本文分享自華為雲社群《# 鴻蒙輕核心M核原始碼分析系列二一 02 檔案系統LittleFS》,作者:zhushy 。
LittleFS是一個小型的Flash檔案系統,它結合日誌結構(log-structured)檔案系統和COW(copy-on-write)檔案系統的思想,以日誌結構儲存後設資料,以COW結構儲存資料。這種特殊的儲存方式,使LittleFS具有強大的掉電恢復能力(power-loss resilience)。分配COW資料塊時LittleFS採用了名為統計損耗均衡的動態損耗均衡演算法,使Flash裝置的壽命得到有效保障。同時LittleFS針對資源緊缺的小型裝置進行設計,具有極其有限的ROM和RAM佔用,並且所有RAM的使用都通過一個可配置的固定大小緩衝區進行分配,不會隨檔案系統的擴大佔據更多的系統資源。當在一個資源非常緊缺的小型裝置上,尋找一個具有掉電恢復能力並支援損耗均衡的Flash檔案系統時,LittleFS是一個比較好的選擇。本文先介紹下LFS檔案系統結構體的結構體和全域性變數,然後分析下LFS檔案操作介面。文中所涉及的原始碼,均可以在開源站點https://gitee.com/openharmony/kernel_liteos_m 獲取。
1.1 LittleFS的列舉結構體
// File types enum lfs_type { // file types LFS_TYPE_REG = 0x001, LFS_TYPE_DIR = 0x002, // internally used types LFS_TYPE_SPLICE = 0x400, LFS_TYPE_NAME = 0x000, LFS_TYPE_STRUCT = 0x200, LFS_TYPE_USERATTR = 0x300, LFS_TYPE_FROM = 0x100, LFS_TYPE_TAIL = 0x600, LFS_TYPE_GLOBALS = 0x700, LFS_TYPE_CRC = 0x500, // internally used type specializations LFS_TYPE_CREATE = 0x401, LFS_TYPE_DELETE = 0x4ff, LFS_TYPE_SUPERBLOCK = 0x0ff, LFS_TYPE_DIRSTRUCT = 0x200, LFS_TYPE_CTZSTRUCT = 0x202, LFS_TYPE_INLINESTRUCT = 0x201, LFS_TYPE_SOFTTAIL = 0x600, LFS_TYPE_HARDTAIL = 0x601, LFS_TYPE_MOVESTATE = 0x7ff, // internal chip sources LFS_FROM_NOOP = 0x000, LFS_FROM_MOVE = 0x101, LFS_FROM_USERATTRS = 0x102, }; // File open flags enum lfs_open_flags { // open flags LFS_O_RDONLY = 1, // Open a file as read only #ifndef LFS_READONLY LFS_O_WRONLY = 2, // Open a file as write only LFS_O_RDWR = 3, // Open a file as read and write LFS_O_CREAT = 0x0100, // Create a file if it does not exist LFS_O_EXCL = 0x0200, // Fail if a file already exists LFS_O_TRUNC = 0x0400, // Truncate the existing file to zero size LFS_O_APPEND = 0x0800, // Move to end of file on every write #endif // internally used flags #ifndef LFS_READONLY LFS_F_DIRTY = 0x010000, // File does not match storage LFS_F_WRITING = 0x020000, // File has been written since last flush #endif LFS_F_READING = 0x040000, // File has been read since last flush #ifndef LFS_READONLY LFS_F_ERRED = 0x080000, // An error occurred during write #endif LFS_F_INLINE = 0x100000, // Currently inlined in directory entry };
結構體lfs_t是littlefs檔案系統型別結構體,lfs檔案系統操作介面的第一個引數一般為這個結構體。成員變數struct lfs_config *cfg下文會涉及,其他成員變數可以暫不瞭解。
// The littlefs filesystem type typedef struct lfs { lfs_cache_t rcache; lfs_cache_t pcache; lfs_block_t root[2]; struct lfs_mlist { struct lfs_mlist *next; uint16_t id; uint8_t type; lfs_mdir_t m; } *mlist; uint32_t seed; lfs_gstate_t gstate; lfs_gstate_t gdisk; lfs_gstate_t gdelta; struct lfs_free { lfs_block_t off; lfs_block_t size; lfs_block_t i; lfs_block_t ack; uint32_t *buffer; } free; const struct lfs_config *cfg; lfs_size_t name_max; lfs_size_t file_max; lfs_size_t attr_max; #ifdef LFS_MIGRATE struct lfs1 *lfs1; #endif } lfs_t;
// littlefs directory type typedef struct lfs_dir { struct lfs_dir *next; uint16_t id; uint8_t type; lfs_mdir_t m; lfs_off_t pos; lfs_block_t head[2]; } lfs_dir_t; // littlefs file type typedef struct lfs_file { struct lfs_file *next; uint16_t id; uint8_t type; lfs_mdir_t m; struct lfs_ctz { lfs_block_t head; lfs_size_t size; } ctz; uint32_t flags; lfs_off_t pos; lfs_block_t block; lfs_off_t off; lfs_cache_t cache; const struct lfs_file_config *cfg; } lfs_file_t;
- read_size 每次讀取的位元組數,可以比物理讀單元大以改善效能,這個數值決定了讀快取的大小,但值太大會帶來更多的記憶體消耗。
- prog_size 每次寫入的位元組數,可以比物理寫單元大以改善效能,這個數值決定了寫快取的大小,必須是read_size的整數倍,但值太大會帶來更多的記憶體消耗。
- block_size 每個擦除塊的位元組數,可以比物理擦除單元大,但此數值應儘可能小因為每個檔案至少會佔用一個塊。必須是prog_size的整數倍。
- block_count 可以被擦除的塊數量,這取決於塊裝置的容量及擦除塊的大小。
// Configuration provided during initialization of the littlefs struct lfs_config { // Opaque user provided context that can be used to pass // information to the block device operations void *context; int (*read)(const struct lfs_config *c, lfs_block_t block, lfs_off_t off, void *buffer, lfs_size_t size); int (*prog)(const struct lfs_config *c, lfs_block_t block, lfs_off_t off, const void *buffer, lfs_size_t size); int (*erase)(const struct lfs_config *c, lfs_block_t block); int (*sync)(const struct lfs_config *c); #ifdef LFS_THREADSAFE int (*lock)(const struct lfs_config *c); int (*unlock)(const struct lfs_config *c); #endif lfs_size_t read_size; lfs_size_t prog_size; lfs_size_t block_size; lfs_size_t block_count; int32_t block_cycles; lfs_size_t cache_size; lfs_size_t lookahead_size; void *read_buffer; void *prog_buffer; void *lookahead_buffer; lfs_size_t name_max; lfs_size_t file_max; lfs_size_t attr_max; lfs_size_t metadata_max; };
// File info structure struct lfs_info { // Type of the file, either LFS_TYPE_REG or LFS_TYPE_DIR uint8_t type; // Size of the file, only valid for REG files. Limited to 32-bits. lfs_size_t size; // Name of the file stored as a null-terminated string. Limited to // LFS_NAME_MAX+1, which can be changed by redefining LFS_NAME_MAX to // reduce RAM. LFS_NAME_MAX is stored in superblock and must be // respected by other littlefs drivers. char name[LFS_NAME_MAX+1]; };
1.2 LiteOS-M LittleFS的結構體
我們來看下在檔案components\fs\littlefs\lfs_api.h裡定義的幾個結構體。結構體LittleFsHandleStruct維護檔案相關的資訊,該結構體的成員包含是否使用,檔案路徑和lfs檔案系統型別結構體lfs_t *lfsHandle和檔案型別結構體lfs_file_t file。類似的,結構體FileDirInfo維護目錄相關的資訊,該結構體成員包含包含是否使用,目錄名稱和lfs檔案系統型別結構體lfs_t *lfsHandle和目錄型別結構體lfs_dir_t dir。另外一個結構體FileOpInfo維護檔案操作資訊。
typedef struct { uint8_t useFlag; const char *pathName; lfs_t *lfsHandle; lfs_file_t file; } LittleFsHandleStruct; struct FileOpInfo { uint8_t useFlag; const struct FileOps *fsVops; char *dirName; lfs_t lfsInfo; }; typedef struct { uint8_t useFlag; char *dirName; lfs_t *lfsHandle; lfs_dir_t dir; } FileDirInfo;
2、LiteOS-M LittleFS的重要全域性變數及操作
瞭解下檔案components\fs\littlefs\lfs_api.c定義的常用全域性變數。⑴處的g_lfsDir陣列維護目錄資訊,預設支援的目錄數目為LFS_MAX_OPEN_DIRS,等於10。⑵處的g_fsOp陣列維護針對每個掛載點的檔案操作資訊,預設掛載點數目LOSCFG_LFS_MAX_MOUNT_SIZE為3個。⑶處的g_handle陣列維護檔案資訊,預設支援檔案的數量LITTLE_FS_MAX_OPEN_FILES為100個。⑷處開始的struct dirent g_nameValue是目錄項結構體變數,用於函式LfsReaddir();pthread_mutex_t g_FslocalMutex是互斥鎖變數;g_littlefsMntName是掛載點名稱陣列。⑸處開始的掛載操作變數g_lfsMnt、檔案操作操作全域性變數g_lfsFops在虛擬檔案系統中被使用。
⑴ FileDirInfo g_lfsDir[LFS_MAX_OPEN_DIRS] = {0}; ⑵ struct FileOpInfo g_fsOp[LOSCFG_LFS_MAX_MOUNT_SIZE] = {0}; ⑶ static LittleFsHandleStruct g_handle[LITTLE_FS_MAX_OPEN_FILES] = {0}; ⑷ struct dirent g_nameValue; static pthread_mutex_t g_FslocalMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static const char *g_littlefsMntName[LOSCFG_LFS_MAX_MOUNT_SIZE] = {"/a", "/b", "/c"}; ...... ⑸ const struct MountOps g_lfsMnt = { .Mount = LfsMount, .Umount = LfsUmount, }; const struct FileOps g_lfsFops = { .Mkdir = LfsMkdir, .Unlink = LfsUnlink, .Rmdir = LfsRmdir, .Opendir = LfsOpendir, .Readdir = LfsReaddir, .Closedir = LfsClosedir, .Open = LfsOpen, .Close = LfsClose, .Write = LfsWrite, .Read = LfsRead, .Seek = LfsSeek, .Rename = LfsRename, .Getattr = LfsStat, .Fsync = LfsFsync, .Fstat = LfsFstat, };
2.1 目錄資訊陣列操作
FileDirInfo *GetFreeDir(const char *dirName) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_FslocalMutex); for (int i = 0; i < LFS_MAX_OPEN_DIRS; i++) { if (g_lfsDir[i].useFlag == 0) { g_lfsDir[i].useFlag = 1; g_lfsDir[i].dirName = strdup(dirName); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); return &(g_lfsDir[i]); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); return NULL; } void FreeDirInfo(const char *dirName) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_FslocalMutex); for (int i = 0; i < LFS_MAX_OPEN_DIRS; i++) { if (g_lfsDir[i].useFlag == 1 && strcmp(g_lfsDir[i].dirName, dirName) == 0) { g_lfsDir[i].useFlag = 0; if (g_lfsDir[i].dirName) { free(g_lfsDir[i].dirName); g_lfsDir[i].dirName = NULL; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); } BOOL CheckDirIsOpen(const char *dirName) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_FslocalMutex); for (int i = 0; i < LFS_MAX_OPEN_DIRS; i++) { if (g_lfsDir[i].useFlag == 1) { if (strcmp(g_lfsDir[i].dirName, dirName) == 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); return TRUE; } } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); return FALSE; }
2.2 檔案資訊陣列操作
LittleFsHandleStruct *LfsAllocFd(const char *fileName, int *fd) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_FslocalMutex); for (int i = 0; i < LITTLE_FS_MAX_OPEN_FILES; i++) { if (g_handle[i].useFlag == 0) { *fd = i; g_handle[i].useFlag = 1; g_handle[i].pathName = strdup(fileName); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); return &(g_handle[i]); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); *fd = INVALID_FD; return NULL; } static void LfsFreeFd(int fd) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_FslocalMutex); g_handle[fd].useFlag = 0; if (g_handle[fd].pathName != NULL) { free((void *)g_handle[fd].pathName); g_handle[fd].pathName = NULL; } if (g_handle[fd].lfsHandle != NULL) { g_handle[fd].lfsHandle = NULL; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); } BOOL CheckFileIsOpen(const char *fileName) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_FslocalMutex); for (int i = 0; i < LITTLE_FS_MAX_OPEN_FILES; i++) { if (g_handle[i].useFlag == 1) { if (strcmp(g_handle[i].pathName, fileName) == 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); return TRUE; } } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); return FALSE; } static BOOL LfsFdIsValid(int fd) { if (fd >= LITTLE_FS_MAX_OPEN_FILES || fd < 0) { return FALSE; } if (g_handle[fd].lfsHandle == NULL) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
2.3 掛載點檔案操作資訊相關操作
struct FileOpInfo *AllocMountRes(const char* target, const struct FileOps *fileOps) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_FslocalMutex); for (int i = 0; i < LOSCFG_LFS_MAX_MOUNT_SIZE; i++) { if (g_fsOp[i].useFlag == 0 && strcmp(target, g_littlefsMntName[i]) == 0) { g_fsOp[i].useFlag = 1; g_fsOp[i].fsVops = fileOps; g_fsOp[i].dirName = strdup(target); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); return &(g_fsOp[i]); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); return NULL; } int SetDefaultMountPath(int pathNameIndex, const char* target) { if (pathNameIndex >= LOSCFG_LFS_MAX_MOUNT_SIZE) { return VFS_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_FslocalMutex); g_littlefsMntName[pathNameIndex] = strdup(target); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); return VFS_OK; }
struct FileOpInfo *GetMountRes(const char *target, int *mountIndex) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_FslocalMutex); for (int i = 0; i < LOSCFG_LFS_MAX_MOUNT_SIZE; i++) { if (g_fsOp[i].useFlag == 1) { if (g_fsOp[i].dirName && strcmp(target, g_fsOp[i].dirName) == 0) { *mountIndex = i; pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); return &(g_fsOp[i]); } } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); return NULL; }
int FreeMountResByIndex(int mountIndex) { if (mountIndex < 0 || mountIndex >= LOSCFG_LFS_MAX_MOUNT_SIZE) { return VFS_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_lock(&g_FslocalMutex); if (g_fsOp[mountIndex].useFlag == 1 && g_fsOp[mountIndex].dirName != NULL) { g_fsOp[mountIndex].useFlag = 0; free(g_fsOp[mountIndex].dirName); g_fsOp[mountIndex].dirName = NULL; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); return VFS_OK; } int FreeMountRes(const char *target) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_FslocalMutex); for (int i = 0; i < LOSCFG_LFS_MAX_MOUNT_SIZE; i++) { if (g_fsOp[i].useFlag == 1) { if (g_fsOp[i].dirName && strcmp(target, g_fsOp[i].dirName) == 0) { g_fsOp[i].useFlag = 0; free(g_fsOp[i].dirName); g_fsOp[i].dirName = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); return VFS_OK; } } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); return VFS_ERROR; }
2.4 路徑是否已掛載CheckPathIsMounted
函式CheckPathIsMounted()用於檢查給定的路徑是否已經掛載,如果掛載上把對應掛載點的檔案操作資訊由引數struct FileOpInfo **fileOpInfo輸出。⑴處先獲取路徑的第一級目錄的長度。⑵處遍歷每一個掛載點的檔案運算元組,如果檔案操作處於使用狀態,則執行⑶比對相應的掛載點名稱和路徑的第一級目錄名稱是否相等。如果相等,則輸出檔案操作資訊,並返回TRUE。否則返回FALSE。
int GetFirstLevelPathLen(const char *pathName) { int len = 1; for (int i = 1; i < strlen(pathName) + 1; i++) { if (pathName[i] == '/') { break; } len++; } return len; } BOOL CheckPathIsMounted(const char *pathName, struct FileOpInfo **fileOpInfo) { char tmpName[LITTLEFS_MAX_LFN_LEN] = {0}; ⑴ int len = GetFirstLevelPathLen(pathName); pthread_mutex_lock(&g_FslocalMutex); for (int i = 0; i < LOSCFG_LFS_MAX_MOUNT_SIZE; i++) { ⑵ if (g_fsOp[i].useFlag == 1) { (void)strncpy_s(tmpName, LITTLEFS_MAX_LFN_LEN, pathName, len); ⑶ if (strcmp(tmpName, g_fsOp[i].dirName) == 0) { *fileOpInfo = &(g_fsOp[i]); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); return TRUE; } } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_FslocalMutex); return FALSE; }
3、LiteOS-M LittleFS的檔案系統操作介面
快速記錄下各個操作介面,對每個介面的用途用法不再描述。可以參考之前的系列文章,《鴻蒙輕核心M核原始碼分析系列十九 Musl LibC》中介紹了相關的介面,那些介面會呼叫VFS檔案系統中操作介面,然後進一步呼叫LFS檔案操作介面。
3.1 掛載LfsMount和解除安裝LfsUmounts操作
掛載解除安裝操作包含LfsMount、LfsUmounts等2個操作。對於函式LfsMount(),需要注意下引數const void *data,這個需要是struct lfs_config指標型別變數。⑴處在掛載檔案系統之前,對輸入引數進行檢測。⑵處判斷是否已經掛載,不允許重複掛載。⑶處設定掛載點資訊,⑷處呼叫LFS的函式實現掛載,如果掛載失敗,則執行⑸嘗試格式化,然後重新掛載。
int LfsMount(const char *source, const char *target, const char *fileSystemType, unsigned long mountflags, const void *data) { int ret; struct FileOpInfo *fileOpInfo = NULL; ⑴ if (target == NULL || fileSystemType == NULL || data == NULL) { errno = EFAULT; ret = VFS_ERROR; goto errout; } if (strcmp(fileSystemType, "littlefs") != 0) { errno = ENODEV; ret = VFS_ERROR; goto errout; } ⑵ if (CheckPathIsMounted(target, &fileOpInfo)) { errno = EBUSY; ret = VFS_ERROR; goto errout; } // select free mount resource ⑶ fileOpInfo = AllocMountRes(target, &g_lfsFops); if (fileOpInfo == NULL) { errno = ENODEV; ret = VFS_ERROR; goto errout; } ⑷ ret = lfs_mount(&(fileOpInfo->lfsInfo), (struct lfs_config*)data); if (ret != 0) { ⑸ ret = lfs_format(&(fileOpInfo->lfsInfo), (struct lfs_config*)data); if (ret == 0) { ret = lfs_mount(&(fileOpInfo->lfsInfo), (struct lfs_config*)data); } } if (ret != 0) { errno = LittlefsErrno(ret); ret = VFS_ERROR; } errout: return ret; } int LfsUmount(const char *target) { int ret; int mountIndex = -1; struct FileOpInfo *fileOpInfo = NULL; if (target == NULL) { errno = EFAULT; return VFS_ERROR; } ⑹ fileOpInfo = GetMountRes(target, &mountIndex); if (fileOpInfo == NULL) { errno = ENOENT; return VFS_ERROR; } ⑺ ret = lfs_unmount(&(fileOpInfo->lfsInfo)); if (ret != 0) { errno = LittlefsErrno(ret); ret = VFS_ERROR; } ⑻ (void)FreeMountResByIndex(mountIndex); return ret; }
3.2 檔案目錄操作介面
...... int LfsUnlink(const char *fileName) { int ret; struct FileOpInfo *fileOpInfo = NULL; if (fileName == NULL) { errno = EFAULT; return VFS_ERROR; } if (CheckPathIsMounted(fileName, &fileOpInfo) == FALSE || fileOpInfo == NULL) { errno = ENOENT; return VFS_ERROR; } ret = lfs_remove(&(fileOpInfo->lfsInfo), fileName); if (ret != 0) { errno = LittlefsErrno(ret); ret = VFS_ERROR; } return ret; } int LfsMkdir(const char *dirName, mode_t mode) { int ret; struct FileOpInfo *fileOpInfo = NULL; if (dirName == NULL) { errno = EFAULT; return VFS_ERROR; } if (CheckPathIsMounted(dirName, &fileOpInfo) == FALSE || fileOpInfo == NULL) { errno = ENOENT; return VFS_ERROR; } ret = lfs_mkdir(&(fileOpInfo->lfsInfo), dirName); if (ret != 0) { errno = LittlefsErrno(ret); ret = VFS_ERROR; } return ret; } ......
- HarmonyOS Device>文件指南>基礎能力-LittleFS