function和bound method的區別




Method就是封裝了一個func和一個class object;

Function的__get__可以把自己和一個class object封裝到一個bounded method裡面去;


Python’s object oriented features are built upon a function based environment. Using non-data descriptors, the two are merged seamlessly.

Functions stored in class dictionaries get turned into methods when invoked. Methods only differ from regular functions in that the object instance is prepended to the other arguments. By convention, the instance is called self but could be called this or any other variable name.

Methods can be created manually with types.MethodType which is roughly equivalent to:

class MethodType:
    "Emulate Py_MethodType in Objects/classobject.c"

    def __init__(self, func, obj):
        self.__func__ = func
        self.__self__ = obj

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        func = self.__func__
        obj = self.__self__
        return func(obj, *args, **kwargs)

To support automatic creation of methods, functions include the __get__() method for binding methods during attribute access. This means that functions are non-data descriptors that return bound methods during dotted lookup from an instance. Here’s how it works:

class Function:

    def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
        "Simulate func_descr_get() in Objects/funcobject.c"
        if obj is None:
            return self
        return MethodType(self, obj)

Running the following class in the interpreter shows how the function descriptor works in practice:

class D:
    def f(self, x):
         return x

The function has a qualified name attribute to support introspection:


>>> D.f.__qualname__

Accessing the function through the class dictionary does not invoke __get__(). Instead, it just returns the underlying function object:


>>> D.__dict__['f']
<function D.f at 0x00C45070>

Dotted access from a class calls __get__() which just returns the underlying function unchanged:


>>> D.f
<function D.f at 0x00C45070>

The interesting behavior occurs during dotted access from an instance. The dotted lookup calls __get__() which returns a bound method object:


>>> d = D()
>>> d.f
<bound method D.f of <__main__.D object at 0x00B18C90>>

Internally, the bound method stores the underlying function and the bound instance:


>>> d.f.__func__
<function D.f at 0x1012e5ae8>

>>> d.f.__self__
<__main__.D object at 0x1012e1f98>

If you have ever wondered where self comes from in regular methods or where cls comes from in class methods, this is it!
