As we know we can read property value from an object as so:
const obj = {}
So what's the difference between those two?
ECMAScript will do a transform internally as such
[[GET]](obj /*object itself*/, 'x' /*property key*/, obj /*this pointer*/)
ECMAScript will do a transform internally as such
obj /*object itself*/,
x is symbol ? x: String(x) /*check whether x is symbol, if is, then use symbol, otherwise stringify x*/,
obj /*this pointer*/
So as we can see, the only difference between those two is how ECMAScript handle x
property key.
: consider 'x' as string value
: consider x can be smybol or not, if yes, will use symbol, otherwise, convert to string value
const obj = {}
obj[0] = 1 // is 0 a symbol? nope, then conver to '0'
obj['0'] = 2 // is '0' a symbol? nope, then keep '0'
console.log(obj) // {'0': 2}
const obj = {}
obj[obj] = 1 // is obj a symbol? nope, then String(obj) which is '[object object]'
console.log(obj) // {'[object Object]': 1}
const obj = {
toString() {
return 'abc'
obj[obj] = 1 // is obj a symbol? nope, then String(obj) which is 'abc'
console.log(obj) // {toString: [Function: toString], 'abc': 1}