Author: jonas1
A BoxProcessingFunctional3D_L is intended to act on a
single lattice, while a BoxProcessingFunctional3D_LL acts at the same
time on two lattices, for example to transfer information from one
lattice to the other. As examples that are potentially helpful to you,
a fully working instance of the BoxProcessingFunctional3D_LL can be
found in palabos/src/multiPhysics/boussinesqThermalProcessor3D.h,
where it is used to couple a fluid with the temperature field, and
other examples are in
palabos/src/dataProcessors/dataAnalysisFunctional3D.h, where the data
processors are used to transfer data from one lattice to another.
BoxProcessingFunctional3D_L 作用於一個lattice上。
BoxProcessingFunctional3D_LL同時作用在兩個lattice上,比如從lattice1傳遞資訊至lattice2,可以在palabos/src/multiPhysics/boussinesqThermalProcessor3D.h中找到一個例子 。這個例子是用來耦合流體與溫度場。
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