repmgr 叢集雙主問題處理
repmgr 出現切換後,原主庫停止服務。手動啟動原主庫會導致資料庫叢集狀態異常,變為雙主。
[highgo@localhost HighGo5.6.5-cluster]$ repmgr cluster show ID | Name | Role | Status | Upstream | Location | Priority | Replication lag | Last replayed LSN ----+----------------+---------+----------------------+----------------+----------+----------+-----------------+------------------- 1 | | primary | * running | | default | 100 | n/a | none 2 | | standby | ! running as primary | | default | 100 | 96 MB | 2/D2013F28 3 | | standby | running | | default | 100 | 96 MB | 2/D2013F28 WARNING: following issues were detected - node "" (ID: 2) is registered as standby but running as primary [highgo@localhost HighGo5.6.5-cluster]$ pg_ctl stop -m f 等待伺服器程式關閉 ..... 完成 伺服器程式已經關閉
[highgo@localhost HighGo5.6.5-cluster]$ repmgr node rejoin -d 'host= dbname=highgo user=highgo' --force-rewind --config-files=postgresql.conf --verbose --dry-run INFO: looking for configuration file in "/opt/HighGo5.6.5-cluster" INFO: configuration file found at: "/opt/HighGo5.6.5-cluster/conf/hg_repmgr.conf" DEBUG: set_config(): SET synchronous_commit TO 'local' DEBUG: get_primary_node_id(): SELECT node_id FROM repmgr.nodes WHERE type = 'primary' AND active IS TRUE DEBUG: get_node_record(): SELECT n.node_id, n.type, n.upstream_node_id, n.node_name, n.conninfo, n.repluser, n.slot_name, n.location, n.priority,, n.config_file, '' AS upstream_node_name FROM repmgr.nodes n WHERE n.node_id = 2 DEBUG: connecting to: "user=highgo connect_timeout=2 dbname=highgo host= port=5866 fallback_application_name=repmgr" DEBUG: set_config(): SET synchronous_commit TO 'local' DEBUG: get_recovery_type(): SELECT pg_catalog.pg_is_in_recovery() INFO: replication connection to the rejoin target node was successful INFO: local and rejoin target system identifiers match DETAIL: system identifier is 6823598896860049498 DEBUG: local timeline: 25; rejoin target timeline: 26 DEBUG: get_timeline_history(): TIMELINE_HISTORY 26 DEBUG: local tli: 25; local_xlogpos: 2/DE000028; follow_target_history->tli: 25; follow_target_history->end: 2/D2013F28 NOTICE: pg_rewind execution required for this node to attach to rejoin target node 2 DETAIL: rejoin target server's timeline 26 forked off current database system timeline 25 before current recovery point 2/DE000028 DEBUG: guc_set(): SELECT true FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings WHERE name = 'full_page_writes' AND setting = 'off' DEBUG: guc_set(): SELECT true FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings WHERE name = 'wal_log_hints' AND setting = 'on' INFO: prerequisites for using pg_rewind are met DEBUG: using archive directory "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-" INFO: temporary archive directory "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-" created INFO: file "postgresql.conf" would be copied to "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-" INFO: 1 files would have been copied to "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-" INFO: temporary archive directory "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-" deleted INFO: pg_rewind would now be executed DETAIL: pg_rewind command is: /opt/HighGo5.6.5-cluster/bin/pg_rewind -D '/opt/HighGo5.6.5-cluster/data' --source-server='host= user=highgo dbname=highgo port=5866 connect_timeout=2' INFO: prerequisites for executing NODE REJOIN are met
[highgo@localhost HighGo5.6.5-cluster]$ repmgr node rejoin -d 'host= dbname=highgo user=highgo' --force-rewind --config-files=postgresql.conf --verbose INFO: looking for configuration file in "/opt/HighGo5.6.5-cluster" INFO: configuration file found at: "/opt/HighGo5.6.5-cluster/conf/hg_repmgr.conf" DEBUG: set_config(): SET synchronous_commit TO 'local' DEBUG: get_primary_node_id(): SELECT node_id FROM repmgr.nodes WHERE type = 'primary' AND active IS TRUE DEBUG: get_node_record(): SELECT n.node_id, n.type, n.upstream_node_id, n.node_name, n.conninfo, n.repluser, n.slot_name, n.location, n.priority,, n.config_file, '' AS upstream_node_name FROM repmgr.nodes n WHERE n.node_id = 2 DEBUG: connecting to: "user=highgo connect_timeout=2 dbname=highgo host= port=5866 fallback_application_name=repmgr" DEBUG: set_config(): SET synchronous_commit TO 'local' DEBUG: get_recovery_type(): SELECT pg_catalog.pg_is_in_recovery() DEBUG: local timeline: 25; rejoin target timeline: 26 DEBUG: get_timeline_history(): TIMELINE_HISTORY 26 DEBUG: local tli: 25; local_xlogpos: 2/DE000028; follow_target_history->tli: 25; follow_target_history->end: 2/D2013F28 NOTICE: pg_rewind execution required for this node to attach to rejoin target node 2 DETAIL: rejoin target server's timeline 26 forked off current database system timeline 25 before current recovery point 2/DE000028 DEBUG: guc_set(): SELECT true FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings WHERE name = 'full_page_writes' AND setting = 'off' DEBUG: guc_set(): SELECT true FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings WHERE name = 'wal_log_hints' AND setting = 'on' INFO: prerequisites for using pg_rewind are met DEBUG: using archive directory "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-" DEBUG: copying "postgresql.conf" to "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-" INFO: 1 files copied to "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-" NOTICE: executing pg_rewind DETAIL: pg_rewind command is "/opt/HighGo5.6.5-cluster/bin/pg_rewind -D '/opt/HighGo5.6.5-cluster/data' --source-server='host= user=highgo dbname=highgo port=5866 connect_timeout=2'" DEBUG: executing: /opt/HighGo5.6.5-cluster/bin/pg_rewind -D '/opt/HighGo5.6.5-cluster/data' --source-server='host= user=highgo dbname=highgo port=5866 connect_timeout=2' DEBUG: result of command was 0 (13) DEBUG: local_command(): output returned was: servers diverged at WAL location 2/D2013F28 on timeline 25 DEBUG: using archive directory "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-" DEBUG: copying "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-" to "/opt/HighGo5.6.5-cluster/data/postgresql.conf" NOTICE: 1 files copied to /opt/HighGo5.6.5-cluster/data INFO: directory "/tmp/repmgr-config-archive-" deleted INFO: deleting "recovery.done" DEBUG: get_node_record(): SELECT n.node_id, n.type, n.upstream_node_id, n.node_name, n.conninfo, n.repluser, n.slot_name, n.location, n.priority,, n.config_file, '' AS upstream_node_name FROM repmgr.nodes n WHERE n.node_id = 1 NOTICE: setting node 1's upstream to node 2 DEBUG: create_recovery_file(): creating "/opt/HighGo5.6.5-cluster/data/recovery.conf"... DEBUG: recovery file is: standby_mode = 'on' primary_conninfo = 'user=highgo connect_timeout=2 host= port=5866 application_name=' recovery_target_timeline = 'latest' DEBUG: is_server_available(): ping status for "host= user=highgo dbname=highgo password=highgo@123 port=5866 connect_timeout=2" is PQPING_NO_RESPONSE WARNING: unable to ping "host= user=highgo dbname=highgo password=highgo@123 port=5866 connect_timeout=2" DETAIL: PQping() returned "PQPING_NO_RESPONSE" NOTICE: starting server using "/opt/HighGo5.6.5-cluster/bin/pg_ctl -w -D '/opt/HighGo5.6.5-cluster/data' start" DEBUG: executing: /opt/HighGo5.6.5-cluster/bin/pg_ctl -w -D '/opt/HighGo5.6.5-cluster/data' start DEBUG: result of command was 0 (13) DEBUG: local_command(): output returned was: 等待伺服器程式啟動 ....2020-06-25 09:41:54.523 CST [5308] WARNING: 01000: gdb version should large than 7.10 DEBUG: update_node_record_status(): UPDATE repmgr.nodes SET type = 'standby', upstream_node_id = 2, active = TRUE WHERE node_id = 1 DEBUG: is_server_available(): ping status for "host= user=highgo dbname=highgo password=highgo@123 port=5866 connect_timeout=2" is PQPING_REJECT WARNING: unable to ping "host= user=highgo dbname=highgo password=highgo@123 port=5866 connect_timeout=2" DETAIL: PQping() returned "PQPING_REJECT" INFO: waiting for node 1 to respond to pings; 1 of max 60 attempts DEBUG: is_server_available(): ping status for "host= user=highgo dbname=highgo password=highgo@123 port=5866 connect_timeout=2" is PQPING_REJECT WARNING: unable to ping "host= user=highgo dbname=highgo password=highgo@123 port=5866 connect_timeout=2" DETAIL: PQping() returned "PQPING_REJECT" DEBUG: sleeping 1 second waiting for node 1 to respond to pings; 2 of max 60 attempts DEBUG: is_server_available(): ping status for "host= user=highgo dbname=highgo password=highgo@123 port=5866 connect_timeout=2" is PQPING_REJECT WARNING: unable to ping "host= user=highgo dbname=highgo password=highgo@123 port=5866 connect_timeout=2" DETAIL: PQping() returned "PQPING_REJECT" DEBUG: sleeping 1 second waiting for node 1 to respond to pings; 3 of max 60 attempts DEBUG: is_server_available(): ping status for "host= user=highgo dbname=highgo password=highgo@123 port=5866 connect_timeout=2" is PQPING_OK INFO: demoted primary is pingable INFO: node 1 has attached to its upstream node DEBUG: _create_event(): event is "node_rejoin" for node 1 DEBUG: get_recovery_type(): SELECT pg_catalog.pg_is_in_recovery() DEBUG: _create_event(): INSERT INTO ( node_id, event, successful, details ) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING event_timestamp DEBUG: _create_event(): Event timestamp is "2020-06-30 10:15:47.522104+08" NOTICE: NODE REJOIN successful DETAIL: node 1 is now attached to node 2
[highgo@localhost HighGo5.6.5-cluster]$ repmgr cluster show ID | Name | Role | Status | Upstream | Location | Priority | Replication lag | Last replayed LSN ----+----------------+---------+----------------------+----------------+----------+----------+-----------------+------------------- 1 | | standby | running | | default | 100 | 0 MB | 2/D4013F28 2 | | primary | running | | default | 100 | n/a | none 3 | | standby | running | | default | 100 | 0 MB | 2/D4013F28
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