什麼是Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)【AWS中的概念】
ELB is a highly available managed load balancer. The ELB exists in all AZs. It’s a single DNS endpoint for your application. Just put it in Route 53 and it will load balance across your web host instances.
The ELB has Health Checks that make sure traffic doesn’t flow to failed hosts.
It scales without your doing anything. If it sees additional traffic it scales behind the scenes both horizontally and vertically. You don’t have to manage it. As your applications scales so is the ELB.
- 彈性負載均衡(Elastic Load Balance,ELB)負載AST
- Azure Load Balancer : 簡介
- Azure Load Balancer : 支援 IPv6
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- Azure Load Balancer(一) 為我們的Web專案提供負載均衡Web負載