[20210930]IFS= read -r line.txt
[20210930]IFS= read -r line.txt
$ echo " a b c " | { IFS= read -r line; echo "[$line]" ; }
[ a b c ]
$ echo " a b c " | { read -r line; echo "[$line]" ; }
[a b c]
--//在IFS=的情況下,read -r 可以保持前面的空格.
$ echo -n "$IFS" |xxd -c 16 -g 1
0000000: 20 09 0a
$ echo " a b c " | { IFS= read -r line; echo "[$line]" ; }
[ a b c ]
$ echo " a b c " | { read -r line; echo "[$line]" ; }
[a b c]
$ echo " a b c " | { read line; echo "[$line]" ; }
[a b c]
$ echo " a b\t c " | { IFS= read line; echo "[$line]" ; }| xxd -c 16 -g 1
0000000: 5b 20 20 20 20 61 20 62 74 20 63 20 20 20 5d 0a [ a bt c ].
$ echo " a b\t c " | { IFS= read -r line; echo "[$line]" ; }| xxd -c 16 -g 1
0000000: 5b 20 20 20 20 61 20 62 5c 74 20 63 20 20 20 5d [ a b\t c ]
0000010: 0a
--//-r 保持\不解析.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/267265/viewspace-2794819/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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