clarity, texture and sharpening


clarity works on mid-tone, basically add the constrast to the mid-tone. you could rephrase it as “pouching” tool
Clarity is used to increase local contrast - which is the separation between tones on a smaller level.

texture works on mid-frequency area,

sharpening is designed to conteract the blur introduced by lens.
Use sharpness for normal sharpening, and use just a little bit of clarity to counter unwanted softness of the image.
Try the Clarity slider if:

Your image consists of high-frequency features
The effect is needed on a more global scale
Your image is a landscape
The image is black and white
Try the Texture slider if:

Your image has large areas of mid to low-frequency features
A more subtle enhancement is needed
The image is a portrait
Your image has extreme color contrasts/saturation
