Fitness function-driven development(測試驅動開發) 翻譯


TDD 的一個翻譯,原文地址:Fitness function-driven development

原文:Fitness function-driven development

測試驅動開發是以先編寫測試樣例然後編寫最少可以透過測試樣例的程式碼為基準進行開發的開發方式 TDD是一種成熟的功能開發實踐,可以提高程式碼質量和測試覆蓋率

Test-driven development, or TDD, involves writing tests first then developing the minimal code needed to pass the tests. TDD is an established practice for feature development that can improve code quality and test coverage. What about other, non-functional requirements such as scalability, reliability, observability, and other architectural “-ilities”? How do we ensure operability and resiliency of features when they go to production? How can we encourage teams to build in these architectural standards, just as test-driven development builds in code quality and test coverage?
