【XTTS】 xttdriver.pl命令參考
Option | Description |
-S prepare source for transfer |
-S option is used only when Prepare phase method is dbms_file_transfer. Prepare step is run once on the source system during Phase 2A with the environment (ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID) set to the source database. This step creates files xttnewdatafiles.txt and getfile.sql. |
-G get datafiles from source |
-G option is used only when Prepare phase method is dbms_file_transfer. Get datafiles step is run once on the destination system during Phase 2A with the environment (ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID) set to the destination database. The -S option must be run beforehand and files xttnewdatafiles.txt and getfile.sql transferred to the destination system. This option connects to the destination database and runs script getfile.sql. getfile.sql invokes dbms_file_transfer.get_file() subprogram for each datafile to transfer it from the source database directory object (defined by parameter srcdir) to the destination database directory object (defined by parameter dstdir) over a database link (defined by parameter srclink). |
-p prepare source for backup |
-p option is used only when Prepare phase method is RMAN backup.
Prepare step is run once on the source system during Phase 2B with the environment (ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID) set to the source database.
-c convert datafiles |
-c option is used only when Prepare phase method is RMAN backup.
Convert datafiles step is run once on the destination system during Phase 2B with the environment (ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID) set to the destination database.
-i create incremental |
Create incremental step is run one or more times on the source system with the environment (ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID) set to the source database.
This step reads the SCNs listed in $TMPDIR/xttplan.txt and generates an incremental backup that will be used to roll forward the datafile copies on the destination system. |
-r rollforward datafiles |
Rollforward datafiles step is run once for every incremental backup created with the environment (ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID) set to the destination database.
This step connects to the incremental convert instance using the parameters cnvinst_home and cnvinst_sid, converts the incremental backup pieces created by the Create Incremental step, then connects to the destination database and rolls forward the datafile copies by applying the incremental for each tablespace being transported. |
-s determine new FROM_SCN |
Determine new FROM_SCN step is run one or more times with the environment (ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID) set to the source database.
This step calculates the next FROM_SCN, records it in the file xttplan.txt, then uses that SCN when the next incremental backup is created in step 3.1. It reports the mapping of the new FROM_SCN to wall clock time to indicate how far behind the changes in the next incremental backup will be. |
-e generate Data Pump TTS command |
Generate Data Pump TTS command step is run once on the destination system with the environment (ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID) set to the destination database.
This step creates the template of a Data Pump Import command that uses a network_link to import metadata of objects that are in the tablespaces being transported. |
-d debug | -d option enables debug mode for xttdriver.pl and RMAN commands it executes. Debug mode can also be enabled by setting environment variable XTTDEBUG=1. |
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29487349/viewspace-2747594/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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