常用的excel匯出方案,詳情見Spring Boot 入門(十二):報表匯出,對比poi、jxl和esayExcel的效率,其中jxl、esayEscel 底層都是基於 poi,它們僅僅是對 poi 進行了封裝,使匯出 excel 的程式碼更加簡潔(封裝 poi,匯出 excel 的工具類有很多,jxl 和 esayExcel 使用的比較多)。所以,如果遇到 excel 匯出效率低下,直接基於 poi 匯出 Excel,效率肯定是最高的,只是程式碼比較繁瑣與雜亂。
我主要是基於 esayExcel (目前使用比較多),對其 api 進行衍生與應用,解決匯出大量 Excel 導致的 OOM,或者資料超界異常:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid row number (1048576) outside allowable range (0..1048575)
1 package bean; 2 3 import com.alibaba.excel.annotation.ExcelProperty; 4 import com.alibaba.excel.annotation.format.DateTimeFormat; 5 import com.alibaba.excel.annotation.format.NumberFormat; 6 import lombok.Data; 7 import lombok.experimental.Accessors; 8 9 import java.util.Date; 10 11 /** 12 * @author dz 13 * @date 2021-11-06 上午 9:14 14 */ 15 @Accessors(chain = true) 16 @Data 17 public class ExcelBean { 18 19 @ExcelProperty("主鍵id") 20 private String id; 21 22 @ExcelProperty("姓名") 23 private String name; 24 25 @ExcelProperty("地址") 26 private String address; 27 28 @ExcelProperty("年齡") 29 private Integer age; 30 31 @ExcelProperty("數量") 32 private Integer number; 33 34 @NumberFormat("#.##") 35 @ExcelProperty("身高") 36 private Double high; 37 38 @ExcelProperty("距離") 39 private Double distance; 40 41 @DateTimeFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") 42 @ExcelProperty("開始時間") 43 private Date startTime; 44 45 @ExcelProperty("結束時間") 46 private Date endTime; 47 }
1 /** 2 * 獲取excel 匯出的資料 3 * 4 * @return list 集合 5 */ 6 private List<ExcelBean> getDate() { 7 log.info("開始生成資料"); 8 Date date = new Date(); 9 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 10 List<ExcelBean> list = Lists.newArrayList(); 11 for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { 12 ExcelBean bean = new ExcelBean(); 13 bean.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()). 14 setName("隔壁老樊" + i). 15 setAddress("北京市朝陽區酒仙橋" + i + "路"). 16 setAge(i). 17 setNumber(i + 10000). 18 setHigh(1.234 * i). 19 setDistance(1.234 * i). 20 setStartTime(date). 21 setEndTime(date); 22 list.add(bean); 23 } 24 log.info("資料生成結束,資料量={},耗時={}ms", list.size(), System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); 25 return list; 26 }
pom 依賴
1 <dependency> 2 <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId> 3 <artifactId>lombok</artifactId> 4 </dependency> 5 <dependency> 6 <groupId>com.alibaba</groupId> 7 <artifactId>easyexcel</artifactId> 8 <version>2.2.10</version> 9 </dependency>
依賴 esayexcel 時,如果專案已經依賴了 poi,有可能會產生jar 包依賴衝突(easyexcel底層也是基於 poi),解決方案如下:
方案一:檢視 easyexcel 中依賴的 poi 的版本,然後將專案其餘地方的版本修改成該版本,使專案依賴的 poi 版本和 easyexcel 依賴的版本一致
方案二:在 esayexcel 中將 poi 的依賴排除掉,如下
<dependency> <groupId>com.alibaba</groupId> <artifactId>easyexcel</artifactId> <version>2.2.10</version> <exclusions> <exclusion> <groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId> <artifactId>poi</artifactId> </exclusion> <exclusion> <groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId> <artifactId>poi-ooxml</artifactId> </exclusion> <exclusion> <groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId> <artifactId>poi-ooxml-schemas</artifactId> </exclusion> </exclusions> </dependency>
1 public static final String FILE_NAME = "D:\\test_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".xlsx"; 2 // 每個 sheet 寫入的資料 3 public static final int NUM_PER_SHEET = 300000; 4 // 每次向 sheet 中寫入的資料(分頁寫入) 5 public static final int NUM_BY_TIMES = 50000;
1.EasyExcel 匯出 excel 應用
使用 esayExcel 自帶的 api 匯出 excel 的應用,程式碼如下
1 /** 2 * 方法一:將資料寫入到excel 3 * 直接呼叫api,適合小資料量 4 * 100W條資料33s 5 */ 6 @Test 7 public void writeExcelByApi() { 8 String fileName = FILE_NAME; 9 log.info("匯出excel名稱={}", fileName); 10 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 11 // 直接呼叫api 12 List<ExcelBean> date = getDate(); 13 EasyExcel.write(fileName, ExcelBean.class).sheet().doWrite(date); 14 log.info("匯出excel結束,資料量={},耗時={}ms", date.size(), System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); 15 }
當 list 物件資料量太多,就會產生異常:原因是單個 excel 一個 sheet 的最大資料量為 1048575
1 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid row number (1048576) outside allowable range (0..1048575) 2 3 at org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFSheet.createRow(SXSSFSheet.java:123) 4 at org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFSheet.createRow(SXSSFSheet.java:65) 5 at com.alibaba.excel.util.WorkBookUtil.createRow(WorkBookUtil.java:70) 6 at com.alibaba.excel.write.executor.ExcelWriteAddExecutor.addOneRowOfDataToExcel(ExcelWriteAddExecutor.java:67) 7 at com.alibaba.excel.write.executor.ExcelWriteAddExecutor.add(ExcelWriteAddExecutor.java:56) 8 at com.alibaba.excel.write.ExcelBuilderImpl.addContent(ExcelBuilderImpl.java:58) 9 at com.alibaba.excel.ExcelWriter.write(ExcelWriter.java:161) 10 at com.alibaba.excel.ExcelWriter.write(ExcelWriter.java:146) 11 at com.alibaba.excel.write.builder.ExcelWriterSheetBuilder.doWrite(ExcelWriterSheetBuilder.java:61) 12 at mytest.TestExcel.writeExcelByApi(TestExcel.java:40) 13 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 14 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) 15 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) 16 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) 17 at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(FrameworkMethod.java:59) 18 at org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable.run(ReflectiveCallable.java:12) 19 at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(FrameworkMethod.java:56) 20 at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate(InvokeMethod.java:17) 21 at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:306) 22 at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner$1.evaluate(BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.java:100) 23 at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(ParentRunner.java:366) 24 at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.java:103) 25 at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.java:63) 26 at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$4.run(ParentRunner.java:331) 27 at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:79) 28 at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:329) 29 at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$100(ParentRunner.java:66) 30 at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:293) 31 at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:306) 32 at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:413) 33 at org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.run(JUnitCore.java:137) 34 at com.intellij.junit4.JUnit4IdeaTestRunner.startRunnerWithArgs(JUnit4IdeaTestRunner.java:69) 35 at com.intellij.rt.junit.IdeaTestRunner$Repeater.startRunnerWithArgs(IdeaTestRunner.java:33) 36 at com.intellij.rt.junit.JUnitStarter.prepareStreamsAndStart(JUnitStarter.java:220) 37 at com.intellij.rt.junit.JUnitStarter.main(JUnitStarter.java:53)
2.EasyExcel 匯出 excel 應用優化一:execl 資料量超過1048575
將資料寫入到不同的 sheet,保證每個 sheet 的資料量小於 1048575 行,解決此問題,程式碼如下
1 /** 2 * 方法二:匯出多個sheet 3 * easyExcel 底層是 POI 實現的,POI 單個sheet 最多隻能匯出 1048576 行,超過該行數,會產生如下異常 4 * java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid row number (1048576) outside allowable range (0..1048575) 5 * <p> 6 * 11:57:55.541 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet0,資料量300000-0=300000,耗時=6055ms 7 * 11:57:59.701 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet1,資料量600000-300000=300000,耗時=4159ms 8 * 11:58:03.827 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet2,資料量900000-600000=300000,耗時=4126ms 9 * 11:58:05.193 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet3,資料量1000000-900000=100000,耗時=1366ms 10 * 11:58:17.418 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 匯出excel結束,總資料量=1000000,耗時=31297ms 11 */ 12 @Test 13 public void writeExcelByMulSheet() { 14 String fileName = FILE_NAME; 15 log.info("匯出excel名稱={}", fileName); 16 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 17 // 獲取資料 18 List<ExcelBean> date = getDate(); 19 // 獲取 sheet 的個數 20 int sheetNum = date.size() % NUM_PER_SHEET == 0 ? date.size() / NUM_PER_SHEET : date.size() / NUM_PER_SHEET + 1; 21 // 指定寫入的檔案 22 ExcelWriter excelWriter = EasyExcel.write(fileName, ExcelBean.class).build(); 23 for (int i = 0; i < sheetNum; i++) { 24 long l = System.currentTimeMillis(); 25 // 設定 sheet 的名字(sheet不能相同) 26 String sheetName = "sheet" + i; 27 WriteSheet writeSheet = EasyExcel.writerSheet(i, sheetName).build(); 28 int startNum = i * NUM_PER_SHEET; 29 int endNum = i == sheetNum - 1 ? date.size() : (i + 1) * NUM_PER_SHEET; 30 excelWriter.write(date.subList(startNum, endNum), writeSheet); 31 log.info("寫入sheet={},資料量{}-{}={},耗時={}ms", sheetName, endNum, startNum, endNum - startNum, System.currentTimeMillis() - l); 32 } 33 // 最好放在 finally中 34 excelWriter.finish(); 35 log.info("匯出excel結束,總資料量={},耗時={}ms", date.size(), System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); 36 }
3.EasyExcel 匯出 excel 應用優化二:資料來源 list 太大,直接讀取全部的 list 資料導致 OOM
將 list 資料進行分頁讀取,並進行分頁寫入到 excel。這樣還有個好處,每次每頁讀取部分資料,然後寫入到 excel 中(相當於該批資料已經從記憶體刷到了磁碟),也增加了寫入的效率;poi 中的匯出excel,為此專門提供了一個重新整理磁碟的 api,具體程式碼如下
1 /** 2 * 方法三:同一個 Sheet,分批多次寫入 3 * 當單次讀取的 list 資料量過大,會產生 OOM 異常,所以需要分頁讀取並寫入到 excel 4 * 11:55:01.590 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量50000-0=50000,耗時=2227ms 5 * 11:55:02.429 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量100000-50000=50000,耗時=838ms 6 * 11:55:03.188 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量150000-100000=50000,耗時=759ms 7 * 11:55:03.951 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量200000-150000=50000,耗時=762ms 8 * 11:55:04.708 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量250000-200000=50000,耗時=757ms 9 * 11:55:05.471 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量300000-250000=50000,耗時=762ms 10 * 11:55:06.172 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量350000-300000=50000,耗時=701ms 11 * 11:55:06.921 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量400000-350000=50000,耗時=749ms 12 * 11:55:07.688 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量450000-400000=50000,耗時=767ms 13 * 11:55:08.437 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量500000-450000=50000,耗時=749ms 14 * 11:55:09.141 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量550000-500000=50000,耗時=704ms 15 * 11:55:09.899 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量600000-550000=50000,耗時=758ms 16 * 11:55:10.597 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量650000-600000=50000,耗時=698ms 17 * 11:55:11.353 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量700000-650000=50000,耗時=756ms 18 * 11:55:12.055 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量750000-700000=50000,耗時=701ms 19 * 11:55:12.820 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量800000-750000=50000,耗時=765ms 20 * 11:55:13.576 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量850000-800000=50000,耗時=756ms 21 * 11:55:14.287 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量900000-850000=50000,耗時=711ms 22 * 11:55:15.055 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量950000-900000=50000,耗時=768ms 23 * 11:55:15.773 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量1000000-950000=50000,耗時=718ms 24 * 11:55:28.016 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 匯出excel結束,總資料量=1000000,耗時=31738ms 25 * 26 * Process finished with exit code 0 27 */ 28 @Test 29 public void writeExcelByMulWrite() { 30 String fileName = FILE_NAME; 31 log.info("匯出excel名稱={}", fileName); 32 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 33 // 獲取資料 34 List<ExcelBean> date = getDate(); 35 ExcelWriter excelWrite = EasyExcel.write(fileName, ExcelBean.class).build(); 36 WriteSheet writeSheet = EasyExcel.writerSheet("testSheet").build(); 37 // 計算需要寫入的次數 38 int times = date.size() % NUM_BY_TIMES == 0 ? date.size() / NUM_BY_TIMES : date.size() / NUM_BY_TIMES + 1; 39 for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) { 40 long l = System.currentTimeMillis(); 41 int startNum = i * NUM_BY_TIMES; 42 int endNum = i == times - 1 ? date.size() : (i + 1) * NUM_BY_TIMES; 43 excelWrite.write(date.subList(startNum, endNum), writeSheet); 44 log.info("寫入數量{}-{}={},耗時={}ms", endNum, startNum, endNum - startNum, System.currentTimeMillis() - l); 45 } 46 // 需要放入 finally 中 47 if (excelWrite != null) { 48 excelWrite.finish(); 49 } 50 log.info("匯出excel結束,總資料量={},耗時={}ms", date.size(), System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); 51 }
4.EasyExcel 匯出 excel 應用優化三:結合前面兩種方案
將 list 資料進行分頁讀取,並且每個 sheet 分多次寫入,且寫入到多個 sheet 中
1 /** 2 * 方案四:寫入多個 sheet,並且每個 sheet 寫入多次資料(結合方案二、三) 3 * 資料量大,導致一個 sheet 儲存不下;同時單次讀入的資料量太大。可以採用這個方法
4 * 12:02:18.751 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet0,資料量=50000-0=50000,耗時=1558 5 * 12:02:19.542 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet0,資料量=100000-50000=50000,耗時=791 6 * 12:02:20.282 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet0,資料量=150000-100000=50000,耗時=740 7 * 12:02:21.037 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet0,資料量=200000-150000=50000,耗時=755 8 * 12:02:21.781 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet0,資料量=250000-200000=50000,耗時=744 9 * 12:02:22.524 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet0,資料量=300000-250000=50000,耗時=742 10 * 12:02:23.201 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet1,資料量=350000-300000=50000,耗時=677 11 * 12:02:23.852 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet1,資料量=400000-350000=50000,耗時=651 12 * 12:02:24.451 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet1,資料量=450000-400000=50000,耗時=599 13 * 12:02:25.100 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet1,資料量=500000-450000=50000,耗時=649 14 * 12:02:25.753 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet1,資料量=550000-500000=50000,耗時=653 15 * 12:02:26.350 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet1,資料量=600000-550000=50000,耗時=597 16 * 12:02:26.995 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet2,資料量=650000-600000=50000,耗時=645 17 * 12:02:27.588 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet2,資料量=700000-650000=50000,耗時=593 18 * 12:02:28.244 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet2,資料量=750000-700000=50000,耗時=656 19 * 12:02:28.893 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet2,資料量=800000-750000=50000,耗時=648 20 * 12:02:29.506 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet2,資料量=850000-800000=50000,耗時=613 21 * 12:02:30.163 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet2,資料量=900000-850000=50000,耗時=657 22 * 12:02:30.760 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet3,資料量=950000-900000=50000,耗時=597 23 * 12:02:31.419 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet3,資料量=1000000-950000=50000,耗時=659 24 * 12:02:43.235 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 匯出excel結束,總資料量=1000000,耗時=28818ms 25 * 26 * Process finished with exit code 0 27 */ 28 @Test 29 public void writeExcelByMulSheetAndWriteChange() { 30 String fileName = FILE_NAME; 31 log.info("匯出excel名稱={}", fileName); 32 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 33 // 獲取資料 34 List<ExcelBean> date = getDate(); 35 // 獲取 sheet 的個數 36 int sheetNum = date.size() % NUM_PER_SHEET == 0 ? date.size() / NUM_PER_SHEET : date.size() / NUM_PER_SHEET + 1; 37 // 獲取每個sheet 寫入的次數 38 int writeNumPerSheet = NUM_PER_SHEET % NUM_BY_TIMES == 0 ? NUM_PER_SHEET / NUM_BY_TIMES : NUM_PER_SHEET / NUM_BY_TIMES + 1; 39 // 最後一個 sheet 寫入的數量 40 int writeNumLastSheet = date.size() - (sheetNum - 1) * NUM_PER_SHEET; 41 // 最後一個 sheet 寫入的次數 42 int writeNumPerLastSheet = writeNumLastSheet % NUM_BY_TIMES == 0 ? writeNumLastSheet / NUM_BY_TIMES : writeNumLastSheet / NUM_BY_TIMES + 1; 43 // 指定寫入的檔案 44 ExcelWriter excelWriter = EasyExcel.write(fileName, ExcelBean.class).build(); 45 for (int i = 0; i < sheetNum; i++) { 46 String sheetName = "sheet" + i; 47 WriteSheet writeSheet = EasyExcel.writerSheet(i, sheetName).build(); 48 int writeNum = i == sheetNum - 1 ? writeNumPerLastSheet : writeNumPerSheet; // 每個sheet 寫入的次數 49 int endEndNum = i == sheetNum - 1 ? date.size() : (i + 1) * NUM_PER_SHEET; // 每個sheet 最後一次寫入的最後行數 50 for (int j = 0; j < writeNum; j++) { 51 long l = System.currentTimeMillis(); 52 int startNum = i * NUM_PER_SHEET + j * NUM_BY_TIMES; 53 int endNum = j == writeNum - 1 ? endEndNum : i * NUM_PER_SHEET + (j + 1) * NUM_BY_TIMES; 54 excelWriter.write(date.subList(startNum, endNum), writeSheet); 55 log.info("寫入sheet={},資料量={}-{}={},耗時={}", sheetName, endNum, startNum, endNum - startNum, System.currentTimeMillis() - l); 56 } 57 } 58 // 需要放入 finally 中 59 if (excelWriter != null) { 60 excelWriter.finish(); 61 } 62 log.info("匯出excel結束,總資料量={},耗時={}ms", date.size(), System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); 63 }

1 package mytest; 2 3 import bean.ExcelBean; 4 import com.alibaba.excel.EasyExcel; 5 import com.alibaba.excel.ExcelWriter; 6 import com.alibaba.excel.write.metadata.WriteSheet; 7 import com.google.common.collect.Lists; 8 import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; 9 import org.junit.Test; 10 11 import java.util.Date; 12 import java.util.List; 13 import java.util.UUID; 14 15 /** 16 * @author dengzeng 17 * @date 2021-11-06 上午 8:57 18 * 19 */ 20 @Slf4j 21 public class TestExcel { 22 public static final String FILE_NAME = "D:\\test_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".xlsx"; 23 // 每個 sheet 寫入的資料 24 public static final int NUM_PER_SHEET = 300000; 25 // 每次向 sheet 中寫入的資料(分頁寫入) 26 public static final int NUM_BY_TIMES = 50000; 27 28 /** 29 * 方法一:將資料寫入到excel 30 * 直接呼叫api,適合小資料量 31 * 100W條資料33s 32 */ 33 @Test 34 public void writeExcelByApi() { 35 String fileName = FILE_NAME; 36 log.info("匯出excel名稱={}", fileName); 37 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 38 // 直接呼叫api 39 List<ExcelBean> date = getDate(); 40 EasyExcel.write(fileName, ExcelBean.class).sheet().doWrite(date); 41 log.info("匯出excel結束,資料量={},耗時={}ms", date.size(), System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); 42 } 43 44 /** 45 * 方法二:匯出多個sheet 46 * easyExcel 底層是 POI 實現的,POI 單個sheet 最多隻能匯出 1048576 行,超過該行數,會產生如下異常 47 * java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid row number (1048576) outside allowable range (0..1048575) 48 * <p> 49 * 11:57:55.541 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet0,資料量300000-0=300000,耗時=6055ms 50 * 11:57:59.701 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet1,資料量600000-300000=300000,耗時=4159ms 51 * 11:58:03.827 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet2,資料量900000-600000=300000,耗時=4126ms 52 * 11:58:05.193 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet3,資料量1000000-900000=100000,耗時=1366ms 53 * 11:58:17.418 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 匯出excel結束,總資料量=1000000,耗時=31297ms 54 */ 55 @Test 56 public void writeExcelByMulSheet() { 57 String fileName = FILE_NAME; 58 log.info("匯出excel名稱={}", fileName); 59 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 60 // 獲取資料 61 List<ExcelBean> date = getDate(); 62 // 獲取 sheet 的個數 63 int sheetNum = date.size() % NUM_PER_SHEET == 0 ? date.size() / NUM_PER_SHEET : date.size() / NUM_PER_SHEET + 1; 64 // 指定寫入的檔案 65 ExcelWriter excelWriter = EasyExcel.write(fileName, ExcelBean.class).build(); 66 for (int i = 0; i < sheetNum; i++) { 67 long l = System.currentTimeMillis(); 68 // 設定 sheet 的名字(sheet不能相同) 69 String sheetName = "sheet" + i; 70 WriteSheet writeSheet = EasyExcel.writerSheet(i, sheetName).build(); 71 int startNum = i * NUM_PER_SHEET; 72 int endNum = i == sheetNum - 1 ? date.size() : (i + 1) * NUM_PER_SHEET; 73 excelWriter.write(date.subList(startNum, endNum), writeSheet); 74 log.info("寫入sheet={},資料量{}-{}={},耗時={}ms", sheetName, endNum, startNum, endNum - startNum, System.currentTimeMillis() - l); 75 } 76 // 最好放在 finally中 77 excelWriter.finish(); 78 log.info("匯出excel結束,總資料量={},耗時={}ms", date.size(), System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); 79 } 80 81 /** 82 * 方法三:同一個 Sheet,分批多次寫入 83 * 當單次讀取的 list 資料量過大,會產生 OOM 異常,所以需要分頁讀取並寫入到 excel 84 * 11:55:01.590 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量50000-0=50000,耗時=2227ms 85 * 11:55:02.429 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量100000-50000=50000,耗時=838ms 86 * 11:55:03.188 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量150000-100000=50000,耗時=759ms 87 * 11:55:03.951 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量200000-150000=50000,耗時=762ms 88 * 11:55:04.708 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量250000-200000=50000,耗時=757ms 89 * 11:55:05.471 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量300000-250000=50000,耗時=762ms 90 * 11:55:06.172 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量350000-300000=50000,耗時=701ms 91 * 11:55:06.921 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量400000-350000=50000,耗時=749ms 92 * 11:55:07.688 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量450000-400000=50000,耗時=767ms 93 * 11:55:08.437 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量500000-450000=50000,耗時=749ms 94 * 11:55:09.141 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量550000-500000=50000,耗時=704ms 95 * 11:55:09.899 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量600000-550000=50000,耗時=758ms 96 * 11:55:10.597 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量650000-600000=50000,耗時=698ms 97 * 11:55:11.353 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量700000-650000=50000,耗時=756ms 98 * 11:55:12.055 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量750000-700000=50000,耗時=701ms 99 * 11:55:12.820 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量800000-750000=50000,耗時=765ms 100 * 11:55:13.576 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量850000-800000=50000,耗時=756ms 101 * 11:55:14.287 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量900000-850000=50000,耗時=711ms 102 * 11:55:15.055 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量950000-900000=50000,耗時=768ms 103 * 11:55:15.773 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入數量1000000-950000=50000,耗時=718ms 104 * 11:55:28.016 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 匯出excel結束,總資料量=1000000,耗時=31738ms 105 * <p> 106 * Process finished with exit code 0 107 */ 108 @Test 109 public void writeExcelByMulWrite() { 110 String fileName = FILE_NAME; 111 log.info("匯出excel名稱={}", fileName); 112 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 113 // 獲取資料 114 List<ExcelBean> date = getDate(); 115 ExcelWriter excelWrite = EasyExcel.write(fileName, ExcelBean.class).build(); 116 WriteSheet writeSheet = EasyExcel.writerSheet("testSheet").build(); 117 // 計算需要寫入的次數 118 int times = date.size() % NUM_BY_TIMES == 0 ? date.size() / NUM_BY_TIMES : date.size() / NUM_BY_TIMES + 1; 119 for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) { 120 long l = System.currentTimeMillis(); 121 int startNum = i * NUM_BY_TIMES; 122 int endNum = i == times - 1 ? date.size() : (i + 1) * NUM_BY_TIMES; 123 excelWrite.write(date.subList(startNum, endNum), writeSheet); 124 log.info("寫入數量{}-{}={},耗時={}ms", endNum, startNum, endNum - startNum, System.currentTimeMillis() - l); 125 } 126 // 需要放入 finally 中 127 if (excelWrite != null) { 128 excelWrite.finish(); 129 } 130 log.info("匯出excel結束,總資料量={},耗時={}ms", date.size(), System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); 131 } 132 133 134 /** 135 * 方案四:寫入多個 sheet,並且每個 sheet 寫入多次資料(結合方案二、三) 136 * 資料量大,導致一個 sheet 儲存不下;同時單次讀入的資料量太大。可以採用這個方法 137 * 12:02:18.751 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet0,資料量=50000-0=50000,耗時=1558 138 * 12:02:19.542 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet0,資料量=100000-50000=50000,耗時=791 139 * 12:02:20.282 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet0,資料量=150000-100000=50000,耗時=740 140 * 12:02:21.037 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet0,資料量=200000-150000=50000,耗時=755 141 * 12:02:21.781 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet0,資料量=250000-200000=50000,耗時=744 142 * 12:02:22.524 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet0,資料量=300000-250000=50000,耗時=742 143 * 12:02:23.201 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet1,資料量=350000-300000=50000,耗時=677 144 * 12:02:23.852 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet1,資料量=400000-350000=50000,耗時=651 145 * 12:02:24.451 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet1,資料量=450000-400000=50000,耗時=599 146 * 12:02:25.100 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet1,資料量=500000-450000=50000,耗時=649 147 * 12:02:25.753 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet1,資料量=550000-500000=50000,耗時=653 148 * 12:02:26.350 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet1,資料量=600000-550000=50000,耗時=597 149 * 12:02:26.995 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet2,資料量=650000-600000=50000,耗時=645 150 * 12:02:27.588 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet2,資料量=700000-650000=50000,耗時=593 151 * 12:02:28.244 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet2,資料量=750000-700000=50000,耗時=656 152 * 12:02:28.893 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet2,資料量=800000-750000=50000,耗時=648 153 * 12:02:29.506 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet2,資料量=850000-800000=50000,耗時=613 154 * 12:02:30.163 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet2,資料量=900000-850000=50000,耗時=657 155 * 12:02:30.760 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet3,資料量=950000-900000=50000,耗時=597 156 * 12:02:31.419 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 寫入sheet=sheet3,資料量=1000000-950000=50000,耗時=659 157 * 12:02:43.235 [main] INFO mytest.TestExcel - 匯出excel結束,總資料量=1000000,耗時=28818ms 158 * 159 * Process finished with exit code 0 160 */ 161 @Test 162 public void writeExcelByMulSheetAndWriteChange() { 163 String fileName = FILE_NAME; 164 log.info("匯出excel名稱={}", fileName); 165 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 166 // 獲取資料 167 List<ExcelBean> date = getDate(); 168 // 獲取 sheet 的個數 169 int sheetNum = date.size() % NUM_PER_SHEET == 0 ? date.size() / NUM_PER_SHEET : date.size() / NUM_PER_SHEET + 1; 170 // 獲取每個sheet 寫入的次數 171 int writeNumPerSheet = NUM_PER_SHEET % NUM_BY_TIMES == 0 ? NUM_PER_SHEET / NUM_BY_TIMES : NUM_PER_SHEET / NUM_BY_TIMES + 1; 172 // 最後一個 sheet 寫入的數量 173 int writeNumLastSheet = date.size() - (sheetNum - 1) * NUM_PER_SHEET; 174 // 最後一個 sheet 寫入的次數 175 int writeNumPerLastSheet = writeNumLastSheet % NUM_BY_TIMES == 0 ? writeNumLastSheet / NUM_BY_TIMES : writeNumLastSheet / NUM_BY_TIMES + 1; 176 // 指定寫入的檔案 177 ExcelWriter excelWriter = EasyExcel.write(fileName, ExcelBean.class).build(); 178 for (int i = 0; i < sheetNum; i++) { 179 String sheetName = "sheet" + i; 180 WriteSheet writeSheet = EasyExcel.writerSheet(i, sheetName).build(); 181 int writeNum = i == sheetNum - 1 ? writeNumPerLastSheet : writeNumPerSheet; // 每個sheet 寫入的次數 182 int endEndNum = i == sheetNum - 1 ? date.size() : (i + 1) * NUM_PER_SHEET; // 每個sheet 最後一次寫入的最後行數 183 for (int j = 0; j < writeNum; j++) { 184 long l = System.currentTimeMillis(); 185 int startNum = i * NUM_PER_SHEET + j * NUM_BY_TIMES; 186 int endNum = j == writeNum - 1 ? endEndNum : i * NUM_PER_SHEET + (j + 1) * NUM_BY_TIMES; 187 excelWriter.write(date.subList(startNum, endNum), writeSheet); 188 log.info("寫入sheet={},資料量={}-{}={},耗時={}", sheetName, endNum, startNum, endNum - startNum, System.currentTimeMillis() - l); 189 } 190 } 191 // 需要放入 finally 中 192 if (excelWriter != null) { 193 excelWriter.finish(); 194 } 195 log.info("匯出excel結束,總資料量={},耗時={}ms", date.size(), System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); 196 } 197 198 199 /** 200 * 獲取excel 匯出的資料 201 * 202 * @return list 集合 203 */ 204 private List<ExcelBean> getDate() { 205 log.info("開始生成資料"); 206 Date date = new Date(); 207 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 208 List<ExcelBean> list = Lists.newArrayList(); 209 for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { 210 ExcelBean bean = new ExcelBean(); 211 bean.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()). 212 setName("隔壁老樊" + i). 213 setAddress("北京市朝陽區酒仙橋" + i + "路"). 214 setAge(i). 215 setNumber(i + 10000). 216 setHigh(1.234 * i). 217 setDistance(1.234 * i). 218 setStartTime(date). 219 setEndTime(date); 220 list.add(bean); 221 } 222 log.info("資料生成結束,資料量={},耗時={}ms", list.size(), System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); 223 return list; 224 } 225 }