什麼是Amazon S3?(英文版)

Tech In Pieces發表於2020-12-26

Amazon S3 is an object base store.

  • It’s not like EBS, it’s not storage that’s attached to an EC2
    instance, it’s an object store, not a block store.
  • It’s a great place to store static content, like javascript, css, images, videos. This sort of content does not need to sit on an EC2 instance.
  • Highly durable, 11 9’s of reliability.
  • Infinitely scalable, throw as much data as it as you want. Customers
    store multiple petabytes of data in S3.
  • Objects of up to 5TB in size are supported.
  • Encryption is supported. You can use Amazon’s encryption, your
    encryption, or an encryption service.
