使用者可以靜默模式執行netca 命令去配置並啟動 Oracle 網路監聽( listener.ora )、配置命名方式和配置配置網路服務名( tnsnames.ora )。
Oracle 提供了一個響應檔案模板,叫做 netca.rsp 。
靜默模式執行netca ,需要如下幾個步驟:
1) 複製響應檔案模板netca.rsp 到指定位置
相應檔案模板位於< 解壓目錄 >/database/response/netca.rsp
$ cp netca.rsp /home/oracle/
2) 配置netca.rsp 請見後文
netca.rsp 檔案如果配置錯誤,有可能導致執行 netca 命令失敗,建議保持預設即可。
3) 執行netca 命令
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin>netca -silent -responsefile / home/oracle /netca.rsp
Parsing command line arguments:
Parameter "silent" = true
Parameter "responsefile" = /home/oracle/netca.rsp
Done parsing command line arguments.
Oracle Net Services Configuration:
Profile configuration complete.
Oracle Net Listener Startup:
Running Listener Control:
/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/lsnrctl start LISTENER
Listener Control complete.
Listener started successfully.
Listener configuration complete.
Oracle Net Services configuration successful. The exit code is 0
注:netca.rsp 模板如下
$ more netca.rsp
## Copyright(c) 1998, 2011 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. ##
## ##
## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize your ##
## installation. ##
## ##
## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment ##
## identifies the variable type. ##
## ##
## Please specify the values in the following format: ##
## ##
## Type Example ##
## String "Sample Value" ##
## Boolean True or False ##
## Number 1000 ##
## StringList {"String value 1","String Value 2"} ##
## ##
## ##
## This sample response file causes the Oracle Net Configuration ##
## Assistant (NetCA) to complete an Oracle Net configuration during ##
## a custom install of the Oracle11g server which is similar to ##
## what would be created by the NetCA during typical Oracle11g ##
## install. It also documents all of the NetCA response file ##
## variables so you can create your own response file to configure ##
## Oracle Net during an install the way you wish. ##
## ##
# Name : SHOW_GUI
# Datatype : Boolean
# Description: This variable controls appearance/suppression of the NetCA GUI,
# Pre-req : N/A
# Default : TRUE
# Note:
# This must be set to false in order to run NetCA in silent mode.
# This is a substitute of "/silent" flag in the NetCA command line.
# The command line flag has precedence over the one in this response file.
# This feature is present since
# Name : LOG_FILE
# Datatype : String
# Description: If present, NetCA will log output to this file in addition to the
# standard out.
# Pre-req : N/A
# Default : NONE
# Note:
# This is a substitute of "/log" in the NetCA command line.
# The command line argument has precedence over the one in this response file.
# This feature is present since
#INSTALLED_COMPONENTS;StringList;list of installed components
# The possible values for installed components are:
# "net8","server","client","aso", "cman", "javavm"
#INSTALL_TYPE;String;type of install
# The possible values for install type are:
# "typical","minimal" or "custom"
#LISTENER_NUMBER;Number;Number of Listeners
# A typical install sets one listener
#LISTENER_NAMES;StringList;list of listener names
# The values for listener are:
# A typical install sets only "LISTENER"
#LISTENER_PROTOCOLS;StringList;list of listener addresses (protocols and parameters separated by semicolons)
# The possible values for listener protocols are:
# "TCP;1521","TCPS;2484","NMP;ORAPIPE","IPC;IPCKEY","VI;1521"
# A typical install sets only "TCP;1521"
#LISTENER_START;String;name of the listener to start, in double quotes
#NAMING_METHODS;StringList;list of naming methods
# The possible values for naming methods are:
# A typical install sets only: "TNSNAMES","ONAMES","HOSTNAMES"
#NOVELL_NAMECONTEXT;String;Novell Directory Service name context, in double quotes
# A typical install does not use this variable.
#SUN_METAMAP;String; SUN meta map, in double quotes
# A typical install does not use this variable.
#DCE_CELLNAME;String;DCE cell name, in double quotes
# A typical install does not use this variable.
#NSN_NUMBER;Number;Number of NetService Names
# A typical install sets one net service name
#NSN_NAMES;StringList;list of Net Service names
# A typical install sets net service name to "EXTPROC_CONNECTION_DATA"
#NSN_SERVICE;StringList;Oracle11g database's service name
# A typical install sets Oracle11g database's service name to "PLSExtProc"
#NSN_PROTOCOLS;StringList;list of coma separated strings of Net Service Name protocol parameters
# The possible values for net service name protocol parameters are:
# A typical install sets parameters to "IPC;EXTPROC"
---- end ----
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/31529886/viewspace-2739006/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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