ublic class BoxOfProduce {
private static String Item1;
private static String Item2;
private static String Item3;
* 用來隨機抽取檔案內的水果名稱,並且複製給Lineread
* @return Lineread
* @throws IOException
private String randomlySelect() throws IOException {
int Linenum;
String Lineread = null;
// 建立Random類,隨機生成0~4之間的一個數
Random rd = new Random();
Linenum = rd.nextInt(5);
// 開啟檔案
File file = new File("itemList.txt");
Scanner inputFile = new Scanner(file);
// 用for迴圈給Lineread賦值
for (int i = 0; i <= Linenum; i++) {
Lineread = inputFile.nextLine();
// 關閉檔案
// 返回Lineread
return Lineread;
* 建立一個constructor,給Item1,Item2,Item3賦值
* @throws IOException
public BoxOfProduce() throws IOException {
Item1 = randomlySelect();
Item2 = randomlySelect();
Item3 = randomlySelect();
* 用來返回Item1
* @return Item1
public static String getItem1() {
return Item1;
* 可以用來改變Item1的值
* @param item1
public static void setItem1(String item1) {
Item1 = item1;
* 用來返回Item2
* @return Item2
public static String getItem2() {
return Item2;
* 可以用來改變Item2的值
* @param item2
public static void setItem2(String item2) {
Item2 = item2;
* 用來返回Item3
* @return Item3
public static String getItem3() {
return Item3;
* 可以用來改變Item3的值
* @param item3
public static void setItem3(String item3) {
Item3 = item3;
* 輸出Item1,Item2,Item3的值
public void display() {
System.out.println("The contents of the box:");
System.out.println("Item1:" + Item1);
System.out.println("Item2:" + Item2);
System.out.println("Item3:" + Item3);
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
String answer; //用來得到使用者的答案
String substituteItem;//使用者輸入的用來替換的水果名稱
Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in);
BoxOfProduce boxOfProduce = new BoxOfProduce();
System.out.print("Do you agree with the selected item1,"
+ boxOfProduce.getItem1() + "(Yes or No):");
answer = kb.nextLine();
if (answer.equals("No")) {
.print("Enter the substituting fruit or vegetable for item1:");
substituteItem = kb.nextLine();
System.out.print("Do you agree with the selected item2,"
+ boxOfProduce.getItem2() + "(Yes or No):");
answer = kb.nextLine();
if (answer.equals("No")) {
.print("Enter the substituting fruit or vegetable for item2:");
substituteItem = kb.nextLine();
System.out.print("Do you agree with the selected item3,"
+ boxOfProduce.getItem3() + "(Yes or No):");
answer = kb.nextLine();
if (answer.equals("No")) {
.print("Enter the substituting fruit or vegetable for item3:");
substituteItem = kb.nextLine();
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