673. Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence
Given an integer array nums, return the number of longest increasing subsequences.
Notice that the sequence has to be strictly increasing.
Example 1:
Input: nums = [1,3,5,4,7]
Output: 2
Explanation: The two longest increasing subsequences are [1, 3, 4, 7] and [1, 3, 5, 7].
Example 2:
Input: nums = [2,2,2,2,2]
Output: 5
Explanation: The length of longest continuous increasing subsequence is 1, and there are 5 subsequences' length is 1, so output 5.
1 <= nums.length <= 2000
-106 <= nums[i] <= 106
class Solution {
public int findNumberOfLIS(int[] nums) {
if (nums.length <= 1) {
return nums.length;
int []len = new int[nums.length];
Arrays.fill(len, 1);
int []count = new int[nums.length];
Arrays.fill(count, 1);
int max = 0;
int maxCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (nums[i] > nums[j]) {
if (len[i] == len[j] + 1) {
// 說明 nums[i] 這個數字可以加在以 nums[j] 結尾的遞增序列後面
// 則以 nums[j] 結尾的遞增序列個數可以直接加到以 nums[i] 結尾的遞增序列個數上
count[i] += count[j];
} else if (len[i] < len[j] + 1) {
// 說明找到了一條長度更長的遞增序列,直接更新len[i]和count[i],與j保持一致
len[i] = len[j] + 1;
count[i] = count[j];
// 更新最終長度與最終答案
if (len[i] == max) {
maxCount += count[i];
} else if (len[i] > max) {
max = len[i];
maxCount = count[i];
return maxCount;
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