1、DBCC TRACEON (3459, -1),不用重啟sqlserver服務
2、-T 3459引數加入sqlserver啟動引數
如果有-T 3459引數,則移除該引數,再重啟sqlserver
如果是DBCC TRACEON (3459, -1), 則直接重啟sqlserver
Parallel redo thread usage is well covered in "Thread usage by Availability Groups" here.
A SQL Server instance uses up to 100 threads for parallel redo for secondary replicas. Each database uses up to one-half of the total number of CPU cores, but not more than 16 threads per database. If the total number of required threads for a single instance exceeds 100, SQL Server uses a single redo thread for every remaining database.
When the host server has 32 or more CPU cores, each database will occupy 16 parallel redo worker threads and one helper worker thread. It means that all databases starting with the 7th database (ordered by database id ascending) that has joined availability group it will be in single thread redo or serial redo irrespective which database has actual redo workload. If a SQL Server Instance has a number of databases, and it is desired for a particular database to run under parallel redo model, the database creation order needs to be considered. Same idea can be
applied to force a database always runs in serial redo model as well. Again, in SQL Server instance level, the way to switch between parallel redo and serial redo is the TF 3459. All databases in the same SQL Server instance will be switched together. Also, to switch from serial redo to parallel redo by disable TF 3459, a SQL Server service restart is required
2、一個庫同步很慢,沒有用上並行,而且同步佇列還有100GB待同步,同步速度只有50M每秒,還需要1小時才能同步完,這個時候可以在主節點把其他庫包括它自己都移出AG,移除後,從節點看到已經同步完的資料庫的的狀態是restoring,沒有同步完的資料庫的狀態會是not Synchronizing,等1小時候not Synchronizing變成restoring後,再新增進AG,新增的過程會很快,且這個庫的狀態會是(Initializing/In recovery),但是在not Synchronizing到restoring這1小時期間主節點生成的日誌需要同步到從節點,這1小時期間生成的日誌需要30分鐘才能同步到從節點,但是此時因為這個庫以第一的順序加入了AG,使用了並行,比如並行度為8,這個(Initializing/In recovery)也會很快完成,只需要4分鐘(30分鐘/8)左右就能完成
3、檢視一個AG庫有沒有用上並行,查詢sys.sysprocesses該庫對應的cmd自動是否為"PARALLEL REDO TA"即可,為"PARALLEL REDO TA",說明用上了並行
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/30126024/viewspace-2757107/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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