8.4.2. bytea Escape Format
Escape Format
8.4.2.bytea escape格式
The “escape” format is the traditional PostgreSQL format for the
type. It takes the approach of
representing a binary string as a sequence of ASCII characters, while converting those bytes that cannot
be represented as an ASCII character into special escape sequences. If, from the point of view of the
application, representing bytes as characters makes sense, then this representation can be convenient.
But in practice it is usually confusing because it fuzzes up the distinction between binary strings and
character strings, and also the particular escape mechanism that was chosen is somewhat unwieldy.
Therefore, this format should probably be avoided for most new applications.
When entering
values in escape format, octets of certain values
be escaped, while all
octet values
be escaped. In general, to escape an octet, convert it into its three-digit octal value and
precede it by a backslash. Backslash itself (octet decimal value 92) can alternatively be represented
by double backslashes. Table 8.7 shows the characters that must be escaped, and gives the alternative
escape sequences where applicable.
在以escape格式輸入bytea值時,必須對某些值的八位位元組進行轉義,也可對所有八位位元組值都進行轉義。通常,要轉義八位位元組,需先將其轉換為三位數的八進位制值,並在其前加反斜槓。 反斜槓本身(八位位元組的十進位制值92)也可以用雙反斜槓表示。 表8.7顯示了必須轉義的字元,並給出了相適應的替代轉義序列。

The requirement to escape
octets varies depending on locale settings. In some instances
you can get away with leaving them unescaped.
The reason that single quotes must be doubled, as shown in Table 8.7, is that this is true for any string
literal in a SQL command. The generic string-literal parser consumes the outermost single quotes and
reduces any pair of single quotes to one data character. What the
input function sees is just
one single quote, which it treats as a plain data character. However, the
input function treats
backslashes as special, and the other behaviors shown in Table 8.7 are implemented by that function.
如表8.7所示,單引號必須寫兩次。通用字串文字解析器使用最外面的單引號,並將任何一對單引號都簡化為一個資料字元。bytea輸入函式看到的只是一個單引號,它將其視為純資料字元。 但是,bytea輸入函式將反斜槓視為特殊字元,表8.7中所示的其他行為由該函式實現。
In some contexts, backslashes must be doubled compared to what is shown above, because the generic
string-literal parser will also reduce pairs of backslashes to one data character; see Section
octets are output in
format by default. If you change bytea_output to
, “nonprintable”
octets are converted to their equivalent three-digit octal value and preceded by one backslash.
Most “printable” octets are output by their standard representation in the client character set, e.g.:
SET bytea_output = 'escape';
SELECT 'abc \153\154\155 \052\251\124'::bytea;
abc klm *\251T
The octet with decimal value 92 (backslash) is doubled in the output. Details are in Table 8.8.
。 詳情參見表8.8。

Depending on the front end to PostgreSQL you use, you might have additional work to do in terms of
escaping and unescaping
strings. For example, you might also have to escape line feeds and
carriage returns if your interface automatically translates these.
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