







1、Operation objects

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.5, an operation object is a wrapper for a task that would normally be executed on a secondary thread. This wrapper hides the thread management aspects of performing the task, leaving you free to focus on the task itself. You typically use these objects in conjunction with an operation queue object, which actually manages the execution of the operation objects on one more threads.
For more information on how to use operation objects, see Concurrency Programming Guide.

2、Grand Central Dispatch (GCD)

Introduced in Mac OS x v10.6, Grand Central Dispatch is another alternative to threads that lets you focus on the tasks you need to perform rather than on thread management. With GCD, you define the task you want to perform and add it to a work queue, which handles the scheduling of your task on an appropriate thread. Work queues take into account the number of available cores and the current load to execute your tasks more efficiently than you could do yourself using threads.
For information on how to use GCD and work queues, see Concurrency Programming Guide

3、Idle-time notifications

For tasks that are relatively short and very low priority, idle time notifications let you perform the task at a time when your application is not as busy. Cocoa provides support for idle-time notifications using the NSNotificationQueue object. To request an idle-time notification, post a notification to the default NSNotificationQueue object using the NSPostWhenIdle option. The queue delays the delivery of your notification object until the run loop becomes idle. For more information, see Notification Programming Topics.

4、Asynchronous functions

The system interfaces include many asynchronous functions that provide automatic concurrency for you. These APIs may use system daemons and processes or create custom threads to perform their task and return the results to you. (The actual implementation is irrelevant because it is separated from your code.) As you design your application, look for functions that offer asynchronous behavior and consider using them instead of using the equivalent synchronous function on a custom thread.


You can use timers on your application’s main thread to perform periodic tasks that are too trivial to require a thread, but which still require servicing at regular intervals. For information on timers, see “Timer Sources.”

6、Separate processes

Although more heavyweight than threads, creating a separate process might be useful in cases where the task is only tangentially related to your application. You might use a process if a task requires a significant amount of memory or must be executed using root privileges. For example, you might use a 64-bit server process to compute a large data set while your 32-bit application displays the results to the user.




1、Cocoa threads

Cocoa implements threads using the NSThread class. Cocoa also provides methods onNSObject for spawning new threads and executing code on already-running threads. For more information, see “Using NSThread” and “Using NSObject to Spawn a Thread.”

2、POSIX threads

POSIX threads provide a C-based interface for creating threads. If you are not writing a Cocoa application, this is the best choice for creating threads. The POSIX interface is relatively simple to use and offers ample flexibility for configuring your threads. For more information, see “Using POSIX Threads”

3、Multiprocessing Services

Multiprocessing Services is a legacy C-based interface used by applications transitioning from older versions of Mac OS. This technology is available in Mac OS X only and should be avoided for any new development. Instead, you should use the NSThread class or POSIX threads. If you need more information on this technology, see Multiprocessing Services Programming Guide.










1、Direct messaging

Cocoa applications support the ability to perform selectors directly on other threads. This capability means that one thread can essentially execute a method on any other thread. Because they are executed in the context of the target thread, messages sent this way are automatically serialized on that thread. For information about input sources, see “Cocoa Perform Selector Sources.”

2、Global variables, shared memory, and objects

Another simple way to communicate information between two threads is to use a global variable, shared object, or shared block of memory. Although shared variables are fast and simple, they are also more fragile than direct messaging. Shared variables must be carefully protected with locks or other synchronization mechanisms to ensure the correctness of your code. Failure to do so could lead to race conditions, corrupted data, or crashes.


Conditions are a synchronization tool that you can use to control when a thread executes a particular portion of code. You can think of conditions as gate keepers, letting a thread run only when the stated condition is met. For information on how to use conditions, see “Using Conditions.”


4、Run loop sources

A custom run loop source is one that you set up to receive application-specific messages on a thread. Because they are event driven, run loop sources put your thread to sleep automatically when there is nothing to do, which improves your thread’s efficiency. For information about run loops and run loop sources, see “Run Loops.”

5、Ports and sockets

Port-based communication is a more elaborate way to communication between two threads, but it is also a very reliable technique. More importantly, ports and sockets can be used to communicate with external entities, such as other processes and services. For efficiency, ports are implemented using run loop sources, so your thread sleeps when there is no data waiting on the port. For information about run loops and about port-based input sources, see “Run Loops.”

6、Message queues

The legacy Multiprocessing Services defines a first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue abstraction for managing incoming and outgoing data. Although message queues are simple and convenient, they are not as efficient as some other communications techniques. For more information about how to use message queues, see Multiprocessing Services Programming Guide.

7、Cocoa distributed objects

Distributed objects is a Cocoa technology that provides a high-level implementation of port-based communications. Although it is possible to use this technology for inter-thread communication, doing so is highly discouraged because of the amount of overhead it incurs. Distributed objects is much more suitable for communicating with other processes, where the overhead of going between processes is already high. For more information, seeDistributed Objects Programming Topics.




手動編寫執行緒建立程式碼是乏味的,而且容易出現錯誤,你應該儘可能避免這樣做。Mac OS X和iOS通過其他API介面提供了隱式的併發支援。你可以考慮使用非同步API,GCD方式,或操作物件來實現併發,而不是自己建立一個執行緒。這些技術背後為你做了執行緒相關的工作,並保證是無誤的。此外,比如GCD和操作物件技術被設計用來管理執行緒,比通過自己的程式碼根據當前的負載調整活動執行緒的數量更高效。 關於更多GCD和操作物件的資訊,你可以查閱“併發程式設計指南(Concurrency Programming Guid)”。



3、 避免共享資料結構




有幾個顯著的例外,它有利於在其他執行緒執行圖形操作。比如,QuickTime API包含了一系列可以在輔助執行緒執行的操作,包括開啟視訊檔案,渲染視訊檔案,壓縮視訊檔案,和匯入匯出影象。類似的,在Carbon和Cocoa裡面,你可以使用輔助執行緒來建立和處理圖片和其他圖片相關的計算。使用輔助執行緒來執行這些操作可以極大提高效能。如果你不確定一個操作是否和影象處理相關,那麼你應該在主執行緒執行這些操作。

關於QuickTime執行緒安全的資訊,查閱Technical Note TN2125:“QuickTime的執行緒安全程式設計”。關於Cocoa執行緒安全的更多資訊,查閱“執行緒安全總結”。關於Cocoa繪畫資訊,查閱Cocoa繪畫指南(Cocoa Drawing Guide)。



以非獨立的方式建立執行緒(又稱作為可連線的)你需要做一些額外的工作。因為大部分上層執行緒封裝技術預設情況下並沒有提供建立可連線的執行緒,你必須使用POSIX API來建立你想要的執行緒。此外,你必須在你的主執行緒新增程式碼,來當它們最終退出的時候連線非獨立的執行緒。更多有關建立可連線的執行緒資訊,請查閱“設定執行緒的脫離狀態”部分。

如果你正在程式設計Cocoa的程式,你也可以通過使用applicationShouldTerminate:的委託方法來延遲程式的中斷直到一段時間後或者完成取消。當延遲中斷的時候,你的程式需要等待直到任何週期執行緒已經完成它們的任務且呼叫了replyToApplicationShouldTerminate:方法。關於更多這些方法的資訊,請查閱NSApplication Class Reference。







8、  執行緒安全的庫


