SAP 對STO的交貨單執行PGI,報錯 -Fld selectn for mvmt type 643 acct 400020 diff


SAP SD VL02N對STO的交貨單執行PGI,報錯 -Fld selectn for mvmt type 643 acct 400020 differs for Business Area –


SAP 對STO的交貨單執行PGI,報錯 -Fld selectn for mvmt type 643 acct 400020 diff

執行VL10B建立好了外向交貨單80000779, 如上圖。

執行VL02N 為該交貨單做了揀配,試圖執行發貨過賬,卻不成功。報錯如下:

SAP 對STO的交貨單執行PGI,報錯 -Fld selectn for mvmt type 643 acct 400020 diff

Fld selectn for mvmt type 643 / acct 400020 differs for Business Area (033)

Message no. M7093


Comparison of the field selection strings from  movement type  643 and  G/L account  400020 has revealed that there is an incompatible field selection combination at one or more points.
Field for which the field selection is different: 
Business Area


On the movement type screen, a given field is a mandatory-entry field, whereas on the G/L account screen, the same field is suppressed.

System Response

You cannot post this transaction, unless you have changed the field selection adequately.


Contact your system administrator.

Action to be taken by the system administrator

Check whether any postings resulting from this movement type are to be made to the G/L account determined automatically. If you find that the G/L account is not correct, check the automatic account determination in the Customizing system for valuation.

If the G/L account is correct, use the report RM07CUFA to compare the field selection for the movement type with the field selection for the G/L account and change the incorrect settings or the field status group of the G/L account.


1,執行事務程式碼OMJJ,發現移動型別643裡,business area欄位是optional的,

SAP 對STO的交貨單執行PGI,報錯 -Fld selectn for mvmt type 643 acct 400020 diff


SAP 對STO的交貨單執行PGI,報錯 -Fld selectn for mvmt type 643 acct 400020 diff


2,筆者對移動型別643的配置恢復原狀,將總賬科目的欄位狀態組的配置裡business area的由Suppressed改成了Optional。


SAP 對STO的交貨單執行PGI,報錯 -Fld selectn for mvmt type 643 acct 400020 diff


SAP 對STO的交貨單執行PGI,報錯 -Fld selectn for mvmt type 643 acct 400020 diff


SAP 對STO的交貨單執行PGI,報錯 -Fld selectn for mvmt type 643 acct 400020 diff



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