Airflow 2正式出來了
Airflow 2正式出來了
Airflow 2.0.0, 2020-12-17
def extract():
return {“1001”: 301.27, “1002”: 433.21, “1003”: 502.22}
2.Fully specified REST API (AIP-32)
更全的 REST API 介面。提供外部呼叫。
3.Massive Scheduler performance improvements
As part of AIP-15 (Scheduler HA+performance) and other work Kamil did, we significantly improved the performance of the Airflow Scheduler. It now starts tasks much, MUCH quicker.
4.Scheduler is now HA compatible (AIP-15)
5.Task Groups (AIP-34)
可以在任務中建子任務(一個任務中包含多個子任務),可以在web UI上鑽取操作。
6.Refreshed UI
7.Smart Sensors for reduced load from sensors (AIP-17)
8.Simplified KubernetesExecutor
減化 KubernetesExecutor 執行器。
9.Airflow core and providers: Splitting Airflow into 60+ packages
將airflow 安裝包分成多個安裝包,可單獨下載
Configuration in the form of the airflow.cfg file has been rationalized further in distinct sections, specifically around “core”. Additionally, a significant amount of configuration options have been deprecated or moved to individual component-specific configuration files, such as the pod-template-file for Kubernetes execution-related configuration.
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