MySQL 5.7.22
Semisync can wait for slave ACKs at one of two points, AFTER_SYNC or AFTER_COMMIT. AFTER_SYNC is the default value. AFTER_SYNC means that semisynchronous replication waits just after the binary log file is flushed, but before the engine commits, and so guarantees that no other sessions can see the data before replicated to slave. AFTER_COMMIT means that semisynchronous replication waits just after the engine commits. Other sessions may see the data before it is replicated, even though the current session is still waiting for the commit to end successfully.
From: Source Code mysql-5.7.22\plugin\semisync\
Replication: Semisynchronous replication master servers now use a different wait point by default in communicating wih slaves. This is the point at which the master waits for acknowledgment of transaction receipt by a slave before returning a status to the client that committed the transaction. The wait point is controlled by the new rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_point system variable. These values are permitted:
AFTER_SYNC (the default): The master writes each transaction to its binary log and the slave, and syncs the binary log to disk. The master waits for slave acknowledgment of transaction receipt after the sync. Upon receiving acknowledgment, the master commits the transaction to the storage engine and returns a result to the client, which then can proceed.
AFTER_COMMIT: The master writes each transaction to its binary log and the slave, syncs the binary log, and commits the transaction to the storage engine. The master waits for slave acknowledgment of transaction receipt after the commit. Upon receiving acknowledgment, the master returns a result to the client, which then can proceed.
For older versions of MySQL, semisynchronous master behavior is equivalent to a setting of AFTER_COMMIT.
The replication characteristics of these settings differ as follows:
With AFTER_SYNC, all clients see the committed transaction at the same time: After it has been acknowledged by the slave and committed to the storage engine on the master. Thus, all clients see the same data on the master.
In the event of master failure, all transactions committed on the master have been replicated to the slave (saved to its relay log). A crash of the master and failover to the slave is lossless because the slave is up to date.
With AFTER_COMMIT, the client issuing the transaction gets a return status only after the server commits to the storage engine and receives slave acknowledgment. After the commit and before slave acknowledgment, other clients can see the committed transaction before the committing client.
If something goes wrong such that the slave does not process the transaction, then in the event of a master crash and failover to the slave, it is possible that such clients will see a loss of data relative to what they saw on the master.
The new wait point is a behavior change, but requires no reconfiguration. The change does introduce a version compatibility constraint because it increments the semisynchronous interface version: Servers for MySQL 5.7.2 and up do not work with semisynchronous replication plugins from older versions, nor do servers from older versions work with semisynchronous replication plugins for MySQL 5.7.2 and up.
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `syk`.`t` ( `t` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `a` int(11) DEFAULT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;insert into syk.t (t,a) values(now(),1);commit;
while (true);domysql -uroot -pmysql-001 -e "select now(),t,a from syk.t" -s --skip-column-names 2>&1 | grep -v Warningsleep 1done
mysql> show variables like '%rpl%point%';+---------------------------------+------------+| Variable_name | Value |+---------------------------------+------------+| rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_point | AFTER_SYNC |+---------------------------------+------------+mysql> show global status like '%rpl%master%status%';+-----------------------------+-------+| Variable_name | Value |+-----------------------------+-------+| Rpl_semi_sync_master_status | ON |+-----------------------------+-------+mysql> select * from syk.t;+---------------------+------+| t | a |+---------------------+------+| 2018-08-02 14:57:15 | 1 |+---------------------+------+
mysql> update syk.t set t=now() where a=1; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec) Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0mysql> commit; Query OK, 0 rows affected (10.00 sec) mysql> select * from syk.t;+---------------------+------+| t | a |+---------------------+------+| 2018-08-02 15:21:51 | 1 |+---------------------+------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
2018-08-02 15:21:50 2018-08-02 14:57:15 12018-08-02 15:21:51 2018-08-02 14:57:15 1 <=========2018-08-02 15:21:52 2018-08-02 14:57:15 12018-08-02 15:21:53 2018-08-02 14:57:15 12018-08-02 15:21:54 2018-08-02 14:57:15 12018-08-02 15:21:55 2018-08-02 14:57:15 12018-08-02 15:21:56 2018-08-02 14:57:15 12018-08-02 15:21:57 2018-08-02 14:57:15 12018-08-02 15:21:58 2018-08-02 14:57:15 12018-08-02 15:21:59 2018-08-02 14:57:15 12018-08-02 15:22:00 2018-08-02 14:57:15 12018-08-02 15:22:01 2018-08-02 14:57:15 12018-08-02 15:22:02 2018-08-02 14:57:15 12018-08-02 15:22:03 2018-08-02 14:57:15 12018-08-02 15:22:04 2018-08-02 14:57:15 12018-08-02 15:22:05 2018-08-02 15:21:51 1 <=========
set global rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_point=AFTER_COMMIT;
mysql> show variables like '%rpl%point%';+---------------------------------+--------------+| Variable_name | Value |+---------------------------------+--------------+| rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_point | AFTER_COMMIT |+---------------------------------+--------------+1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> show global status like '%rpl%master%status%';+-----------------------------+-------+| Variable_name | Value |+-----------------------------+-------+| Rpl_semi_sync_master_status | ON |+-----------------------------+-------+1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from syk.t;+---------------------+------+| t | a |+---------------------+------+| 2018-08-02 15:21:51 | 1 |+---------------------+------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> update syk.t set t=now() where a=1; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0mysql> commit; Query OK, 0 rows affected (10.01 sec) mysql> select * from syk.t;+---------------------+------+| t | a |+---------------------+------+| 2018-08-02 15:38:42 | 1 |+---------------------+------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
2018-08-02 15:38:41 2018-08-02 15:21:51 12018-08-02 15:38:42 2018-08-02 15:21:51 12018-08-02 15:38:43 2018-08-02 15:38:42 1 <=========2018-08-02 15:38:44 2018-08-02 15:38:42 12018-08-02 15:38:45 2018-08-02 15:38:42 12018-08-02 15:38:46 2018-08-02 15:38:42 12018-08-02 15:38:47 2018-08-02 15:38:42 12018-08-02 15:38:48 2018-08-02 15:38:42 12018-08-02 15:38:49 2018-08-02 15:38:42 12018-08-02 15:38:50 2018-08-02 15:38:42 12018-08-02 15:38:51 2018-08-02 15:38:42 12018-08-02 15:38:52 2018-08-02 15:38:42 12018-08-02 15:38:53 2018-08-02 15:38:42 12018-08-02 15:38:54 2018-08-02 15:38:42 12018-08-02 15:38:55 2018-08-02 15:38:42 12018-08-02 15:38:56 2018-08-02 15:38:42 1
AFTER_SYNC意味著半同步複製,在binary log被flush之後,在儲存引擎commit前進入等待,這可以保證資料在被複制到從庫前不被其他會話可見;
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