Bug 27223075 - Wait for 'PX Deq: Join Ack' when no active QC but PPA* slaves sho
今天遇到了一個問題,應用並行SQL報錯ORA-12805 Parallel Query Server Died Unexpectedly Error
等待事件為PX Deq: Join Ack
Bug 27223075 Wait for 'PX Deq: Join Ack' when no active QC but PPA* slaves show as busy
This note gives a brief overview of bug 27223075.
The content was last updated on: 10-APR-2020
here for details of each of the sections below.
Product ( Component) Oracle Server (Rdbms) Range of versions believed to be affected Versions BELOW 19.1 Versions confirmed as being affected Platforms affected Generic (all / most platforms affected)
Interim patches may be available for earlier versions - click to check.
Symptoms: |
Related To: |
This bug is only relevant when using Real Application Clusters (RAC) and Parallel Query (PQO)Hang issue during slave join period and have to kill slave process to end the hang. Rediscovery: A PPA* slave that is busy is thought to be available by a QC and is asked to join, but the slave cannot report back to the QC, so it hangs and has to be killed. You may run the following queries and see no rows returned from the first one, and PPA* slaves returned from the second one: 1. No Query slaves running. select decode(px.qcinst_id,NULL,username, ' - '||lower(substr(s.program,length(s.program)-4,4) ) ) "Username", decode(px.qcinst_id,NULL, 'QC', '(Slave)') "QC/Slave" , to_char( px.server_set) "Slave Set", to_char(s.sid) "SID", decode(px.qcinst_id, NULL ,to_char(s.sid) ,px.qcsid) "QC SID", px.req_degree "Requested DOP", px.degree "Actual DOP" from v$px_session px, v$session s where px.sid=s.sid (+) and px.serial#=s.serial# order by 5 , 1 desc / no rows selected ... 2. But PPA4/PPA5/PPA6/PPA7 are busy. SQL> select SLAVE_NAME from V$PQ_SLAVE where STATUS='BUSY'; SLAV ---- PPA4 PPA5 PPA6 PPA7 Additional Info: Any parallel slave process (p00*) can be affected by this bug and is not constrained to PPA* slaves. Workaround None.
Please note: The above is a summary description only. Actual symptoms can vary. Matching to any symptoms here does not confirm that you are encountering this problem. For questions about this bug please consult Oracle Support. |
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