Oracle 高水位查詢和處理方法彙總
一 查詢dba_tables(user_tables) 二 dump SEGMENT HEADER block 三 Segment Advisor 四 show_space
一 truncate 二 SHRINK SPACE CASCADE 三 MOVE 四 exp/imp或expdp/impdp 五 複製要保留的資料到臨時表T,DROP原表,然後RENAME臨時表T為原表。
SQL> conn / as sysdba Connected. SQL> create tablespace cjctbs datafile '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/chendb/cjctbs01.dbf' size 10M autoextend on; create user c##cjc identified by a default tablespace cjctbs; grant connect,resource,dba to c##cjc; conn c##cjc/a create table t1 as select * from dba_objects; insert into t1 select * from t1; / / / SQL> select count(*) from t1; COUNT(*) ---------- 881698 SQL> delete t1 where rownum<881688; Commit complete
How to find Objects Fragmented below High water mark (Doc ID 337651.1) Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 9.2 to 11.2]
1 收集表統計資訊
EXEC DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS(ownname => 'C##CJC',tabname => 't1',estimate_percent=>100,method_opt=> 'FOR ALL INDEXED COLUMNS',CASCADE=> TRUE,no_invalidate=> FALSE,degree=>2);
2 查詢高水位
set line 300 col table_name for a20 SELECT table_name, ROUND ( (blocks * 8), 2) "High_Water(K)", ROUND ( (num_rows * avg_row_len / 1024), 2) "USED_Space(K)", ROUND ( (blocks * 10 / 100) * 8, 2) "Reserve_Space(K)", ROUND ( ( blocks * 8 - (num_rows * avg_row_len / 1024) - blocks * 8 * 10 / 100), 2) "RECOVERY_Space(K)" FROM user_tables WHERE table_name='T1' ORDER BY 5 DESC; TABLE_NAME High_Water(K) USED_Space(K) Reserve_Space(K) RECOVERY_Space(K) -------------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- ----------------- T1 137896 1.33 13789.6 124105.07 SQL> select segment_name,bytes/1024 from user_segments where segment_name='T1'; SEGMENT_NA BYTES/1024 ---------- ---------- T1 139264
[oracle@cjcos02 ~]$ cat high_water.sql REM This is an example SQL*Plus Script to find tables fragmentated below high water mark REM set heading off verify off echo off set line 300 col table_name for a20 REM The below queries gives information about the size of the table with respect to the High water Mark REM note that BLOCKS*8192 is BLOCKS times the block size: 8192. Substitue your DB blocksize. PROMPT Please enter the schema name SELECT TABLE_NAME,BLOCKS*8192/1024/1024 MB FROM DBA_TABLES WHERE owner='&OWNER'; REM The below queries gives the actual size in MB used by the table in terms of data . REM You can use the difference of the two sql statements specified above to get the table which REM has fragementation below high water mark prompt Enter name(s) of schema for which you want to find fragemented object. PROMPT Please enter the schema name SELECT TABLE_NAME , (BLOCKS *8192 / 1024/1024 ) - (NUM_ROWS*AVG_ROW_LEN/1024/1024) "Data lower than HWM in MB" FROM DBA_TABLES WHERE UPPER(owner) =UPPER('&OWNER') order by 2 desc; SQL> @high_water.sql Please enter the schema name Enter value for owner: c##cjc old 1: SELECT TABLE_NAME,BLOCKS*8192/1024/1024 MB FROM DBA_TABLES WHERE owner='&OWNER' new 1: SELECT TABLE_NAME,BLOCKS*8192/1024/1024 MB FROM DBA_TABLES WHERE owner='c##cjc' no rows selected Please enter the schema name Enter value for owner: c##cjc old 2: "Data lower than HWM in MB" FROM DBA_TABLES WHERE UPPER(owner) =UPPER('&OWNER') order by 2 desc new 2: "Data lower than HWM in MB" FROM DBA_TABLES WHERE UPPER(owner) =UPPER('c##cjc') order by 2 desc TABLE_NAME Data lower than HWM in MB -------------------- ------------------------- T1 134.662766
查詢高水位,方法二:dump SEGMENT HEADER block
set linesize 200 pagesize 200 col owner for a10 col segment_name for a10 select owner,segment_name,header_file,header_block,SEGMENT_TYPE from dba_segments where segment_name='T1'; OWNER SEGMENT_NA HEADER_FILE HEADER_BLOCK SEGMENT_TYPE ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ------------------ C##CJC T1 17 130 TABLE
SQL> alter system dump datafile 17 block 130; System altered.
SQL>select value from v$diag_info where name='Default Trace File'; VALUE --------------------------------------------------------------------- /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/chendb/chendb/trace/chendb_ora_26119.trc
[oracle@cjcos02 ~]$ vim /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/chendb/chendb/trace/chendb_ora_26119.trc Trace file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/chendb/chendb/trace/chendb_ora_26119.trc Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production Version Build label: RDBMS_19. ORACLE_HOME: /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1 System name: Linux Node name: cjcos02 Release: 4.1.12-112.16.4.el7uek.x86_64 Version: #2 SMP Mon Mar 12 23:57:12 PDT 2018 Machine: x86_64 Instance name: chendb Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1 Oracle process number: 58 Unix process pid: 26119, image: oracle@cjcos02 (TNS V1-V3) ...... Extent Control Header ----------------------------------------------------------------- Extent Header:: spare1: 0 spare2: 0 #extents: 88 #blocks: 17408 last map 0x00000000 #maps: 0 offset: 2716 Highwater:: 0x04404480 ext#: 87 blk#: 1024 ext size: 1024 #blocks in seg. hdr's freelists: 0 #blocks below: 17237 mapblk 0x00000000 offset: 87 Unlocked -------------------------------------------------------- Low HighWater Mark : Highwater:: 0x04404480 ext#: 87 blk#: 1024 ext size: 1024 #blocks in seg. hdr's freelists: 0 #blocks below: 17237 mapblk 0x00000000 offset: 87 Level 1 BMB for High HWM block: 0x04404083 Level 1 BMB for Low HWM block: 0x04404083 -------------------------------------------------------- Segment Type: 1 nl2: 1 blksz: 8192 fbsz: 0 L2 Array start offset: 0x00001434 First Level 3 BMB: 0x00000000 L2 Hint for inserts: 0x04400081 Last Level 1 BMB: 0x04404083 Last Level II BMB: 0x04400081 Last Level III BMB: 0x00000000 Map Header:: next 0x00000000 #extents: 88 obj#: 76295 flag: 0x10000000 Inc # 1
查詢高水位,方法三:Segment Advisor
SQL> declare my_task_id number; obj_id number; my_task_name varchar2(100); my_task_desc varchar2(500); begin my_task_name :='advisor_test tab Advice'; my_task_desc :='Manual Segment Advisor Run'; -----step 1 /* 建立一個段顧問任務 */ dbms_advisor.create_task( advisor_name => 'Segment Advisor', task_id => my_task_id, task_name => my_task_name, task_desc =>my_task_desc); -----step 2 /* 為這個任務分配一個物件 */ dbms_advisor.create_object( task_name=>my_task_name, object_type=>'TABLE', --指定物件級別,假設為表物件則為'TABLE',假設為表空間級別則為'TABLESPACE' attr1=>'C##CJC', ---假設在表物件級別執行,這個屬性為username,表空間級別這個屬性為表空間名字 attr2 => 'T1', ---假設在表物件級別執行,這個屬性為表名,表空間級別這個屬性為null attr3 => NULL, attr4=>null, attr5=>null, object_id=>obj_id); -----step 3 /* 設定任務引數 */ dbms_advisor.set_task_parameter( task_name => my_task_name, /* 設定段顧問執行引數"ecommend_all"的值,為TRUE則為全部型別的物件的生成建議,為FALSE則僅生成與空間相關的建議 */ /* 還有一個滾問執行引數"time_limit",制定顧問執行的時間限制,預設值為無限制 */ parameter=>'recommend_all', value=>'TRUE'); -----step 4 /* 執行這個任務 */ dbms_advisor.execute_task(my_task_name); end; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
##3 刪除 ###SQL> exec dbms_advisor.delete_task(task_name => 'advisor_test tab Advice');
select /* "|chr(13)||chr(10)"為windows平臺的換行符,假設是linux等其他平臺,請用"chr(10)"取代 */ 'Task name :'||f.task_name||chr(13)||chr(10)|| 'Segment name :'||o.attr2 ||chr(13)||chr(10)|| 'Sement type :'||o.type ||chr(13)||chr(10)|| 'partition name:'||o.attr3 ||chr(13)||chr(10)|| 'Message :'||f.message ||chr(13)||chr(10)|| 'More info :'||f.more_info TASK_ADVICE from dba_advisor_findings f,dba_advisor_objects o where o.task_id=f.task_id and o.object_id=f.object_id and f.task_name = 'advisor_test tab Advice' order by f.task_name;
TASK_ADVICE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Task name :advisor_test tab Advice Segment name :T1 Sement type :TABLE partition name: Message :Enable row movement of the table C##CJC.T1 and perform shrink, estimated savings is 142605304 bytes. More info :Allocated Space:142606336: Used Space:1032: Reclaimable Space :142605304:
建立show_space儲存過程 create or replace procedure show_space ( p_segname in varchar2, p_owner in varchar2 default user, p_type in varchar2 default 'TABLE', p_partition in varchar2 default NULL ) -- this procedure uses authid current user so it can query DBA_* -- views using privileges from a ROLE and so it can be installed -- once per database, instead of once per user that wanted to use it authid current_user as l_free_blks number; l_total_blocks number; l_total_bytes number; l_unused_blocks number; l_unused_bytes number; l_LastUsedExtFileId number; l_LastUsedExtBlockId number; l_LAST_USED_BLOCK number; l_segment_space_mgmt varchar2(255); l_unformatted_blocks number; l_unformatted_bytes number; l_fs1_blocks number; l_fs1_bytes number; l_fs2_blocks number; l_fs2_bytes number; l_fs3_blocks number; l_fs3_bytes number; l_fs4_blocks number; l_fs4_bytes number; l_full_blocks number; l_full_bytes number; -- inline procedure to print out numbers nicely formatted -- with a simple label procedure p( p_label in varchar2, p_num in number ) is begin dbms_output.put_line( rpad(p_label,40,'.') || to_char(p_num,'999,999,999,999') ); end; begin -- this query is executed dynamically in order to allow this procedure -- to be created by a user who has access to DBA_SEGMENTS/TABLESPACES -- via a role as is customary. -- NOTE: at runtime, the invoker MUST have access to these two -- views! -- this query determines if the object is a ASSM object or not begin execute immediate 'select ts.segment_space_management from dba_segments seg, dba_tablespaces ts where seg.segment_name = :p_segname and (:p_partition is null or seg.partition_name = :p_partition) and seg.owner = :p_owner and seg.tablespace_name = ts.tablespace_name' into l_segment_space_mgmt using p_segname, p_partition, p_partition, p_owner; exception when too_many_rows then dbms_output.put_line ( 'This must be a partitioned table, use p_partition => '); return; end; -- if the object is in an ASSM tablespace, we must use this API -- call to get space information, else we use the FREE_BLOCKS -- API for the user managed segments if l_segment_space_mgmt = 'AUTO' then dbms_space.space_usage ( p_owner, p_segname, p_type, l_unformatted_blocks, l_unformatted_bytes, l_fs1_blocks, l_fs1_bytes, l_fs2_blocks, l_fs2_bytes, l_fs3_blocks, l_fs3_bytes, l_fs4_blocks, l_fs4_bytes, l_full_blocks, l_full_bytes, p_partition); p( 'Unformatted Blocks ', l_unformatted_blocks ); p( 'FS1 Blocks (0-25) ', l_fs1_blocks ); p( 'FS2 Blocks (25-50) ', l_fs2_blocks ); p( 'FS3 Blocks (50-75) ', l_fs3_blocks ); p( 'FS4 Blocks (75-100)', l_fs4_blocks ); p( 'Full Blocks ', l_full_blocks ); else dbms_space.free_blocks( segment_owner => p_owner, segment_name => p_segname, segment_type => p_type, freelist_group_id => 0, free_blks => l_free_blks); p( 'Free Blocks', l_free_blks ); end if; -- and then the unused space API call to get the rest of the -- information dbms_space.unused_space ( segment_owner => p_owner, segment_name => p_segname, segment_type => p_type, partition_name => p_partition, total_blocks => l_total_blocks, total_bytes => l_total_bytes, unused_blocks => l_unused_blocks, unused_bytes => l_unused_bytes, LAST_USED_EXTENT_FILE_ID => l_LastUsedExtFileId, LAST_USED_EXTENT_BLOCK_ID => l_LastUsedExtBlockId, LAST_USED_BLOCK => l_LAST_USED_BLOCK ); p( 'Total Blocks', l_total_blocks ); p( 'Total Bytes', l_total_bytes ); p( 'Total MBytes', trunc(l_total_bytes/1024/1024) ); p( 'Unused Blocks', l_unused_blocks ); p( 'Unused Bytes', l_unused_bytes ); p( 'Last Used Ext FileId', l_LastUsedExtFileId ); p( 'Last Used Ext BlockId', l_LastUsedExtBlockId ); p( 'Last Used Block', l_LAST_USED_BLOCK ); end; / SQL> exec show_space('T1'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> set serveroutput on SQL> exec show_space('T1'); Unformatted Blocks ..................... 0 FS1 Blocks (0-25) ..................... 0 FS2 Blocks (25-50) ..................... 0 FS3 Blocks (50-75) ..................... 0 FS4 Blocks (75-100)..................... 209 Full Blocks ..................... 17,028 Total Blocks............................ 17,408 Total Bytes............................. 142,606,336 Total MBytes............................ 136 Unused Blocks........................... 0 Unused Bytes............................ 0 Last Used Ext FileId.................... 17 Last Used Ext BlockId................... 16,512 Last Used Block......................... 1,024 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
一 truncate
如果表裡資料可以全部清空,可以透過truncate降低高水位 truncate table t1;
ALTER TABLE TABLE_NAME MOVE; 1 會鎖表 2 move是以block為單位重組資料,行的rowid都會跟著變化,索引會失效,需要重建索引。 3 需要準備兩倍的空間。 3 MOVE之後,HWM降低了,空閒塊也上去了。 但是分配的空間並沒有改變,仍然是1280個BLOCKS。
ALTER TABLE TABLE_NAME SHRINK SPACE; 在執行該指令之前必須開啟行移動。 1 壓縮segment,調整hwm,並馬上釋放空間 2 shrink是以行為單位重組資料,根據複雜演算法從邏輯+物理重組資料 3 shrink的演算法是從segment的底部開始,移動row到segment的頂部,移動的過程相當於delete/insert操作的組合,在這個過程中會產生大量的undo和redo資訊。 4 耗時可能非常長,通常慢於move。 5 對於空間的要求,shrink不需要額外的空間。 ALTER TABLE TABLE_NAME ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT; alter table <table_name> shrink space [ <null> | compact | cascade ]; alter table shrink space compact cascade; ALTER TABLE TABLE_NAME DISABLE ROW MOVEMENT; cascade: 縮小表及其索引,並移動高水位線,釋放空間,這個引數是在shrink table的時候自動級聯索引,相當於rebulid index。 compact: 僅僅是縮小表和索引,並不移動高水位線,不釋放空間 加上compact選項僅重新整理segment 空間,並壓縮表的記錄在以後進行release空間。 但資料庫並不調整hwm及釋放空間. 為了釋放空間.你必須再發布alter table shrink space --compact用於把一個長操作分割為兩個較短的操作 如果在業務繁忙時做壓縮,可以使用alter table shrink space compact來對錶格進行碎片整理,而不調整高水位線,之後再次呼叫alter table table_name shrink space來釋放空間。 也可以使用alter table table_name shrink space cascade來同時對索引都進行收縮,這等同於同時執行alter index idxname shrink space。
四 exp/imp或expdp/impdp
五 複製要保留的資料到臨時表T,DROP原表,然後RENAME臨時表T為原表。
例如: create table t2 as select * from t1; drop table t1 purge; rename t2 to t1;
###2021-03-01 22:10 chenjuchao###
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