



引數 說明
Hue 色調(色相)
HueModulate 色調調製,百分比
HueOffset 色調偏移量,角度值
Saturation 飽和度
SaturationModulation 飽和度調製,百分比
SaturationOffset 飽和度偏移量
Luminance 亮度
LuminanceModulation 亮度調製,百分比
LuminanceOffset 亮度偏移量
Alpha Alpha
AlphaModulation Alpha 調製,百分比
AlphaOffset Alpha 偏移量
Red 紅色
RedModulation 紅色調製,百分比
RedOffset 紅色偏移量
Blue 藍色
BlueModification 藍色調製
BlueOffse 藍色偏移量,百分比
Green 綠色
GreenModification 綠色調製,百分比
GreenOffset 綠色偏移量
Complement 補充
Gamma 伽瑪
Gray 灰色
Inverse 反函式
Inverse Gamma 反函式伽瑪
Shade 底紋,百分比
Tint 底紋,百分比






  • Hue、HueModulate、HueOffset
  • Saturation、SaturationModulation、SaturationOffset
  • Luminance、LuminanceModulation、LuminanceOffset



    /// <summary>
    /// 用 A R G B 表示的顏色
    /// </summary>
    public class ARgbColor
        /// <summary>
        /// 建立 A R G B 顏色
        /// </summary>
        public ARgbColor()

        /// <summary>
        /// 建立 A R G B 顏色
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        public ARgbColor(byte a, byte r, byte g, byte b)
            A = a;
            R = r;
            G = g;
            B = b;

        /// <summary>
        /// 表示透明色
        /// </summary>
        public byte A { set; get; }

        /// <summary>
        /// 表示紅色
        /// </summary>
        public byte R { set; get; }

        /// <summary>
        /// 表示綠色
        /// </summary>
        public byte G { set; get; }

        /// <summary>
        /// 表示藍色
        /// </summary>
        public byte B { set; get; }



    /// <summary>
    ///     處理顏色之間的變換,調整,格式轉換
    /// </summary>
    public static class ColorTransform

        /// <summary>
        ///  將<see cref="Color" />的資料轉換為Hsl
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static (Degree hue, Percentage sat, Percentage lum, byte alpha) ColorToHsl(Color color)
            var max = System.Math.Max(color.R, System.Math.Max(color.G, color.B));
            var min = System.Math.Min(color.R, System.Math.Min(color.G, color.B));
            var delta = max - min;
            var l = Percentage.FromDouble((max + min) / 2.0 / 255.0);
            var h = Degree.FromDouble(0);
            var s = Percentage.Zero;

            if (delta > 0)
                s = l < Percentage.FromDouble(0.5)
                    ? Percentage.FromDouble((max - min) * 1.0 / (max + min))
                    : Percentage.FromDouble((max - min) * 1.0 / (2 * 255 - max - min));

                if (max == color.R)
                    h = Degree.FromDouble((0 + (color.G - color.B) * 1.0 / delta) * 60);
                else if (max == color.G)
                    h = Degree.FromDouble((2 + (color.B - color.R) * 1.0 / delta) * 60);
                    h = Degree.FromDouble((4 + (color.R - color.G) * 1.0 / delta) * 60);

            return (h, s, l, color.A);


            /// <summary>
        ///     將Hsl的資料轉換為<see cref="Color" />
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hue">色相</param>
        /// <param name="saturation">飽和度</param>
        /// <param name="lightness">亮度</param>
        /// <param name="a">透明度</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Color HslToColor(Degree hue, Percentage saturation, Percentage lightness, byte a = 0xFF)
            var color = new Color { A = a };

            var hueValue = hue.DoubleValue;
            var saturationValue = saturation.DoubleValue;
            var lightnessValue = lightness.DoubleValue;

            var c = (1 - System.Math.Abs(2 * lightnessValue - 1)) * saturationValue;
            var x = c * (1 - System.Math.Abs((hueValue / 60) % 2 - 1));
            var m = lightnessValue - c / 2;

            var r = 0d;
            var g = 0d;
            var b = 0d;

            if (hueValue is >= 0 and < 60)
                r = c;
                g = x;
                b = 0;

            if (hueValue is >= 60 and < 120)
                r = x;
                g = c;
                b = 0;

            if (hueValue is >= 120 and < 180)
                r = 0;
                g = c;
                b = x;

            if (hueValue is >= 180 and < 240)
                r = 0;
                g = x;
                b = c;

            if (hueValue is >= 240 and < 300)
                r = x;
                g = 0;
                b = c;

            if (hueValue is >= 300 and < 360)
                r = c;
                g = 0;
                b = x;

            color.R = (byte) ((r + m) * 255);
            color.G = (byte) ((g + m) * 255);
            color.B = (byte) ((b + m) * 255);

            return color;


       /// <summary>
        ///     將<see cref="RgbColorModelHex" />轉換為<see cref="Color" />
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Color? ToColor(this RgbColorModelHex color)
            if (color.Val is not null)
                if (uint.TryParse(color.Val.Value, NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out var result))
                    var solidColor = result.HexToColor();
                    var modifiedColor = ColorTransform.AppendColorModify(solidColor, color.ChildElements);
                    return modifiedColor;

            return null;

        private static Color HexToColor(this uint rgb)
            var color = new Color();
            const int maxByte = 0xff;

            color.B = (byte) (rgb & maxByte);
            color.G = (byte) ((rgb >> 8) & maxByte);
            color.R = (byte) ((rgb >> 16) & maxByte);
            color.A = 0xFF;

            return color;

        /// <summary>
        /// 給顏色疊加轉換
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        /// <param name="list"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Color AppendColorModify(ARgbColor color, OpenXmlElementList list)
            var updatedColor = color;
            foreach (var element in list)
                if (element is Hue hue)
                    updatedColor = HandleHue(updatedColor, hue, null, null);

                if (element is HueModulation hueModulation)
                    updatedColor = HandleHue(updatedColor, null, hueModulation, null);

                if (element is HueOffset hueOffset)
                    updatedColor = HandleHue(updatedColor, null, null, hueOffset);

                if (element is Saturation saturation)
                    updatedColor = HandleSaturation(updatedColor, saturation, null, null);

                if (element is SaturationModulation saturationModulation)
                    updatedColor = HandleSaturation(updatedColor, null, saturationModulation, null);

                if (element is SaturationOffset saturationOffset)
                    updatedColor = HandleSaturation(updatedColor, null, null, saturationOffset);

                if (element is Luminance luminance)
                    updatedColor = HandleLuminance(updatedColor, luminance, null, null);

                if (element is LuminanceModulation luminanceModulation)
                    updatedColor = HandleLuminance(updatedColor, null, luminanceModulation, null);

                if (element is LuminanceOffset luminanceOffset)
                    updatedColor = HandleLuminance(updatedColor, null, null, luminanceOffset);

        private static Color HandleHue(Color color, Hue? hueElement, HueModulation? hueModElement,
            HueOffset? hueOffsetElement)
            if (hueElement is null && hueModElement is null && hueOffsetElement is null)
                return color;

            var updatedColor = HandleHslCore(color, hueElement: hueElement, hueModElement: hueModElement, hueOffsetElement: hueOffsetElement);

            return updatedColor;

        private static Color HandleSaturation(Color color, Saturation? satElement, SaturationModulation? satModElement,
            SaturationOffset? satOffsetElement)
            if (satElement is null && satModElement is null && satOffsetElement is null)
                return color;

            var updatedColor = HandleHslCore(color, satElement: satElement, satModElement: satModElement, satOffsetElement: satOffsetElement);

            return updatedColor;

        private static Color HandleLuminance(Color color, Luminance? lumElement, LuminanceModulation? lumModElement,
            LuminanceOffset? lumOffsetElement)
            if (lumElement is null && lumModElement is null && lumOffsetElement is null)
                return color;

            var updatedColor = HandleHslCore(color, lumElement: lumElement, lumModElement: lumModElement, lumOffsetElement: lumOffsetElement);

            return updatedColor;

        private static Color HandleHslCore(Color color,
            Hue? hueElement = null, HueModulation? hueModElement = null, HueOffset? hueOffsetElement = null,
            Saturation? satElement = null, SaturationModulation? satModElement = null, SaturationOffset? satOffsetElement = null,
            Luminance? lumElement = null, LuminanceModulation? lumModElement = null, LuminanceOffset? lumOffsetElement = null)
            if (hueElement is null && hueModElement is null && hueOffsetElement is null
                && satElement is null && satModElement is null && satOffsetElement is null
                && lumElement is null && lumModElement is null && lumOffsetElement is null)
                return color;

            var (hue, sat, lum, alpha) = ColorToHsl(color);

            var hueElementVal = hueElement?.Val;
            var hueValue = hueElementVal is not null ? new Angle(hueElementVal).ToDegreeValue() : hue.DoubleValue;
            var satElementVal = satElement?.Val;
            var satValue = satElementVal is not null ? new Percentage(satElementVal).DoubleValue : sat.DoubleValue;
            var lumElementVal = lumElement?.Val;
            var lumValue = lumElementVal is not null ? new Percentage(lumElementVal).DoubleValue : lum.DoubleValue;

            var hueModElementVal = hueModElement?.Val;
            var hueModValue = hueModElementVal is not null && hueModElementVal.HasValue
                ? new Percentage(hueModElementVal)
                : Percentage.FromDouble(1);
            var satModElementVal = satModElement?.Val;
            var satModValue = satModElementVal is not null && satModElementVal.HasValue
                ? new Percentage(satModElementVal)
                : Percentage.FromDouble(1);
            var lumModElementVal = lumModElement?.Val;
            var lumModValue = lumModElementVal is not null && lumModElementVal.HasValue
                ? new Percentage(lumModElementVal)
                : Percentage.FromDouble(1);

            var hueOffsetVal = hueOffsetElement?.Val;
            var hueOffset = hueOffsetVal is not null && hueOffsetVal.HasValue
                ? new Angle(hueOffsetVal).ToDegreeValue()
                : new Angle(0).ToDegreeValue();
            var saturationOffsetVal = satOffsetElement?.Val;
            var saturationOffset = saturationOffsetVal is not null && saturationOffsetVal.HasValue
                ? new Percentage(saturationOffsetVal)
                : Percentage.Zero;
            var lumOffsetElementVal = lumOffsetElement?.Val;
            var lumOffset = lumOffsetElementVal is not null && lumOffsetElementVal.HasValue
                ? new Percentage(lumOffsetElementVal)
                : Percentage.Zero;

            var hueResult = hueValue * hueModValue.DoubleValue + hueOffset;
            hue = Degree.FromDouble(hueResult);

            var satResult = satValue * satModValue.DoubleValue + saturationOffset.DoubleValue;
            sat = Percentage.FromDouble(satResult);
            sat = sat > Percentage.FromDouble(1) ? Percentage.FromDouble(1) : sat;
            sat = sat < Percentage.Zero ? Percentage.Zero : sat;

            var lumResult = lumValue * lumModValue.DoubleValue + lumOffset.DoubleValue;
            lum = Percentage.FromDouble(lumResult);
            lum = lum > Percentage.FromDouble(1) ? Percentage.FromDouble(1) : lum;
            lum = lum < Percentage.Zero ? Percentage.Zero : lum;

            return HslToColor(hue, sat, lum, alpha);




  • 透明度:Alpha、AlphaModulation、AlphaOffset
  • RGB的紅色:Red、RedModulation、RedOffset
  • RGB的藍色:Blue、BlueModulation、BlueOffset
  • RGB的綠色:Green、GreenModulation、GreenOffset
  • RGB的反函式:Inverse
  • RGB的補碼: Complement
  • RGB的伽瑪校正和反伽瑪矯正: Gamma、InverseGamma
  • RGB的灰階(灰度):Gray



        private static Color HandleAlphaModify(Color color, Alpha? alphaElement, AlphaModulation? alphaModulation, AlphaOffset? alphaOffset)
            if (alphaElement is null && alphaModulation is null && alphaOffset is null)
                return color;

            var alphaValue = alphaElement?.Val;
            var modulationVal = alphaModulation?.Val;
            var offsetVal = alphaOffset?.Val;

            var alpha = alphaValue is not null && alphaValue.HasValue
                ? new Percentage(alphaValue)
                : Percentage.FromDouble(1);

            var mod = modulationVal is not null && modulationVal.HasValue
                ? new Percentage(modulationVal)
                : Percentage.FromDouble(1);

            var off = offsetVal is not null && offsetVal.HasValue
                ? new Percentage(offsetVal)
                : Percentage.Zero;

            var alphaResult = alpha.DoubleValue * mod.DoubleValue + off.DoubleValue;
            color.A = (byte) (color.A * alphaResult);

            return color;



        private static Color HandleRgb(Color color, Red? redElement, Green? greenElement, Blue? blueElement)
            if (redElement is null && greenElement is null && blueElement is null)
                return color;

            var updatedColor = HandleRgbCore(color, redElement: redElement, greenElement: greenElement,
                blueElement: blueElement);

            return updatedColor;
        private static Color HandleRgbModulation(Color color, RedModulation? redModulationElement, GreenModulation? greenModulationElement, BlueModulation? blueModulationElement)
            if (redModulationElement is null && greenModulationElement is null && blueModulationElement is null)
                return color;

            var updatedColor = HandleRgbCore(color, redModulationElement: redModulationElement,
                greenModulationElement: greenModulationElement, blueModulationElement: blueModulationElement);

            return updatedColor;

        private static Color HandleRgbOffset(Color color, RedOffset? redOffsetElement, GreenOffset? greenOffsetElement, BlueOffset? blueOffsetElement)
            if (redOffsetElement is null && blueOffsetElement is null && greenOffsetElement is null)
                return color;

            var updatedColor = HandleRgbCore(color, redOffsetElement: redOffsetElement,
                greenOffsetElement: greenOffsetElement, blueOffsetElement: blueOffsetElement);

            return updatedColor;

         private static Color HandleRgbCore(Color color,
            Red? redElement = null, Green? greenElement = null, Blue? blueElement = null,
            RedModulation? redModulationElement = null, GreenModulation? greenModulationElement = null, BlueModulation? blueModulationElement = null,
            RedOffset? redOffsetElement = null, GreenOffset? greenOffsetElement = null, BlueOffset? blueOffsetElement = null)
            if (redElement is null && greenElement is null && blueElement is null
                && redModulationElement is null && greenModulationElement is null && blueModulationElement is null
                && redOffsetElement is null && greenOffsetElement is null && blueOffsetElement is null)
                return color;

            var updatedColor = color;

            var redModulationValue = redModulationElement?.Val;
            var redMod = redModulationValue is not null ? new Percentage(redModulationValue) : Percentage.FromDouble(1);

            var greenModulationValue = greenModulationElement?.Val;
            var greenMod = greenModulationValue is not null ? new Percentage(greenModulationValue) : Percentage.FromDouble(1);

            var blueModulationValue = blueModulationElement?.Val;
            var blueMod = blueModulationValue is not null ? new Percentage(blueModulationValue) : Percentage.FromDouble(1);

            var redOffsetValue = redOffsetElement?.Val;
            var redOffset = redOffsetValue is not null ? new Percentage(redOffsetValue) : Percentage.FromDouble(0);

            var greenOffsetValue = greenOffsetElement?.Val;
            var greenOffset = greenOffsetValue is not null ? new Percentage(greenOffsetValue) : Percentage.FromDouble(0);

            var blueOffsetValue = blueOffsetElement?.Val;
            var blueOffset = blueOffsetValue is not null ? new Percentage(blueOffsetValue) : Percentage.FromDouble(0);

            var linearR = SRgbToLinearRgb(updatedColor.R / 255.0);
            var linearG = SRgbToLinearRgb(updatedColor.G / 255.0);
            var linearB = SRgbToLinearRgb(updatedColor.B / 255.0);

            var redValue = redElement?.Val;
            var red = redValue is not null ? new Percentage(redValue).DoubleValue : linearR;

            var greenValue = greenElement?.Val;
            var green = greenValue is not null ? new Percentage(greenValue).DoubleValue : linearG;

            var blueValue = blueElement?.Val;
            var blue = blueValue is not null ? new Percentage(blueValue).DoubleValue : linearB;

            var redResult = red * redMod.DoubleValue + redOffset.DoubleValue;
            var greenResult = green * greenMod.DoubleValue + greenOffset.DoubleValue;
            var blueResult = blue * blueMod.DoubleValue + blueOffset.DoubleValue;

            var r = redResult < 0 ? 0 : redResult > 1 ? 1 : redResult;
            var g = greenResult < 0 ? 0 : greenResult > 1 ? 1 : greenResult;
            var b = blueResult < 0 ? 0 : blueResult > 1 ? 1 : blueResult;
            updatedColor.R = (byte) System.Math.Round(255 * LinearRgbToSRgb(r));
            updatedColor.G = (byte) System.Math.Round(255 * LinearRgbToSRgb(g));
            updatedColor.B = (byte) System.Math.Round(255 * LinearRgbToSRgb(b));

            return updatedColor;

        /// <summary>
        /// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SRGB#The_forward_transformation_.28CIE_xyY_or_CIE_XYZ_to_sRGB.29
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sRgb"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static double SRgbToLinearRgb(double sRgb)
            if (sRgb <= 0.04045) return sRgb / 12.92;

            return System.Math.Pow((sRgb + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);



        private static Color HandleInverse(Color color, Inverse? inverseElement)
            var updatedColor = color;
            if (inverseElement != null)
                var linearR = SRgbToLinearRgb(updatedColor.R / 255.0);
                var linearG = SRgbToLinearRgb(updatedColor.G / 255.0);
                var linearB = SRgbToLinearRgb(updatedColor.B / 255.0);
                var r = System.Math.Abs(1.0 - linearR);
                var g = System.Math.Abs(1.0 - linearG);
                var b = System.Math.Abs(1.0 - linearB);
                updatedColor.R = (byte) System.Math.Round(255 * LinearRgbToSRgb(r));
                updatedColor.G = (byte) System.Math.Round(255 * LinearRgbToSRgb(g));
                updatedColor.B = (byte) System.Math.Round(255 * LinearRgbToSRgb(b));

            return updatedColor;



        private static Color HandleComplement(Color color, Complement? complementElement)
            var updatedColor = color;
            if (complementElement != null)
                var r = updatedColor.B;
                var g = updatedColor.R + updatedColor.B - updatedColor.G;
                var b = updatedColor.R;
                updatedColor.R = r;
                updatedColor.G = (byte) g;
                updatedColor.B = b;

            return updatedColor;



 實際上就是顯示器的非線性特性讓亮度在我們眼中看起來更好, 但是在渲染時反而會因此導致問題. 我們的渲染計算都是在伽馬值為 1 的理想線性空間進行的,而顯示器的非線性則是伽馬值為 2.2計算的即為輸入值的pow 2.2,伽馬校正的思路就是在顏色被輸送到顯示器之前, 我們先對其進行 pow 1/2.2 的逆運算以抵消顯示器的作用


        /// <summary>
        /// 對於sRGB的伽瑪校正,也就是 1/2.2的冪運算
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        /// <param name="gammaElement"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Color HandleGamma(Color color, Gamma? gammaElement)
            var updatedColor = color;
            if (gammaElement != null)
                var r = System.Math.Pow(updatedColor.R / 255.0, 1 / 2.2);
                var g = System.Math.Pow(updatedColor.G / 255.0, 1 / 2.2);
                var b = System.Math.Pow(updatedColor.B / 255.0, 1 / 2.2);
                updatedColor.R = (byte) System.Math.Round(255 * r);
                updatedColor.G = (byte) System.Math.Round(255 * g);
                updatedColor.B = (byte) System.Math.Round(255 * b);

            return updatedColor;


        /// <summary>
        /// 對於sRGB的反伽瑪校正,也就是2.2的冪運算
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        /// <param name="inverseGammaElement"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Color HandleInverseGamma(Color color, InverseGamma? inverseGammaElement)
            var updatedColor = color;
            if (inverseGammaElement != null)
                var r = System.Math.Pow(updatedColor.R / 255.0, 2.2);
                var g = System.Math.Pow(updatedColor.G / 255.0, 2.2);
                var b = System.Math.Pow(updatedColor.B / 255.0, 2.2);
                updatedColor.R = (byte) System.Math.Round(255 * r);
                updatedColor.G = (byte) System.Math.Round(255 * g);
                updatedColor.B = (byte) System.Math.Round(255 * b);

            return updatedColor;



//簡化 sRGB IEC61966-2.1 [gamma=2.20]
Gray = (R^2.2 * 0.2126  + G^2.2  * 0.7152  + B^2.2  * 0.0722)^(1/2.2)

//Adobe RGB (1998) [gamma=2.20]
Gray = (R^2.2 * 0.2973  + G^2.2  * 0.6274  + B^2.2  * 0.0753)^(1/2.2)

//Apple RGB [gamma=1.80]
Gray = (R^1.8 * 0.2446  + G^1.8  * 0.6720  + B^1.8  * 0.0833)^(1/1.8)

//ColorMatch RGB [gamma=1.8]
Gray = (R^1.8 * 0.2750  + G^1.8  * 0.6581  + B^1.8  * 0.0670)^(1/1.8)

//簡化 KODAK DC Series Digital Camera [gamma=2.2]
Gray = (R^2.2 * 0.2229  + G^2.2  * 0.7175  + B^2.2  * 0.0595)^(1/2.2)


        /// <summary>
        /// 對於sRGB的灰階計算
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        /// <param name="grayElement"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// sRGB IEC61966-2.1 [gamma=2.20]:sRGB計算灰階:Gray = (R^2.2 * 0.2126  + G^2.2  * 0.7152  + B^2.2  * 0.0722)^(1/2.2)
        private static Color HandleGray(Color color, Gray? grayElement)
            var updatedColor = color;
            if (grayElement != null)
                var gray = System.Math.Pow(
                          System.Math.Pow(updatedColor.R, 2.2) * 0.2126 +
                          System.Math.Pow(updatedColor.G, 2.2) * 0.7152 +
                          System.Math.Pow(updatedColor.B, 2.2) * 0.0722,
                          1 / 2.2);

                var grayResult = (byte) System.Math.Round(gray);

                updatedColor.R = grayResult;
                updatedColor.G = grayResult;
                updatedColor.B = grayResult;

            return updatedColor;

