------+------+------+-------+------------+----------+
4 | id | empno | empname | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comn | depno | depname | memo |
5 +---------+---------+---------+---------+-----+---------------------+------+------+-------+------------+----------+
6 | 4976754 | 4976754 | ABijwE | SALEMAN | 1 | 2021-01-23 16:46:24 | 2000 | 400 | 106 | kDpNWugzcQ | TYlrVEkm |
7 ......
8 +---------+---------+---------+---------+-----+---------------------+------+------+-------+------------+----------+
9 744 rows in set (4.958 sec)
1 mysql> show index from emp;
2 +-------+------------+---------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+
3 | Table | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment |
4 +-------+------------+---------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+
5 | emp | 0 | PRIMARY | 1 | id | A | 4952492 | NULL | NULL | | BTREE | | |
6 | emp | 1 | idx_emo_depno | 1 | depno | A | 18 | NULL | NULL | | BTREE | | |
7 +-------+------------+---------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+
8 2 rows in set
10 mysql> explain select a.*,b.depname,b.memo from emp a left join
11 dep b on a.depno = b.depno where sal>100 and a.empname like 'ab%' and a.depno=106 order by a.hiredate desc ;
12 +----+-------------+-------+------+---------------+---------------+---------+-------+--------+-----------------------------+
13 | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
14 +----+-------------+-------+------+---------------+---------------+---------+-------+--------+-----------------------------+
15 | 1 | SIMPLE | a | ref | idx_emo_depno | idx_emo_depno | 3 | const | 974898 | Using where; Using filesort |
16 | 1 | SIMPLE | b | ref | idx_dep_depno | idx_dep_depno | 3 | const | 1 | NULL |
17 +----+-------------+-------+------+---------------+---------------+---------+-------+--------+-----------------------------+
18 2 rows in set
可以看出,目前在emp表上除了主鍵只存在一個索引 idx_emo_depno ,作用在部門編號欄位上,該索引的目標是過濾出具體部門編號下的資料。
通過explain 分析器可以看到 where條件後面是走了 idx_emo_depno 索引,但是也比較了 97W的資料,說明該欄位的區分度並不高,根據高區分度優先原則,我們對這個表的三個查詢欄位分別進行區分度計算。
1 mysql> select count(distinct empname)/count(*),count(distinct depno)/count(*),count(distinct sal)/count(*) from emp;
2 +----------------------------------+--------------------------------+------------------------------+
3 | count(distinct empname)/count(*) | count(distinct depno)/count(*) | count(distinct sal)/count(*) |
4 +----------------------------------+--------------------------------+------------------------------+
5 | 0.1713 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 |
6 +----------------------------------+--------------------------------+------------------------------+
7 1 row in set
1 mysql> select a.*,b.depname from emp a left join
2 dep b on a.depno = b.depno where a.empname like 'ab%' and a.depno=106 and a.sal>100 order by a.hiredate desc ;
3 +---------+---------+---------+---------+-----+---------------------+------+------+-------+------------+
4 | id | empno | empname | job | mgr | hiredate | sal | comn | depno | depname |
5 +---------+---------+---------+---------+-----+---------------------+------+------+-------+------------+
6 | 4976754 | 4976754 | ABijwE | SALEMAN | 1 | 2021-01-23 16:46:24 | 2000 | 400 | 106 | kDpNWugzcQ |
7 ......
8 +---------+---------+---------+---------+-----+---------------------+------+------+-------+------------+
9 744 rows in set (0.006 sec)
所以語句中 執行到a.empname 欄位,因為使用了like,後面就不再走索引了。在這個場景中, 獨立的empname欄位上的索引和這個聯合索引效率是差不多的。
有一個需求,使用到了使用者表 userinfo 和消費明細表 salinvest ,目的想把2020年每個使用者在四個品類等級(A1、A2、A3、A4)上的消費額度進行統計,所以便下了如下的指令碼:
1 select (@rowNO := @rowNo+1) AS id,bdata.* from
2 (
3 select distinct a.usercode,a.username,
4 @A1:=IFNULL((select sum(c.ltimenum) from `salinvest` c where c.usercode=a.usercode AND c.gravalue='A1'
5 and c.logdate between '2020-01-01' and '2020-12-31'),0) as A1,
6 @A2:=IFNULL((select sum(c.ltimenum) from `salinvest` c where c.usercode=a.usercode AND c.gravalue='A2'
7 and c.logdate between '2020-01-01' and '2020-12-31'),0) as A2,
8 @A3:=IFNULL((select sum(c.ltimenum) from `salinvest` c where c.usercode=a.usercode AND c.gravalue='A3'
9 and c.logdate between '2020-01-01' and '2020-12-31'),0) as A3,
10 @A4:=IFNULL((select sum(c.ltimenum) from `salinvest` c where c.usercode=a.usercode AND c.gravalue='A4'
11 and c.logdate between '2020-01-01' and '2020-12-31'),0) as A4,
12 ,(@A1+@A2+@A3+@A4) as allnum
13 from userinfo a
14 inner JOIN `salinvest` b on a.usercode = b.usercode
15 where b.logdate between '2020-01-01' and '2020-12-31'
16 order by allnum desc
17 ) as bdata,(SELECT @rowNO:=0) b;
這個查詢看起來貌似沒什麼問題 ,雖然用到了複合查詢、子查詢,但是如果索引做的正確,也不會有什麼問題。那我們來看看索引,有一個聯合索引,符合我們最左匹配原則和高區分度優先原則:
1 mysql> show index from salinvest;
2 +------------+------------+------------------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+
3 | Table | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment |
4 +------------+------------+------------------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+
5 | lnuminvest | 0 | PRIMARY | 1 | autocode | A | 5 | NULL | NULL | | BTREE | | |
6 | lnuminvest | 1 | idx_salinvest_complex | 1 | usercode | A | 2 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | | |
7 | lnuminvest | 1 | idx_salinvest_complex | 2 | gravalue | A | 2 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | | |
8 | lnuminvest | 1 | idx_salinvest_complex | 3 | logdate | A | 2 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | | |
9 +------------+------------+------------------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+
10 4 rows in set
mysql> select (@rowNO := @rowNo+1) AS id,bdata.* from
select (@rowNO := @rowNo+1) AS id,bdata.* from
select distinct a.usercode,a.username,
@A1:=IFNULL((select sum(c.ltimenum) from `salinvest` c where c.usercode=a.usercode AND c.gravalue='A1'
and c.logdate between '2020-01-01' and '2020-12-31'),0) as A1,
@A2:=IFNULL((select sum(c.ltimenum) from `salinvest` c where c.usercode=a.usercode AND c.gravalue='A2'
and c.logdate between '2020-01-01' and '2020-12-31'),0) as A2,
@A3:=IFNULL((select sum(c.ltimenum) from `salinvest` c where c.usercode=a.usercode AND c.gravalue='A3'
and c.logdate between '2020-01-01' and '2020-12-31'),0) as A3,
@A4:=IFNULL((select sum(c.ltimenum) from `salinvest` c where c.usercode=a.usercode AND c.gravalue='A4'
and c.logdate between '2020-01-01' and '2020-12-31'),0) as A4,
,(@A1+@A2+@A3+@A4) as allnum
from userinfo a
inner JOIN `salinvest` b on a.usercode = b.usercode
where b.logdate between '2020-01-01' and '2020-12-31'
order by allnum desc
) as bdata,(SELECT @rowNO:=0) b;
| id | usercode | username | A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 |allnum
| 1 | 063105015 | brand | 789.00 | 1074.50 | 998.00 | 850.00 |
6217 rows in set (12.745 sec)
1 mysql> explain select (@rowNO := @rowNo+1) AS id,bdata.* from
2 (
3 select distinct a.usercode,a.username,
4 @A1:=IFNULL((select sum(c.ltimenum) from `salinvest` c where c.usercode=a.usercode AND c.gravalue='A1'
5 and c.logdate between '2020-01-01' and '2020-12-31'),0) as A1,
6 @A2:=IFNULL((select sum(c.ltimenum) from `salinvest` c where c.usercode=a.usercode AND c.gravalue='A2'
7 and c.logdate between '2020-01-01' and '2020-12-31'),0) as A2,
8 @A3:=IFNULL((select sum(c.ltimenum) from `salinvest` c where c.usercode=a.usercode AND c.gravalue='A3'
9 and c.logdate between '2020-01-01' and '2020-12-31'),0) as A3,
10 @A4:=IFNULL((select sum(c.ltimenum) from `salinvest` c where c.usercode=a.usercode AND c.gravalue='A4'
11 and c.logdate between '2020-01-01' and '2020-12-31'),0) as A4,
12 ,(@A1+@A2+@A3+@A4) as allnum
13 from userinfo a
14 inner JOIN `salinvest` b on a.usercode = b.usercode
15 where b.logdate between '2020-01-01' and '2020-12-31'
16 order by allnum desc
17 ) as bdata,(SELECT @rowNO:=0) b;
18 +----+--------------------+------------+------------+--------+------------------------+------------------------+---------+-----------------------+------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
19 | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |
20 +----+--------------------+------------+------------+--------+------------------------+------------------------+---------+-----------------------+------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
21 | 1 | PRIMARY | <derived8> | NULL | system | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1 | 100 | NULL |
22 | 1 | PRIMARY | <derived2> | NULL | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 2 | 100 | NULL |
23 | 8 | DERIVED | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | No tables used |
24 | 2 | DERIVED | b | NULL | index | idx_salinvest_complex | idx_salinvest_complex | 170 | NULL | 5 | 20 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
25 | 7 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | c | NULL | ALL | idx_salinvest_complex | NULL | NULL | NULL | 5 | 20 | Using where |
26 | 6 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | c | NULL | ALL | idx_salinvest_complex | NULL | NULL | NULL | 5 | 20 | Using where |
27 | 5 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | c | NULL | ALL | idx_salinvest_complex | NULL | NULL | NULL | 5 | 20 | Using where |
28 | 4 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | c | NULL | ALL | idx_salinvest_complex | NULL | NULL | NULL | 5 | 20 | Using where |
29 +----+--------------------+------------+------------+--------+------------------------+------------------------+---------+-----------------------+------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
30 9 rows in set
看最後四條資料,看他的possible_key和 實際的key,預估是走 idx_salinvest_complex 索引,實際是走了空索引,這個是為什麼呢? 看前面的select_type 欄位,值是 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY,瞭然了。
官方對 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY 的說明:子查詢中的第一個SELECT, 取決於外面的查詢 。
第一步,MySQL 根據 select distinct a.usercode,a.username 得到一個大結果集 t1,這就是我們上圖提示的6000使用者。
第二步,上面的大結果集 t1 中的每一條記錄,等同於與子查詢 SQL 組成新的查詢語句: select sum(c.ltimenum) from salinvest
c where c.usercode in (select distinct a.usercode from userinfo a) 。
也就是說, 每個子查詢要比較6000次,幾十萬的資料啊……即使這兩步驟查詢都用到了索引,但還是會很慢。
這種情況下, 子查詢的執行效率受制於外層查詢的記錄數,還不如拆成兩個獨立查詢順序執行呢。
3 適當的分庫分表
3.1 垂直分庫
垂直分庫其實是一種簡單邏輯分割,比如資料庫中建立獨立的商品庫 Products、訂單庫Orders,積分庫Scores 等。
3.2 垂直分表
3.3 庫內分表
3.4 分庫分表
4 完整的索引知識體系